
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, June 1, 2019

What Makes You Think Malaysians Want Anwar As PM?

In short, Anwar is a political prostitute who imagines he is doing humanity a huge favour by becoming the Prime Minister of Malaysia. He imagines that Allah created him with only one motive in mind, to become Malaysia’s Prime Minister. The uncertainty and confusion that will be triggered if Anwar ever becomes Prime Minister will be so bad that many will commit suicide out of regret for supporting Anwar.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
In the May 2018 general election, only 2 million people voted for PKR. Another 2.5 million voted for Umno, 2 million voted for PAS, 2 million voted for DAP, 700,000 voted for PPBM, 655,000 voted for Amanah, and 4.2 million voted for the other parties.
So what makes these PKR people, Anwar Ibrahim and Dr Wan Azizah Ismail included, imagine that with just 2 million votes which PKR received this is indicative that Anwar has been chosen by Allah to become Malaysia’s Prime Minister?
Not everyone in PKR supports Anwar. Many PPBM, DAP and Amanah people also do not support Anwar, while some in Umno support Anwar, though for selfish reasons. Most in PAS detest Anwar. In fact, many of the ex-PAS people who are now in Amanah also believe that Anwar is an immoral person and is guilty of all the crimes he was alleged to have committed.

Anwar will not committ himself and will kiss all sides of the divide just to become popular

Just because Pakatan Harapan currently happens to be the federal government that does not mean they all want Anwar as Prime Minister. Between Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Anwar, many prefer Mahathir. In fact, between Najib and Anwar many would choose Najib in spite of what you may say about Najib.
The ‘good’ thing about having Anwar as the prime minister would be Malaysia would be in a even bigger mess than now. So, in the interest of seeing Pakatan Harapan fall faster, it is better that Anwar takes over as soon as possible.
Whatever you may think or say about Mahathir, whether he is a dictator or not, one positive quality about Mahathir is he is decisive and firm. He will decide based on what he wants and he will implement his decisions without caring what people may say.

Anwar banyak wayang but no substance

At least with Mahathir things get done, popular or not. With Anwar you will get wishy-washy decisions. Anwar will not commit himself to anything. He will try to please both sides — or even three or four sides — and not take an unpopular stand.
Take RUU355 as one example. Anwar will not state whether he is pro-RUU355 or anti-RUU355. RUU355 was the catalyst to break up Pakatan Rakyat so it is a very important issue but Anwar never said what his stand is.
When during an interview he was asked if he is gay, he refused to answer and went on and on about the political conspiracy against him. Anwar meant Mahathir, of course, but now he refuses to repeat the allegation he made in the past that Mahathir fabricated the allegations against him.
At least with Mahathir what you see is what you get and he does what he wants without caring about popularity
Anwar kisses the Arabs and at the same time kisses the Jews. Anwar is pro-America and also pro all those who hate America as well. Where does Anwar stand? He will never reveal where he stands and will kiss and hug any and all who can further his political ambitions.
In short, Anwar is a political prostitute who imagines he is doing humanity a huge favour by becoming the Prime Minister of Malaysia. He imagines that Allah created him with only one motive in mind, to become Malaysia’s Prime Minister. The uncertainty and confusion that will be triggered if Anwar ever becomes Prime Minister will be so bad that many will commit suicide out of regret for supporting Anwar.

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