
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, April 30, 2024


 'In Southeast Asia, European Islamist jihadists are relocating to the region, believing they can practice their ideologies more freely in Muslim-majority states without fear of authorities' 

The translation of IS propaganda into Malay indicates sympathisers within Malaysia, potentially exacerbating the radicalization process in the country


Tuan-Tuan, KFC tutup 100 restoran KFC di seluruh negara sebab tak cukup pelanggan (akibat boikot perniagaan yang mempunyai hubungan dengan Amerika Syarikat). ISIS pula baru membuka laman web Bahasa Melayu dengan harapan ianya akan menarik minat lebih ramai pembaca Melayu. Ini berita nya:



A. Azim Idris
30 April, 2024

KUALA LUMPUR – An international security think tank has warned of the Islamic State (IS) terrorist group’s latest tactic to expand its influence in Malaysia.  

militant group has established “official” Bahasa Malaysia propaganda outfit to disseminate instructions on building makeshift weapons, including explosive drones, according to the Nordic Counter-Terrorism Network’s (NCTN) Cyber Intelligence and Terrorism Division.

Andrin Raj, director of the Helsinki-based NCTN, raised concerns following the emergence of an announcement by the terrorist group’s F- - -n al-T--- -a..

Through a digital banner spread on social media, this collective recently unveiled the A . . .. .n Malay Media Foundation, signalling IS’s intensified efforts to target Malaysian audiences with Bahasa Malaysia propaganda material. 

A poster promoting instructions on building a drone as shared by NCTN.

F . . . .. .a has consolidated more than a dozen IS media entities producing propaganda in at least 18 languages, according to experts.  

The F. . . .  . ..a group has been identified by NCTN’s Cyber Intelligence and Terrorism Division as an official IS propaganda entity, actively promoting the manufacturing and use of improvised explosive device drones (IED drones).

However, access to the materials involved is limited to IS internal media and its members, restricting broader dissemination.

“In Southeast Asia, European Islamist jihadists are relocating to the region, believing they can practice their ideologies more freely in Muslim-majority states without fear of authorities,” Andrin said. 

OSTB : What d hell? Which Muslim-majority states are they talking about in South East Asia? Of the 10 countries in South East Asia the majority (SEVEN OF THEM) are Muslim minority States ie Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar. We thank Allah that the ISIS can choose from only THREE Muslim majority South East Asian states. Unfortunately ALL THREE speak Bahasa Melayu.

F.. .. ..... a’a announcement on its Malay media group as shared by NCTN.

“Further monitoring is essential, as we cannot ascertain whether this activity is localised within Malaysia or extends beyond its borders.

“There are supporters of this propaganda group who are fluent in Malay, suggesting a potential local presence.”

The recent announcement by F. . .. .. . ..a introducing the A . .  .. .n Malay Media Foundation underscores IS’ concerted efforts to target Malaysian audiences.  

The foundation joins a network of translation groups spanning various countries, amplifying IS propaganda across multiple platforms.

“F. .  .. .. .. .a strives…to be the singular source for translations of the Islamic State official media, publications that explain its policies, dispel suspicions and false arguments raised by its enemies, and articles and graphics to inspire dedication and faith,” the text on the banner read.

“As such, F. . . . .. .. ..a is dedicated to the spread of the translated media around the world on as many platforms as possible – from social media to applications and websites so that official Islamic State media can reach as many as possible.”

Despite the collapse of the final IS stronghold in Baghuz, Syria, in 2019, Andrin noted the group’s resilience and continued expansion across Africa and Asia.

“They are down but not defeated. Despite losses in Syria and Iraq, they have reorganised with significant operations now based in Afghanistan.

“Their presence is also growing rapidly in Africa, the Caucasus, and Southeast Asia,” he warned.

