
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, November 19, 2011

SA for ‘Terrible Thirteen’: Crimes against His Majesty and Federal Constitution

The arrest of 13 related to Jemaah Islamiah (J I) activities in Sabah recently under the dreaded Internal Security Act is just. They were involved in activities that are clear and present danger threatening His Majesty Seri Paduka Baginda Yang DiPertuan Agong and Federal Constitution. There are forcefully ever ready to use extreme violence in their quest to form an ‘Islamic State’.

13 detained in Tawau most dangerous to M’sia and region

KLUANG: Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein said the group of 13 individuals who were detained under the Internal Security Act (ISA) by the authorities in Tawau, Sabah earlier this week were most dangerous to the security of this country and the region.

He said the group of 13 individuals concerned, including six foreigners who were “not afraid to die” and wanted to become martrys, were most dangerous not only to the people of Malaysia but also the whole South-east Asian region.

“This group is not afraid to die and they actually want to become martyrs,” he told reporters after attending a gathering at Felda Bukit Tongkat, here today.

Hishammuddin, who is also the Member of Parliament for Semberong, described the issue on the detention of the 13 individuals concerned as ‘most serious’ and said that they were currently being detained at the Detention Centre in Tawau.

The minister also disclosed that the operation to detain the 13 individuals was carried out by a Police special anti-terrorism unit which also found a large amount of firearms and explosive materials.

He said the quantity of firearms found was substantial and they were from abroad, adding that this showed that this group of individuals was most dangerous.

He also disclosed that the operations carried out by the 13 individuals who were detained involved three countries, but he declined to expose the three countries concerned.

Hishammuddin said the group also used several locations and individuals as their targets.

“It involves three nations and there was a certain country that provided them military training,” he said.

Two days ago, Hishammuddin had said that he had gone to Indonesia to have a closer look at the group’s network in Malaysia and the neighbouring countries.

He said the Home Ministry would go all out against any terrorist activities and did not want the matter to be politicised. — BERNAMA

Read more: 13 detained in Tawau most dangerous to M’sia and region – Latest – New Straits Timeshttp://www.nst.com.my/latest/13-detained-in-tawau-most-dangerous-to-m-sia-and-region-1.8177#ixzz1e94G6a00


It has been said that these persons are connected to the active bombers in Indonesia. They are found to be recruiting new cadres for their J I related terrorism activities, especially for activities in the Southern Phillipines. These new recruits were sent to Indonesia for military training which is believed included making bombs. They intend to use Malaysia as one of their regional staging ground. They were found to be trafficking weapons and fire arms from Southern Phillipines for Indonesia and using their Tawau base as a transit point.

It is very important that these terrorists to be apprehended now after surveillance shown their terrorism linked operations are regional operatives. Amongst the thirteen include three Indonesians, two Indonesians with Malaysian permanent residence status and one Filipino were detected actively operating in Sabah.

This group is part of a bigger J I terrorist group still active operating in this region. In the past terrorists linked to J I are responsible for bombings in the region particularly in Indonesia. The Bali bombings in 2002 (again in 2005) and Jakarta Ritz Carlton and JW Marriot bombings in 2009 are renowned examples. A notorious J I terrorist Mas Selamat Kastari was arrested near Johor Bahru in May 2009 after slipped away from Singaporean ISA detention centre in February 2008.

The most wanted man in SEA: Mas Selamat Kastari in different looks

It is expected the six Indonesians would be deported and handed to the Indonesian authorities when the Royal Malaysian Police experts on terrorism are through with their investigation.

Suhakam called for their release as this is deemed as violating human rights as all of the 13 were arrested and now being detained without trial. We are not sure whether Suhakam consider these ‘Terrible Thirteen” as very dangerous, not only to Malaysia but also regional and global security and war against terrorism.

Home Minister Hishamuddin was quick to respond to Suhakam:

The dreaded ISA is being used for the arrest of the ‘Terrible Thirteen’. ‘Democractically-enacted-law-deemed-undemocractic’ the human rights activist dubbed as “draconian” in the past has been proven to be a very effective tool for the war against the terrorism and crimes of humanities. The ISA is still being enforced and has not been revoked till the new laws announced by Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Mohd. Najib Tun Razak on the eve of 16 September 2011, come into force sometime middle of next year.

Would human rights activists which include Suhakam and other NGOs be ready to should ownership for any crimes against humanities when these terrorists are allowed to roam free when authorities which include the Royal Malaysian Police are hindered to use ISA as a preventive tool for terrorism?

The ‘rights’ of the majority, His Majesty Seri Paduka Baginda Yang DiPertuan Agong and Federal Constitution is paramount compared to these very evil minority group, which is known to hurt others in their quest for power under their narrow interpretation on what is best for the society.

- bigdogdotcom

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