
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, November 18, 2011

of vultures and hyenas.

Try as I want to write something "nice"about our police force I come to a blank ! Never has the Malaysian police department been up to their nose in shitty and dirty corruption then at the present time !

These guardians of our lives and protectors of our neighbourhood and streets are the very crooks we tax-paying citizens have to fear most ! They have tarnished the good name of law and order they so solemnly swore to up-hold without fear or favour ! Of course you might argue there are some good cops still and I'm not being fair to paint them all in one brush, no ? But the facts and there's just too many of them, far out-weighs whatever good a few cops can do or have done. There is no redemption in sight and all credibility is eroded. Finito !

Police brutality and deaths in the once very sacred hollow of their stations are common occurrence. Bribes and threats go hand-in-hand. Laziness and greed are qualities bred with years of service. Serving and sucking-up to the affluent is business as usual. Denying the lowly educated and poor is also okay in a days work. Cover-ups and
"fixing" a wrong can also be bargained for the right price. In fact I could go on and on but then again is there anything I know you don't know yourself already ?

Famous and over-used line is.....
"we are investigating, so don't speculate or you could be charged for spreading rumours" or "we have set up a special committee to look into that" is bullshit meant for kampung folks ! Sorry we don't buy that shit anymore !

Such is the SOP of our officers-in-blue and the rakyat is pissed off beyond belief and have not one thing nice to say of them. Poor excuse for human beings, that's what they are. A police force that will immediately spring into action when their political masters say
'go'... a force that is like a blood-hound chained in a cage without food and water for a month. A well fed force that will deploy hundreds and use their mighty water cannon and tear-gas to arrest at will once their political masters say 'arrest them' ! A force that has no respect for the very hand ( read you and me-as tax-payers ) that feeds them monthly with a fat salary from our blood and sweat earned ringgits.

I am so damn angry, so bloody pissed off with these morons-in-blue after I read this ( here ) ! Talk about making a police report about a robbery in a police station by a policeman who was guarding evidence taken from another bunch of bandits, the MACC of Malaysia by his fellow policemen thieves....ptuii !!

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