
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, May 7, 2024




  • MAY 7 — In 2023, a Malaysian graduate gave powerful speech went viral
  • He spoke out against discriminatory racial quotas at public universities
  • racial quotas part of New Economic Policy (NEP) in 1970s

My Comments :

The story in the Malay Mail was quite long but I reduced it to the three lines above.

First of all the entire New Economic Policy was nothing more than stupid political gimmick by the dumbno people in UMNO. Yes they were led by Tun Abdul Razak. 

Tun Razak really screwed up the country pretty badly. His biggest folly was messing with the Malaysian education system. If you think the education system is producing dumbos and dumbnos by the shipload then please say thank you to Tun Abdul Razak. 

In 1956 Razak initiated an education "report" called the Razak Report (what else). This was followed up in 1960 with bigger nails in the coffin called the Rahman Talib Report. These two 'reports' sealed the fate of our education system.

Across the Causeway the Singaporeans said, 'Why fix an education system that is already world class. The British left us a world class education system and we will continue with it'. That is why Singapore is where it is today.

It takes decades to destroy an education system and thanks to Tun Razak and Rahman Talib, well our education system has been destroyed.

The New Economic Policy was also another screw up by Tun Razak (not forgetting that condom joke about Bossku - that was another humongous mistake as well).

In 1969 the UMNO boys got their butts kicked in the general elections. Then the riots broke out bla bla bla. In 1969 UMNO actually lost support from the Malays.

Out of 144 Parliamentary seats at that time the Opposition parties won 54 seats thereby denying UMNO and the BN (Alliance) the two thirds majority. The Opposition also won FOUR States Penang, Perak, Selangor and Kelantan. That represented a major swing in Malay votes against UMNO and the BN (Alliance).

That was the year when Dr Mahathir lost his Alor Setar Parliamentary seat. Dr Mahathir blamed the Chinese. But the Chinese have always been the minority voters in Alor Setar - from before Merdeka until today. Plus the Chinese always voted for the Opposition. They never voted for the BN. The majority voters in Alor Setar have always been the Malays. So in 1969 it was the Malay vote which swung away from Dr Mahathir. 

  • So UMNO panicked in 1969. 
  • UMNO had to get back the Malay vote. 
  • Exactly the same situation that UMNO and PKR are in today. 
  • They had to come up with some gimmick really quickly to win back the Malay vote. 
  • That is how the New Economic Policy was born. 
  • It was nothing more than a stupid, brainless, tak boleh 'brain' political gimmick to get back the Malay vote for UMNO. 
  • Nothing more than that.

The quota system at the universities, at the Civil Service, everywhere where gomen had power was just a result of this brainless political gimmick.

And now it has destroyed the country especially the future for the Malays. Yes tuan-tuan. Anak China semua masuk sekolah China jadi pandai. Anak tuan-tuan semua masuk sekolah kebangsaan, sekolah agama jadi lagi blur. 

Di sekolah kebangsaan itu anak-anak tuan-tuan tak boleh brain banyak benda. 
So please say thank you to Tun Razak and Rahman Talib.

And now in 2024 (actually from before 2018) the Malay vote is again fully and completely split. 

Now no single Malay based political party can claim dominance over the Malay vote. I think most Malays now simply hate UMNO and PKR. 

PAS and Bersatu have their Malay audience but it is not a solid enough number of Malays. Large numbers of Malays do not support PAS and no they are not getting any more popular.

The up and coming party for Malays is Bersatu but Bersatu too has a distance to go with the Malays. They do not seem to know what is really important and what is a waste of time. (Drop the vernacular school issue guys. A job, a paycheck and food on the table are much more important).

With the Malay vote so divided, there remains the non-Malay vote. The Indians and the Chinese on the Peninsula and the Dayaks and Dusuns in Sabah and Sarawak.

Lets take Kuala Kubu Bahru's state by elections this Saturday 11th May, 2024. The Malays make up about 50% of the voters. Indians are 20% and Chinese about 30%.

If the Malay vote is split in two (which it is) then the Chinese and Indians already outnumber them. If the Malay vote is split into three then just the 20% Indians alone by themselves can out-vote the Malays - if the Indians vote in the same direction. This is how democracy works.

So if the dumbnos think that their gimmicky policies to attract the Malay vote is going to help them - well they are in for a surprise. The Malay vote is seriously split. So it does not help them.

This is where they need the Indian and Chinese votes. This is where the stupid gimmicky policies (like racial quotas) will also not help them. They lose both ways.

To effect change all the voters must vote with one solid voice against these gimmicky and racist policies. These political gimmicks must stop. They are seriously damaging the country.

There must be a difference between positive discrimination and negative discrimination. Positive discrimination means the Malays and bumiputras should be given every assistance to enter the universities, even with lower entry qualifications. Positive discrimination must be maintained.

What we do not need is negative discrimination - against non-bumiputras - to prevent or restrict them from entering university. Every qualifying non-bumi student must have equal access to enter a public university.

Affirmative action is to help the bumiputras move forward. Affirmative action does not mean preventing the non-bumis from getting ahead in life.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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