
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, June 25, 2024




  • Johor police said syndicate buy RM500,000 life insurance 
  • without victim’s knowledge
  • Police busted insurance syndicate 
  • bogus agents sign up unwary victims 

OSTB : Bogus agents? The insurance company (or a "genuine" agent) should know its real agents from bogus agents. How was this possible? How many victims have been killed so far?

  • then stage their murder as accidents before claiming from policy
  • syndicate uncovered after death of 38-year-old man killed on May 6
  • syndicate killed victim so it could claim life insurance policy
  • MO is to buy RM500,000 life insurance policy for random individual  
  • without person’s knowledge, usually those without relatives or family

(OSTB : Johor CPO, If the syndicate is carefully choosing victims without relatives it means this is NOT random. They are choosing their victims. They must know the victims family background. How many victims have been killed so far?)

  • After documentation and policy approved the syndicate kill the person  
  • eight men, aged 23 to 49, had been arrested 
  • police hunting other syndicate members still at large.

(OSTB : So many arrested. Others still at large. Sounds like the whole village is involved)

  • “accident” involving 38-year-old man  
  • victim's motorcycle hit by two cars and a motorcycle
  • four people then beat the victim 
  • before he was run over by passing truck, killing the victim
  • After victim died, a suspect applied for claim 
  • through an agent also part of syndicate

(OSTB : I told you. A "genuine" agent had to be involved. Otherwise this syndicate will not be able to function.)

  • investigated under Section 302 of the Penal Code (for murder). 
  • four suspects arrested charged in court on June 19, other four out on bail

OSTB : If more than one victim has been killed then this is serial murder. The guilty should be jailed for life without parole.

On a video podcast recently Dr Mahathir said that incidents of very strange crimes were happening in the country. Parents murdering children, children murdering parents. 

Now there is an insurance syndicate with many members (more than eight involved)  who buy insurance policies for victims and then kill them by faking road accidents, before claiming the insurance money.

Let me make a guess. Obviously the "victims" are poorer people. And Police say they are chosen because they have no relatives. 

Surely the insurance company must do some background check and ask how can an ordinary person suddenly buy a RM500,000 life insurance policy? And if the 'beneficiary' is not a family member or a relative then that should ring even more alarm bells.

Maybe more arrests have to be made. Some crooks work from offices.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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