
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, April 29, 2011

Watch the Royal Wedding Live Online!

Prince William and Kate Middleton Royal British Wedding

Watch the Royal Wedding Live in IN 6 HOURS, 44 MINUTES.

Royal Wedding Forum

In the meantime, check out the Royal Wedding Blog , with all of the latest news and gossip about William and Kate. Or, you can peruse our Store, which we’ve stocked with tons of British Royal Wedding memorabilia!

We highly recommend that you bookmark this page or enter your email address in the sidebar over to the right in order to get a reminder the night before the ceremony. You don’t want to risk missing out on watching the royal wedding live between Kate Middleton and Prince William!

Hint: If you click where it says “Click Here for CNN”, you will be taken off of this page. Instead click the “Play Button” in the lower left corner of the video screen.

All of the information that you need about the wedding of the century.

They’ve finally set a date: Prince William and Ms. Kate Middleton will marry on Friday April 29th 2011 at Westminster Abbey, London.

Prince William proposed to Kate Middleton on November 16th, 2010, while the pair were vacationing in Kenya. Kate, of course, agreed, and the official notice of the engagement was announced soon thereafter. Prince William gave Kate his late mother, Princess Diana’s, diamond and blue sapphire ring. This stunning piece of jewelery will doubtlessly go down in history. It could potentially be passed down the line of future heirs to the throne for generations to come.

Don’t forget to save the April 29th date for the British Royal Wedding, and catch all the latest news on Prince William and Kate Middleton’s wedding right here on RoyalWeddingLive.TV!

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