
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, January 21, 2017

Felda doesn’t have leakages, leakages have Felda

YOURSAY | ‘As usual, all the tuna gone, only little ikan bilis left for those poor farmers.’
Just a Malaysian: It is so nonchalant in Malaysia to say "there are leakages" as though we are talking about a mechanical problem. It is actually a moral, ethical, legal , political and system failure. A total letdown and betrayal by the people the rakyat entrusted to safeguard public assets. A theft and robbery and systematic stealing of the country. In other nations the whole management up to the PM would be held accountable. In Malaysia it is taken so lightly.
Slumdog: So Felda chairperson Shahrir Samad, what are you going to do about the ‘leakages’ in Felda Investment Corporation Sdn Bhd? You have now admitted that poor investment decisions were made which resulted in losses. By chance, does the evasive use of the word ‘leakages’ actually mean an attempt to cover-up corruption and plundering of Felda funds by politicians and management?
Anyway, we all know that corruption is allegedly ingrained in the Umno culture. In the next six to eight months everything will be swept under the carpet, all will be forgotten and the next plunder will be in the planning stage and executed before our eyes.
Existential Turd: I was once told a joke by a colleague from India; the roads in India don't have potholes, potholes in India have roads. The joke highlights the fact that there are some many potholes on the road, they become the norm.
Likewise, Felda or for that matter, any branch of government, doesn't have leakages, leakages have Felda.
Mushiro: If Felda had leakages, be specific and state the amount. Make a police report. Felda should stop dreaming of making extra earnings as they are not capable, not even with Shahrir on board. Buying Eagle High shares is the next phase of conning Felda. Stop the ‘rape’ of Felda.
Abasir: ‘Leakages’ has become ‘Umnospeak’ for big-time corruption, swindling and outright theft. These people are simply shameless.
Watan: There are words which are popular in a certain country, like ‘donation’, ‘leakage’, ‘dedak’ (animal feed), ‘saving’ and ‘AP’ (Approved Permit), these are words where corrupt money could be turned into legal money, in the land of endless possibilities.
RCZ: And we are to accept this? Another theft disguised as an investment and all you do is ask the board to resign and try and make good the losses? Where is the accountability and the arrest of thieves and kleptocrats who bought and stayed in hotels in the UK when the opposition were screaming that these investments ought not to be done with plantations and settlers’ monies and livelihoods?
The opposition was screaming that the monies should be used for the plantations and benefit of the settlers and now when billions are gone, you change the leader and the new leader tries to clear up the theft and mess left? Sick, sick, sick. We want heads to roll and civil actions to sue and recover the billions from crooks who acted with sheer negligence, theft and mismanagement.
Anonymous 539281478077880: Shahrir, that means what had been said by PKR vice-president Rafizi Ramli is nothing but the truth. Why all the ‘sandiwara’ then by the BN government. Admit your mistakes. I sincerely hope that the Felda chairperson Shahrir Samad can put the house in order. In future please listen to the opposition side, too.
Guna Otak: So, Shahrir, are these leakages criminal in nature? Or, do you follow the usual modus operandi and declare that all is well? Whatever leakages are due to silly mistakes?
Anonymous #40538199: We all know there are leakages. But we would be very angry if again, no one is held accountable and after the changing of the guard, business as usual.
Land of dedak eaters: Felda, you are supposed to help the poor settlers learn to be self-reliant. What did you do? You allegedly grabbed the land, gave them paper at RM4.60, now worth less than RM1.60. What did you do with the proceeds? Went and bought some London properties, etc.
This is all on your heads. Now your borrowing are sky high. I really want to know how much the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) lost on selling these Felda Global Ventures shares.
Caripasal: "Selling the valuable Maybank shares to purchase the beleaguered Eagle High Plantations", a truly excellent strategy. This reminded me of MAS selling its building and aircraft years ago. Will Felda soon sell its lands as well as the settlers?
Kingfisher: Kudos to Shahrir Samad for his sensible statements regarding his responsibility and means to solve problems he has inherited in his new position. Felda's historical significance and its ‘brand’ will be well-served if he eventually demonstrate lessons learnt by identifying inefficient management decisions in the previous administration.
Worldly Wise: Shahrir is sometimes his honest old self. Thank you for admitting that there were "a lot of leakages".
Anonymous #01428088: Mana ada? Be careful, Malaysian Official 1 (MO1) is going to kick your backside.
Ipoh pp: Leakages, eh, nice word. Say stolen. Leaking is more for liquids like water, oil, etc. For all this stealing they should be given one silver bullet.

TwoTermsOnly: As usual, all the tuna gone, only little ikan bilis left for those poor farmers. And still life goes on as normal. - Mkini

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