The translation of IS propaganda into Malay indicates sympathisers within Malaysia, potentially exacerbating the radicalization process in the country, Andrin said. – April 30, 2024

My Comments :

Why not ISIS berjihad motivasikan umat Islam membuat mesin basuh kain yang paling moden dan berteknoloji dalam dunia? Bolehlah mesin basuh kain ISIS tewaskan semua mesin basuh kain buatan orang kafir.

Why not ISIS berjihad motivasikan umat Islam membuat jenama kereta yang paling moden dan berteknoloji dalam dunia? Bolehlah kereta ISIS tewaskan semua kereta buatan orang kafir.

Why not ISIS berjihad motivasikan umat Islam membuat ubat bius (anesthetic) yang paling moden dan berteknoloji dalam dunia? Bolehlah pejuang ISIS yang kena tembak tak rasa sakit bila menjalani rawatan di hospital.

Di Malaysia ini bukan saja kita hidup aman dan damai tapi yang lebih penting kita mempunyai pelbagai peluang dan ruang untuk hidup selesa dan senang. Siapa pun tidak hairan melihat pendatang Rohingya pun sarapan pagi memakan ayam goreng. Ataupun nasi lemak dengan telur rebus dan ikan bilis. Negara kita diberkati Allah swt.

Di Malaysia ini 'maid' dari Indonesia boleh kerja kedai dobi (cerita benar) dan kumpulkan cukup duit untuk beli bot nelayan bermotor di Indonesia. Suami dia pula "dilantik" masjid tempatan (masjid gergasi dirasmikan oleh DYMM Sultan) menjadi kontraktor jaga maintenance masjid. Lepas itu masjid lain pula, di negeri lain, juga "jemput" kontraktor Indonesia itu datang buat renovation masjid.

Inilah peluang cari hidup yang lumayan bagi orang Indonesia yang begitu rajin untuk bekerja keras. 

Percayalah mereka tidak mempunyai masa atau pun minat melayari laman web ISIS untuk tujuan apa pun. "I Aint Got Time For That" . Mereka terlalu sibuk mencari hidup yang lumayan.


Kita hidup sini sekali saja. Why not kita gunakan masa dan segala peluang kita untuk menunjukkan contoh yang paling baik (uswatan hasanah) kepada orang lain? 

Surah 33:21

لَّقَدْ كَانَ لَكُمْ فِى رَسُولِ ٱللَّهِ أُسْوَةٌ حَسَنَةٌۭ لِّمَن كَانَ يَرْجُوا۟ ٱللَّهَ وَٱلْيَوْمَ ٱلْـَٔاخِرَ وَذَكَرَ ٱللَّهَ كَثِيرًۭا ٢١  

"Sesungguhnya adalah bagi kamu pada Rasulullah uswatan hasanah (contoh yang baik) bagi orang yang mengharapkan Allah dan hari akhirat, serta mengingati Allah banyak-banyak"

Dan antara contoh Rasul adalah 'rahmatan lil alamin' ataupun 'Mercy for the World'. Rahmat bagi seluruh alam.

Berperang dengan orang, membunuh manusia, meletupkan rumah orang sebab agama dia lain itu bukan rahmatan lil alamin. Ataupun contoh yang terbaik (uswatan hasanah).

Soalan: Hello Mr ISIS apa contoh awak yang terbaik hari ini?
Jawapan : Hello Mr Kafir saya akan membunuh awak dan meletupkan rumah awak.

Somehow it does not sound right lah.  Tapi cuba bayangkan keadaan berikut:

Soalan: Hello Mr ISIS apa contoh awak yang terbaik hari ini?
Jawapan : Hello Mr Kafir inilah model mesin basuh saya yang latest. Guna separuh volume air, sabun pun kurang tapi cuciannya lebih bersih daripada mesin Jepun, Jerman atau China. Harga 15% diskaun daripada harga mesin basuh lain.

Maka akan bertambahlah kebaikan dan kebajikan bagi manusia. Rahmatan lil alamin. Bukankah itu cara yang lebih berkesan atas minda manusia?

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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