
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, June 16, 2019

The Raya Open House Sweepstakes - the PM Takes No. 3 Spot.

The Hari Raya Open Houses are ongoing.  

The attendances at the Open Houses of the leaders, politicians and other high and mighty are being commented upon as a measure of their popularity.

Here are some snapshots.

1. 70,000 people at UMNO president Mat Hassan's Open House at Rantau, Negeri Sembilan.

This year UMNO President Tok Mat or Mat Hassan's open house comes out champion.  The Star says an 'exceptional crowd at Tok Mat's Raya open house' in Rantau, Negeri Sembilan.  People say the number was at least 70,000.  Considering that most people do not even know where exactly Rantau is, this is indeed a feat.

Tok Mat is turning out to be quite popular among all walks of people, from different backgrounds. Tok Mat won the Rantau state seat by a whopping majority too.

2.  2nd spot goes to Selangor and DYMM Sultan of Selangor with 50,000 in attendance.

The news says that 50,000 people turned up at the Selangor Hari Raya Open House. The Open House was held yesterday (Saturday) 10 days after Hari Raya. The crowd was impressive. I say Selangor takes No. 2 position in popularity.  The Sultan attended and also the Menteri Besar of Selangor.

3.  Dr Mahathir's Open House (anywhere between 35,000 to 50,000 attended). The Prime Minister's Open House was ok but the crowds were not as big as at Tok Mat's or at the Selangor Open House.

The news reported that they expected 70,000 people to show up at Dr Mahathir's Open House.

But that 70,000 did not happen. The number was much less.  One newspaper said "more than 50,000"  turned up.

Another paper said 'some 50,000 people' had come by 5.45 PM.

The boss of one newspaper (whom I met) said the turnout at Dr Mahathir's Open House was around 35,000 only.  These numbers are surely debateable because these are estimations. 

The point is, if Open House attendance is any indication of popularity then it is obvious that the Prime Minister does not occupy the prime spot anymore.

If this news is worth anything then maybe the PM can take cognisance. 
But if you wish to dispute it and dismiss it, so be it. 

It is all about relevance isnt it? 
And relevance to whom? That is very important. 

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