
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, June 3, 2019

Naqsyabandi Sambut Hari Raya Hari Ini (Selamat Hari Raya), Membuang masa melihat anak bulan etc.

Padang - Jemaah Naqsabandiyah di Padang, Sumatera Barat merayakan Idul Fitri hari ini. 

Pimpinan Tarekat Naqsabandiyah Padang Syafri Malin Mudo menjelaskan mereka sudah menjalankan ibadah puasa selama 30 hari. 

Menurut Syarif, mereka memulai puasa terlebih dahulu.

"Lebarannya tanggal 3 (Juni), karena puasa kami sudah 30 hari. Kami memulai memang lebih awal, sesuai hisab yang sudah turun temurun," kata Syafri, Minggu (2/6/2019).

My comments :  Habis sahabat kita di Bukit Damansara macam mana? Macam mana pun Selamat Hari Raya. 

Here is another comment from a friend NNH :

My grandson innocently asked me “Tok Abah, when is the sighting of the Moon? I want to celebrate the Eid and move on to the Shawal month”

This innocuous question made me write this musing.

Do we still need to  sight the moon?

When men have gone to the moon and other planets, why are  we and the Government of Malaysia still sending senior citizens, with declining 20:20 vision, up the hills, tall buildings et al just to peek at the moon 🌒 🌓 ?

Is it because of the religious department's protecting their “expense claims”, 'charge expenditure'  annual allocations, duly gifted  by the normally frugal Budget Office of the Ministry of Finance ?

Is there a fatwa or  religious edict on this annual event which may be considered a superfluous event? 

Is it to protect the post and position of Penyimpan Mohor Raja? 

What says mufti teroris of the north on this burning issue ?

I don’t remember Saudi Arabia authorities having this  kind of practice.

Maybe someone on this chat group can comment especially those with religious inclinations


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