
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, February 13, 2024

YOURSAY | Politicians should not get carried away by emotions


YOURSAY | ‘They forget Malaysia is a multiracial nation practising different religions.’

Malaysia not theocracy, Zaid tells Umno

Vijay47: The public positions taken by parties like former law minister Zaid Ibrahim and even the Syariah Judiciary Department are certainly welcome but, unfortunately, do not carry the efficacy one would wish for, especially when we currently see hordes of worms crawling out of the woodwork.

This lack of impact is for sure not due to weakness in substance but the sheer limited exposure such explanations would attract.

It would be obvious that not a single national leader has stepped forward to unequivocally explain that the Federal Court decisions were only to set right an abuse of state powers in embarking on religious adventures in direct contravention of our very foundation, the Constitution.

Politicians who did make statements nominally supportive of the decisions always accompanied their opinions with escape clauses like “a more harmonious approach should have been pursued” or “the stakeholders should formulate amendments to address these challenges to the syariah”.

To these opportunists, what counts is political expediency and never the supremacy of the Constitution that they never fail to shriek about when it suits them.

None of them had the spine and the principle to boldly, without excuses, state what the court’s decisions meant. Except for Zaid now.

He had the honesty to openly admit that during a similar situation years ago, he chickened out and withdrew legal action he had instituted, adding that his retreat was due to Umno political considerations; such candour can only earn our respect.

Yet the elephant in the room is missing. Where is Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim? Surely decisions that emerge from the Constitution are urgent enough for him to firmly explain the issues, especially in the face of open incitement.

Darmakochi: Indeed, a big thank you to Zaid for speaking out when a sizeable group holding political and social power is trying to turn a democratic secular nation into a theocratic nation.

They forget that this nation is a multiracial nation practising different religions. If East Malaysia is factored in, then the democratic and secular nature will be more apparent.

Malaysians must realise that PAS has no proper economic and social plans for the nation. So, they take the easy way out by abusing religion for their bigoted goals.

It is about time the silent Malaysians of different races took part in mainstream politics to protect our democratic secular nation.

Justice: It is not that they all do not know or understand that our country is run or ruled by a civil system of law.

Some are just gullible because they are ignorant and thus get carried away by blind emotion.

Their leaders, however, deliberately want to politicise the issue because they have no ideas about good governance, good administration or management.

Worse, they have no clue about economic policies.

So, their only way to survive and thrive politically is to resort to inciting or stirring the racial and religious emotions of their members and supporters by creating a false narrative based on fear or alleged threats to their race and religion.

MarioT: As Zaid rightly put it, the primary legal system of this country is under civil law as enshrined in the Federal Constitution.

If no respect or acceptance is given to it, it is tantamount to being unpatriotic to the country.

It is called civil law because it has all the blueprints of how a civil society should behave and function.

No greater protection or security can supersede this painstakingly prepared and enacted federal law for a multi-faceted country like Malaysia.

Apanama is back: There will be a Parliament sitting in a few weeks. The new king will open the session.

Will Anwar give a statement in Parliament saying Malaysia is a secular country and what the Federal Court declared is correct as far as secularism is concerned?

Will he repeat the same outside Parliament in a press conference?

The two women, Nik Elin Zurina Nik Abdul Rashid and her daughter Tengku Yasmin Nastasha Tengku Abdul Rahman were left behind to fight it out.

Some said the ladies would bear the brunt while Anwar’s hands were clean.

But they are wrong because Madani will be seen as irresponsible and hopeless in washing their hands in this very crucial, public interest and utmost important case.

Zaid should not be so surprised by Umno Baru's statement. Umno has not been sleepwalking since 1957. They have been deliberately sleepwalking since the 1970s. Even its youth leader has the gumption to call for parity between syariah and civil courts.

Dr Suresh Kumar: We can shout here until the cows come home, but it will be dismissed and ignored by the selfish politicians because their motive is to win Malay Muslim votes and not for the well-being of the nation.

Most of those politicians who are criticising the invalidation would not have even read the Federal Court's deliberations in its entirety or simply refused to do so.

How can we expect the common Malay folks to read or understand it then? They need to be educated by honest Malay individuals and NGOs.

Zaid's comments are not going to reach them. Look at Amanah’s stand, seeking a “harmonious channel”, whatever that means.

Did they explain what those “harmonious” approaches are?

To me, the “harmonious channel” is to engage the grassroots and make them understand what is going on and how the ruling did not touch on Islamic teachings and laws at all, as we are all governed by supreme federal laws.

If they fail to do this, then expect this vicious cycle to continue, fuelled by unscrupulous and irresponsible politicians. - Mkini

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