
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, June 23, 2019

The Silly Distraction Game That Latheefa Koya Is Playing

Of course, the money was given to Umno, but someone, a person, in Umno must receive that money. And these people are Muhyiddin Yassin, Mukhriz Mahathir and Shafie Apdal. Why did Latheefa not reveal the real amount and the names of the people who received the money on behalf of Umno?

Raja Petra Kamarudin
First of all, the list of 41 names that MACC published two days ago is not the complete list. The complete list has about 100 names. The only problem is many from that list of 100 names are Pakatan Harapan people or ex-Barisan Nasional people now defected to Pakatan Harapan. So that is why Latheefa Koya released only 41 names and not the entire list of 100 names.
That is point number one.
Point number two is that list is a very old list, long before GE14. But the MACC could not release it or take action on that list because they cannot prove the money came from 1MDB. They can only prove that the money came from Umno. But then Umno is supposed to own RM100 billion in cash, assets and investments so the party could more than afford to donate all that money, even if it is RM1 billion and not RM265 million as the MACC claims.

Latheefa’s game of distraction has backfired badly and has opened a Pandora’s box

Umno acquired these RM100 billion in cash, assets and investments since the 1980s, which means since the time of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. These cash, assets and investments were not acquired since 2013. That means the money Umno distributed to those 100 people/organisations (41 of them on the MACC list) did not come from 1MDB but were acquired BEFORE the 1MDB issue erupted.
Point number three: the money given to Umno Johor, Umno Kedah and Umno Sabah shows RM677,872, RM1,054,019 and RM1,254,113 respectively. Actually, these state Umnos were given RM50 million each (RM1 million cannot even pay for one division in the state let alone the whole state) and the money was handed to Muhyiddin Yassin, Mukhriz Mahathir and Shafie Apdal (Mukhriz denies this and says he knows nothing: see news item below).

Muhyiddin received RM50 million on behalf of Umno Johor

Of course, the money was given to Umno, but someone, a person, in Umno must receive that money. And these people are Muhyiddin Yassin, Mukhriz Mahathir and Shafie Apdal. Why did Latheefa not reveal the real amount and the names of the people who received the money on behalf of Umno?
From the amount of RM265 million on the list that MACC released, about RM212 million went to Umno. And Najib Tun Razak had already declared way back that the RM2.6 billion he received from the Saudis was to finance political activities, which means he told the truth. And it was not only Umno but also all parties in Barisan Nasional that received financing.
Unfortunately, Latheefa’s attempt to distract Malaysians from the Azmin Ali-Haziq Aziz sex scandal by revealing this list has backfired badly. And now many Pakatan Harapan people are going to be in trouble. The point that the money was not given to Umno but to people representing Umno seems to have been missed by most people. And many of those people are now in Pakatan Harapan.
Bad move, Latheefa.

Mukhriz: Saya tak tahu Umno Kedah dapat dana 1MDB

(Bernama) – Menteri Besar Kedah Mukhriz Mahathir berkata beliau tidak mengetahui mengenai dana yang dikaitkan dengan 1MDB disalurkan kepada Umno Kedah sewaktu memegang jawatan sebagai pengerusi Badan Perhubungan UMNO negeri, sebelum ini.
Katanya, segala urusan berkaitan dana parti diserahkan sepenuhnya kepada Bendahari Umno negeri pada ketika itu iaitu Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim yang turut menguruskan perbelanjaan dan agihan kepada setiap Umno bahagian di negeri ini.
“Waktu saya jadi Pengerusi Umno negeri, memang ada keperluan perbelanjaan untuk setiap bahagian tetapi saya serah kepada bendahari. Saya tidak tahu apa kaedah yang dia (bendahari) gunakan tetapi peruntukan yang diperoleh itu adalah untuk gerakkan aktiviti di setiap bahagian.
“Selepas itu (peruntukan diperoleh), apa yang berlaku saya tidak tahu tetapi ia langsung tidak libatkan sebarang projek, kontrak atau benda-benda lain,” katanya kepada pemberita selepas merasmikan Hari Belia Negara Peringkat Negeri Kedah di Alor Setar, hari ini.

The police told Dr Mahathir that it is impossible to save Azmin Ali, so all they can do now is to play delay tactics and in the meantime distract the people with the 1MDB issue

Beliau berkata demikian ketika diminta mengulas mengenai langkah Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) memfailkan permohonan perlucuthakan sivil terhadap 41 responden untuk memperoleh semula dana kira-kira RM270 juta yang mempunyai kaitan dengan 1MDB.
Dalam satu kenyataan semalam, Ketua Pesuruhjaya SPRM Latheefa Koya berkata tindakan itu diambil mengikut Akta Pencegahan Pengubahan Wang Haram dan Pencegahan Pembiayaan Keganasan (Amla) di mana suruhanjaya itu percaya wang berkenaan dipindahkan daripada akaun bank bekas perdana menteri Najib Razak.
Kesemua 41 individu dan entiti terbabit termasuk parti politik, yayasan dan syarikat, termasuk bahagian Umno, Parti Rakyat Bersatu Sabah, MCA serta Persatuan Kebajikan Islam dan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia (Pekida).
Mengulas lanjut, Mukhriz yang kini timbalan presiden Bersatu berkata jika dana diperoleh oleh Umno daripada sumber yang salah, maka parti itu harus memulangkannya semula.
Mukhriz memegang jawatan sebagai pengerusi Badan Perhubungan Umno negeri pada Ogos 2013 dan melepaskan jawatan tersebut pada Februari 2016 selepas meletak jawatan sebagai menteri besar susulan majoriti adun Kedah memutuskan hilang kepercayaan terhadap kepimpinannya.

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