
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, January 21, 2017

Tahyul Nasional 50 (TN50)

Last night I listened to the TN50 live discussion (because someone sent me an sms and we happened to be having a late dinner in front of the TV - balik lambat, we work for a living).  Then today someone sent me this:

It was the dumbest farce that can only come from Super Moron.

My first question is why does KJ stand hunched over ? Hunchback of Rembau ke brader? Stand up straight ok. I notice some other things bro but I will not say it here.  

At the end of the program Moron said the 'perbincangan malam ini sungguh berjaya'  or words to that effect.  Duduk dalam bakul angkat sendiri. 

It was a real farce. Moron said let the audience ask the questions. A few people did ask questions. To which Moron gave one liner or one word replies.

'Ya sungguh tepat sekali' was Moron's rejoinder to a full three minute comment.

The Chinese girl who spoke about the environment  also received a 'yes those are very valid points' or words to that effect.

Thats it? Is that all you have to say? Where are the all-encompassing, full-of-wisdom and inspirational answers from the great chicken sh_t leader? Tak ada pun. Short one liners and uneducated answers.

That carbon-free question, the Civil Servant question and that Pakistani boy from Sabah were obviously planted to ask the questions.  And of course that guy from Pemuda UMNO. Too obvious.

I cant recall much of what Moron said because he did not say much. 

This is what I gather.  
  • The "high income nation" is not going to be achieved. 
  • The Wawasan 2020 is not going to be achieved by 2020.
  • That is why they are launching TN50.
  • Its just a postponement to 2050,  33 years away. 
By that time Moron will be 96 years old. 
Hippo will be 102 years old.

When the audience asked those questions or made those points you could see Moron becoming pucat, his face turned pale.

He does not understand what the questions are about. The diversion about the environment was obviously a diversion. To divert from other real issues.

Here is some advice ok, to whoever was behind this comedy.

Dont waste your camera film or digital memory capacity trying to take good pictures of Hippo. You cant. The creature does not take good pictures. From any angle.  I wish I can tell you who told me this. One of your guys.

Dont waste your time trying to make Moron sound intelligent. You cant. The creature is just blur.  Reading from a prepared script yes. But having a conversation is not possible. 

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