
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, September 10, 2024


 I suspect this nonsense about no pork, no alchohol restaurants is just a deflection or a distraction to cover up something else that is going on. Folks lets keep our eyes open. 

Because the issue is just too stupid. First of all exactly how many no pork no alchohol restaurants are there? 150,000? 15,000? 1,500? 150? 15?  What about in your neighbourhood? Where I live there are none of these no pork no alchohol restaurants. 

So why the stupid fuss over something that is a non issue? Tak mahu makan jangan makan lah. Siapa suruh awak pi makan ? Do you need instructions for that as well? How stupid can you get? 

Should they also pass another law that says 'after you cr@p you must wash your b@ckside'.  Otherwise, who knows, some people may not wash their b@cksides. Do you know that there is supposed to be a blessing if you step into the toilet with your left foot first? Many people follow these instructions. But there is no mention of any blessing if you wash your hands after using the toilet. Oh oh!

I have a question. Hello Johor people - Johor buys processed drinking water from Singapore. So how? Does the water from Singapore have a "halal certificate"? There is so much fuss about halal this, haram that etc.  Even bottled mineral water is certified halal. 

Above : Gambar hiasan saja ok. Keep cool. Hands off the red button.


So what about the tapwater from your kitchen that is used for all your cooking and drinking  which is supplied by the Jabatan Bekalan Air etc? Do they have halal certificates?   Air paip tak ada sijil halal ke? Kenapa tak ada?

Hello Johor people, what about the tap water from Singapore? Ada sijil halal ke? Siapa kasi halal?

And here is a business angle they have not thought about. Malay restaurants are few and far between. Many are struggling to survive. They cannot compete as well. Now if the Malay consumer has even more choices ("certified" no pork no alchohol restaurants) there will be an exodus of Malay / Muslim customers to the no pork no alchohol restaurants. Lagi banyak restoran Melayu akan bungkus. Tak terpikir ke?

Now I have a question for the brand new KSN. That is this guy here:

  • Katakanlah ada supermarket di Kedah yang menjual kicap dalam botol. 
  • Kicap itu di manufacture oleh kilang kicap di Kedah juga. 
  • Kicap itu ada sijil halal JAKIM. 
  • Lets say seorang pengguna (warga negeri Kedah) yang beli kicap itu rasa curiga dengan 'kehalalan' kicap itu. 
  • Maka dia buat aduan, laporan dsbnya dan kemudian saman kedua supermarket dan kilang kicap itu di mahkamah atas tuduhan kicap itu tidak halal.  
  • Supermarket dan kilang kicap pula menjawab bahawa mereka sudah lulus kelayakan sijil halal JAKIM. 
  • Pembeli kicap pula jawab, ikut Perlembagaan Persekutuan hal ehwal agama terletak di bawah bidang kuasa Raja-Raja Melayu di peringkat negeri saja. Maksudnya kita tidak mengikut style Vatican di Rom dalam pengurusan hal ehwal agama. Tidak ada 'central authority' untuk mengurus hal ehwal agama pada peringkat Federal atau kebangsaan. Pendek kata sijil halal JAKIM daripada Jabatan Perdana Menteri tidak mempunyai legal standing di peringkat negeri seperti di negeri Kedah. 

Jadi apakah keberkesanan (legal standing) sijil halal JAKIM di luar kawasan Wilayah Persekutuan KL, Putrajaya dan Labuan? Soalan ini melibatkan pentadbiran hal ehwal agama dalam masyarakat kita dan saya harap KSN sebagai ketua pentadbiran Perkhidmatan Awam boleh menjawab soalan ini.

Jika sijil halal JAKIM mempunyai legal standing di negeri lain apakah maksudnya Raja-Raja Melayu sudah tidak lagi mempunyai tanggungjawab mutlak dalam hal ehwal agama di negeri mereka yang disebut dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan kita?

Begitu juga dalam isu restoran 'no pork no alchohol' ini bukankah perkara ini di bawah tanggungjawab DYMM Raja-Raja Melayu di peringkat setiap negeri?  Habis kenapa pula Menteri Kabinet pula sibuk menyibuk menimbulkan pelbagai kekeliruan mengenai perkara ini? Ini bukan bidang kuasa mereka pun.

Saya harap Tuan KSN yang baru boleh memberi sedikit penjelasan pasal legal standing sijil halal JAKIM itu. Thank you. 

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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