
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Anwar May Be PM Before Christmas

Mahathir is tired and totally fed up with the entire situation. When he took over as Prime Minister in May last year, this was not what he expected nor bargained for. It appears like the Chinese are running the country while the Malays spend all their time trying to kill off one another.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
Further to my previous articles:

The Aim Is To Eliminate PPBM By Eliminating Azmin

The Azmin Ali Sex Scandal: It’s An Inside Job

Latest Sex Scandal: Has Anwar Checkmated Mahathir?

It appears like it is all systems go for Anwar Ibrahim to oust Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
According to those who walk in the corridors of power, Tun Daim Zainuddin is making his move to install Muhyiddin Yassin as PM8 before May 2020. Both Daim and Mahathir realise that it is foolish to delay the succession considering that Mahathir collapsed in his recent trip to China and the doctors told him if he continues this way he will not live to celebrate the second anniversary of Pakatan Harapan’s takeover of Putrajaya.

Daim knows Mahathir needs to retire as soon as possible before he collapses and dies

Muhyiddin has always wanted to become Prime Minister, ever since Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi took over on 1st November 2003. Abdullah wanted to appoint Muhyiddin as the Deputy Prime Minister (which means he will be Prime Minister-in-waiting) but Mahathir intervened and appointed Najib Tun Razak instead.
When Mahathir started attacking Abdullah in June 2006, Muhyiddin tried to team up with Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah to prepare to take over. The deal was Ku Li would become Prime Minister and Muhyiddin would be his Deputy.
At the same time, Muhyiddin did a deal with Najib to become his Deputy. So, whoever becomes Prime Minister, Ku Li or Najib, Muhyiddin would be their number two.
The safest candidate for PM for Mahathir, Daim and Mahathir’s children would be Muhyiddin
Muhyiddin is prepared to have Hishammuddin Hussein as his Deputy if Hisham can swing as many from Umno as possible to defect to PPBM. So, in essence, it will be an Umno-PPBM alliance of sorts, with PAS working through an electoral pact to face GE15 in a straight fight.
Anwar knows either scenario would mean he is out. Hence the only way for Anwar to become Prime Minister is to move against Mahathir now. The majority of the Sarawak MPs are already with Anwar and he is now working on the Sabah MPs. They are working on a budget of RM25 million per MP.
PKR, Umno and PPBM are all split and embroiled in civil wars. In turmoil there is always opportunity because there will be many unhappy people. Anwar is exploiting this situation with promises of money, power and position.

There is tiada lagi maaf bagi mu for Anwar and Azmin

Anwar’s people are moving against Azmin Ali while Azmin’s people are also moving against Anwar. Azmin’s people are meeting tonight to plan the counter-attack against the latest attack by Anwar’s political secretary. It appears that the Anwar-Azmin rivalry is now open war to the death.
Mahathir is tired and totally fed up with the entire situation. When he took over as Prime Minister in May last year, this was not what he expected nor bargained for. It appears like the Chinese are running the country while the Malays spend all their time trying to kill off one another.
And, in the meantime, the voters are very disgusted with the Pakatan Harapan politics and very unhappy that their life is becoming more difficult by the day and the cost of living is spiralling out of control. What was that again which Mat Sabu said about elephants fighting and the grass suffering?

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