
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, May 2, 2024

'They travelled for hours to celebrate Raya with us'


OUR MUHIBAH STORY | Malaysiakini began a campaign in April asking readers to share stories from their lives reflecting the muhibah spirit of Malaysia.

In our call-out, we explained our intention to start a chain of positivity, to show that we are proud of our multiculturalism.

“Let's join hands to uphold diversity and harmony!”

To contribute, we asked readers to submit a photograph depicting their “muhibah Malaysia” experience with a short caption sharing their story.

This month, we will feature some of your submissions which speak to how much Malaysians value each other - even if sometimes, it may feel like the opposite is true.

An extra special Hari Raya

A muhibah story shared by Intan Ayuni Aziz.

A screenshot from Intan Ayuni's TikTok video recording her colleague's arrival at her home in Perak.

I have been surrounded by people from different ethnicities since I was in school, so multiculturalism is not new for me. But something that happened during this Hari Raya Aidilfitri was extra special.

On the second day of Hari Raya, my Chinese colleagues drove all the way from Kuala Lumpur to Perak to celebrate with my family.

I posted a video of us celebrating Hari Raya together on my TikTok and was surprised to see it go viral, even catching the attention of multiple radio stations and online news platforms.

My story is proof that Malaysians are not growing more divided, but that we are still united and enjoy living harmoniously together in this unique country.

A space for everyone

A muhibah story shared by Lim Swee Fatt.

Community members attend a festive celebration held at Kuala Kuang Recreational Park, Chemor, Perak

Kuala Kuang Recreational Park in Chemor, Perak was initiated by a group of villagers 10 years ago. We transformed an empty space into a park. It features walking paths encircling a grass field, lined with trees, flowers and exercise equipment.

Starting at 5am daily, people of all ages and ethnicities from the village and nearby areas gather to exercise including jogging and participating in tai chi and fitness classes. Teenagers and children often gather in the late afternoon to play games and sports.

The park is maintained by dedicated villagers, regardless of gender, ethnicity or age, who contribute their efforts in gardening, watering plants, mowing the grass, and cleaning up litter.

During festive occasions such as New Year, Hari Raya, International Women's Day, National Day, and Mid-Autumn Festival, the park hosts celebrations where people of all ethnicities come together in joyous unity.

I hope there is continuous support and unity in maintaining this leisure park, transcending differences and setting a positive example for all. - Mkini

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