
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, June 23, 2019

Donald Trump Defuses Deep State War Mongers Over Iran / North Korea

This is about the situation with the US, Iran and North Korea.

1. Iran first

Well President Donald Trump has called off a retaliatory US airstrike against Iran in the nick of time - just 10 minutes before the missiles and bombers were to be launched against Iran (Friday?)

There have been some weird things going on about Iran over the past few days.  The Global Hawk drone (that was shot down by the Iranians on Wednesday June 19th, 2019) was deliberately sent on its flight path, knowing that it was within range of Iranian anti aircraft missiles.

The flight path of the drone was an operational decision made by downline US commanders. The Global Hawk drones are deployed from Al Dhafra Air Base in the UAE (AP).

Red circle : Two USAF AWACs  (Boeing 707 / E3 Sentry)
Green circle : Nine USAF Boeing 767 aerial tankers 
(to refuel Saudi jets bombing Yemen)

Each Global Hawk drone costs US$200 million (RM800 million). Here is something else that is interesting : since they began flying in 2001 EIGHT Global Hawk drones have crashed due to equipment failures. The eighth Global Hawk crashed off the coast of Spain in June 2018. So its a good time for the weapons manufacturers to make new ones or upgrade to something that costs more money.  Thank you Iran.

From Day 1 Trump tried avoiding any confrontation with Iran.  

In his first comments on the downing of the drone by Iran, Trump said it was all a mistake :
  • "he told reporters it could have been the result of human error
  • saying: "I find it hard to believe it was intentional."
  • "Trump said Thursday that the Iranian shootdown of an American drone may have not been intentional, but a "mistake" by someone "loose and stupid."
Trump also kept repeating that the US was not looking for war with Iran.

So it is mighty strange how, despite the President saying all that, the US Military came within 10 minutes of launching missiles and bombs at Iran. 

Who was the jack rabbit with his ears snared in the trigger?

The news says Trump called off the attack against Iran in the nick of time after he was told that the strikes would kill at least 150 people. 
  • Trump called off attack after learning 150 would be killed
  • He felt not “proportionate” response for unmanned drone
  • We were cocked and loaded to retaliate 
  • 10 minutes before the strike I stopped 
I think this is just camouflage. 

There is no way the President of the United States would NOT have been briefed about the consequences of the air strikes including casualty rates, collateral damage, possible retaliation by Iran, dangers of escalation etc very much earlier than 10 minutes before the strikes would have been launched. 

Something else went on and I believe this is NOT the last that we will hear about this episode either.  

I am guessing that Deep State actors like John Bolton had much to do with this poor advise to the President.  

Trump has continued to make the Deep State angry with his conciliatory remarks towards Iran.  For example Trump is trying very hard to meet and talk with Iran.

Trump is talking to a stone wall here.  

As I have said the Iranian Ayatollah Ali Khamenei  has no legitimacy to rule.  These folks are the Great Devils.  The Great Devils need the Great Satan to justify their authoritarian grip over Iran.  

If the Great Devil suddenly decides to shake hands and talk with the Great Satan, then what do they tell the Iranian people - who have already lost faith in their leadership?  They cannot tell the Iranian people 'We are now talking in friendly terms with our enemy the Great Satan. They are not Great Satans anymore".

Not going to happen.  Any "talks" with Iran is not going to happen for Trump. 

1. Maybe Trump will have better luck asking Iranian President Rouhanie Abbas for discussions. If anything goes wrong, Rouhanie can be the scapegoat to bear the blame. Ali Khamenei can even be rid of Rouhanie.

2. Trump can make a phone call to Rouhanie, possibly to wish him 'Selamat Hari Raya'. It is not too late. Syawwal does not end until June 30th - SEVEN more days to go.

3.  Trump can resort to a 'go between' like Japanese PM Shenzo Abe who has good rapport with Iran. 

There is however significant risk for Trump.  All this talk about 

i.   not wanting a war with Iran
ii.  cancelling an air strike at the last minute
ii.  wanting to talk with Iran, with no preconditions

could send the wrong signals to Iran.  That the US actually has less recourse to the only recourse the US has ever had since the end of World War 2 - its military force.

The Iranian airforce and navy are still basic but the Iranian home made missile has shot down an American Global Hawk drone that flies 17 km up in the sky from a distance of over 80 km.  That is a fantastic feat. This is the first time ever that such a high flying American drone has been detected and brought down by hostile fire. 

Understandably the US Navy particularly the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln has decided to stay away from getting too close to the Straits of Hormuz (or the Gulf of Oman) and is cruising further out in the Indian Ocean.  Hopefully out of the range of Iran's many missiles.

This will embolden Iran to step up its "meddling" in other countries in the region and upping the 'proxy' fights in which it is engaged. For example in the Yemen.

The Yemeni attacks against Saudi Arabia have spiked over recent weeks and there does not seem to be much that the Saudis can do about it. 

My advice to the Iranians is 'Talk to Donald Trump'.  
You will not regret it.

2.  Trump writes personal letter to North Korea's Kim Jong Un.

(Reuters) - North Korean leader Kim Jong Un received personal letter from Trump 
will put serious thought into its content, North Korea's news agency KCNA said

Kim described it as "of excellent content."

"Kim said will seriously contemplate interesting content" report said

talks stalled since Trump Kim summit in Feb in Hanoi, Vietnam.

US had no pre-conditions for new talks

Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/news/world/2019/06/23/north-koreas-kim-says-will-consider-letter-received-from-trump/#zeE4p8rXttOTyQu8.99

My comments :  I believe Trump wants to go down in history as the Great Peacemaker. 

He wants to solve the Palestinian issue, the Korean conflict and now the Iran issues as well. 

Hence Trump may be assassinated.

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