
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, June 29, 2019

DAP jointly funds effort to topple Mahathir, Anwar lacks numbers

Anwar lacks the numbers to table a motion of no confidence against Mahathir once parliament reconvenes this July. Source (pic): TTF

The DAP is said to be jointly funding a mass-scale effort led by Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim to buy the support of as many Members of Parliament as possible towards ousting Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Several MPs who were promised funds by tycoons linked to the party are playing it both ends against the middle to see which side is more powerful and has more money to offer.

Almost half the MPs that handed written commitments to Anwar prepared retractions as backup in case they change their minds once it become apparent to them that Anwar does not stand a chance.

Two very senior UMNO MPs are also in on the conspiracy, with one of them agreeing to second a motion of no confidence against Mahathir in case it is proposed by Anwar or his men.

PETALING JAYA: The DAP is said to be jointly funding a mass-scale effort led by Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim to buy the support of as many Members of Parliament as possible towards ousting Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
While the source of the fund isn’t completely known at this point in time, the fund itself is said to range in the billions and comes atop more billions that a couple of tycoons associated with Anwar are forking out to lure PKR, UMNO, Sabah and Sarawak MPs to their side.
Anwar lacks the numbers to table a motion of no confidence against Mahathir once parliament reconvenes this July.
The PKR president has in his possession close to 70 written and signed commitments by MPs from both sides of the political divide with the DAP being the only party backing him wholesale.
Amanah is split right down the middle, with a source close to the party president revealing that three quarters of its MPs have decided to support Mahathir.
As for PKR, Dato’ Seri Azmin Ali seems to have retained the support of more than 25 MPs despite all the brouhaha regarding his alleged sexcapades and corrupt ways.
PPBM too is completely wrecked, though a well-placed source close to The Third Force revealed that two thirds of its MPs have decided to stick with Mahathir and reject team Anwar-DAP at all cost.
Several other MPs who were promised funds by tycoons linked to the DAP are playing it both ends against the middle to see which side is more powerful and has more money to offer.
Almost half the MPs that handed written commitments to Anwar prepared retractions as backup in case they change their minds once it become apparent that Anwar does not stand a chance.
Two very senior UMNO MPs are also in on the conspiracy with one of them agreeing to second a motion of no confidence against Mahathir in case it is proposed by Anwar or his men.
These MPs have agreed to a leadership transition plan that will see Anwar become Prime Minister and a senior DAP leader, presumably Lim Guan Eng, his deputy.
The UMNO bigwigs are said to have known about Anwar’s collusions with the DAP for a long time but went ahead and supported him anyway.
They knew that his leadership would result in the DAP being fully in control of government but did not mind as it would guarantee them their freedom.


1 comment:

  1. What kind of a stupid and ficticious news from this 3rd force. Please write a story for any fiction column in any newspaper if they want you.


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