
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Yoursay: At least, Apandi should be hauled up for obstructing justice

YOURSAY | ‘Apandi obstructed justice by declaring there were no wrongdoings involved in 1MDB...’
Slumdog: At the very least former attorney-general Mohamed Apandi Ali should be investigated for abuse of power, dereliction of duty, complicit and abetting in former premier Najib Abdul Razak’s alleged corruption and covering up a criminal act.
That should wipe the grin from his face.
Apandi has no more protection from Najib and Umno, so what are the police and MACC waiting for? I hope his actions are not swept under the carpet.
Roger 5201: The AG is supposed to be the legal counsel for the government of the day. He should act without fear and favour in the interest of the country.
What Apandi did was not only partisan, he obstructed justice by declaring there were no wrongdoings involved in 1MDB in the face of overwhelming kleptocracy.
Apandi should be investigated for undermining justice, whether knowingly or unknowingly.
Cogito Ergo Sum: Unless Apandi has turned crown witness, it is strange that he is not being probed.
He had declared Najib to be free of corruption and denied that the Equanimity yacht belonged to Malaysia.
He also refused to claim back monies forfeited by the Swiss government saying it did not come from 1MDB. Strange indeed.
Beeja: Apandi and Twitter King (former police chief Khalid Abu Bakar) were heading critical institutions, which if functioning as they should, would have mitigated this disaster.
Their duty and obligation are to protect the nation and its people. Instead, they actively aided and abetted the alleged thieves and worked against the very interest they are paid to protect and safeguard.
An entire generation is left to pick up the tab for the 1MDB kleptocracy. Bad behaviour, particularly in public office, cannot be tolerated. Period.
Ipohcrite: Yes, both the former AG and former IGP should be probed for their dastardly roles in the cover-up of the 1MDB debacle and protecting the chief culprits. Otherwise, justice is truly denied.
Redmann: Are we sure MACC is "independent" of the executive and not dependent upon its good graces?
All and sundry are aware of the cover-up that Apandi engaged in to immunise his boss at that material time. All and sundry know that he is a flight risk which necessitated the travel ban.
Apandi has a wealth of intel and information on the operations of 1MDB, and yet the powers-that-be intend to let him be.
If this is the ‘New Malaysia’ we were promised, then it is safe to say that the rakyat was defrauded in giving its suffrage to the Pakatan Harapan.
Anonymous 770241447347646: MACC should investigate the former AG, as they should know that in life there are no free meals.
If he had rub Najib's back, what did Najib rub his back with?
The record shows that Najib was a very generous man, especially with the public's monies. He was a Santa Claus to all his loyal supporters.
The former AG would have been rewarded very well for his faithfulness.
Caripasal: It is obvious MACC is still practising selective prosecution. Not all corrupt politicians or civil servants from the previous administration will be prosecuted.
Only those corrupt politicians/civil servants who are not supportive of "the new master" or "politically worthless" will be investigated and charged.
A total revamp of MACC is impossible under the current PM.
Anticonmen: Some people can do the worst offences and get away scot-free but others can be penalised for trivial wrongs.
This is the sense of twisted justice. Twisted leadership with twisted logic.
Anonymous 1689721435778173: Indeed, a royal commission of inquiry (RCI) should be set up to inquire into Abdul Gani Patail’s sacking and the appointment of Apandi as AG, and also the conduct of Apandi in his capacity as AG.
Grrrrrrrrrrrrr 2019: Apandi now - “We are very thankful to the Pakatan Harapan government as the right to travel in and out of a country is a right of every Malaysian as long as the person is not charged in court or has any criminal conviction.”
Apandi then - Bersih chief Maria Chin and some others cannot travel although not charged in court.
What a chameleon. The government should not have rescinded the ban as Apandi must know how it feels to be not able to travel, although no charges were filed.
Fairview: Claims of his fundamental rights being violated sounds so pathetic because he didn’t understand that when he was AG.
Thanking the Harapan government through his lawyer is at least an acknowledgement that the BN government would have just shut out anybody against the then PM and his government.
Vijay47: Lawyer M Visvanathan, you seem to be offering a very profound sermon on the law, the Federal Constitution, and the right of every citizen, especially your client Apandi, to travel without let or hindrance.
Perhaps you should have acted on his behalf even during the regrettable time when he was the AG where despite his office, he displayed abysmal ignorance regarding, yes, the law and the Federal Constitution.
On the contrary, he often strayed deep into the dark side. - Mkini

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