
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, November 11, 2011

Seksualiti Merdeka: What have the police, Umno and its media got in return?

Seksualiti Merdeka: What have the police, Umno and its media got  in return?

The media blitz on Sexualiti Merdeka was deplorable to say the least. It is high-time for Media Prima which owns almost all the broadcasters in Malaysia to state its stand. Is it supporting fully the stance of UMNO and its sister organization, Perkasa, as well?

It is obvious that this needs to be stated so that Malaysians have a clear picture as to where a broadcaster stands when it provides news reports. At least we are assured that the views broadcasted by Media Prima would mirror the stance taken by UMNO. This would also explain the labelling of Sexualiti Merdeka as a “free sex festival”, which is consistent with the methods UMNO has used to blackball and demonise anything remotely associated with freedom of speech and expression in Malaysia.

Political mileage

The statement by the police with regards to the clamped down event speaks volumes of the mind-set of their political masters. Deputy Inspector-General of Police Khalid Abu Bakar said the police were not against freedom of expression or human rights but had to step in because the organisers did not have a permit to hold the festival in public. He had earlier said the event might provoke public disorder. Khalid added the police were investigating the matter under section 298A of the Penal Code and section 27A(1)(c) of the Police Act and had linked Ambiga to the movement.

There are two things weird about the Deputy IGP’s statement. Sexualiti Malaysia has been run annually since 2008, so it would seem odd that it failed to request for a permit to host the event. Wasn't the knee-jerk reaction by the police in response to Perkasa's screams of objection to the news that Ambiga Sreenavasan would be the guest of honor for 5-day event? Yet, for this Ambiga was hauled up to meet the police. And what was so wrong for Ambiga to do so? Marina Mahathir officiated the 2009 Sexualiti Merdeka, so shouldn’t Marina be hauled up for questioning as well?

So on two fronts, the police’s resistance as well as the mass media’s reaction to the event is reflective of UMNO’s stance. And UMNO’s stance is not merely one taken from a religious point of view. Muhyiddin Yassin, who days before, gave a statement that Sexualiti Merdeka was a “waste of time” yet in the same breath also said that they would allow it to proceed, indicates the double-mindedness of the Najib administration. The fact is, Sexualiti Merdeka was demonised to gain political mileage among conservative Malays.

For PAS to scream and shout over Sexualiti Merdeka is to be expected, not that it is right but PAS has always been a conservative Islamic political party. But to have UMNO and Perkasa leading the charge seems strange. Despite their talk, UMNO and Perkasa's motivation has nothing to do with religion. They are paranoid about Ambiga and Bersih. They are also opportunistic, making use of the incident to stir up homophobia against Bersih and the Pakatan Rakyat's reform movement.

Taking the time to listen

And in amidst all the religious batter and political motivated smear campaigns against Sexualiti Merdeka, have Malaysians taken the time to listen to those who really should be heard?

Why are we quick to demonize Sexualiti Merdeka when we do not take the time to allow the organisers to speak up for their cause? Indeed, things may be different when we hear everyone speak. It is not enough to be guided by the mind-sets of those aligned to oppose the event; Malaysians must also demand the right to hear from those who organised it.

It is true that all religions do not support homosexuality, lesbianism or even the right to change one's gender, but that is not the issue here. Religion was never the point of contention in the debate about Sexuality Merdeka. Religion also teaches us to discuss, gain understanding, seek the truth, to show mercy and grace and to give counsel and furthermore we are all taught to be courteous towards children of the Creator.

The nation is already divided along religious and racial lines, to have it further divided along sexual orientation is pure lunacy. It is high-time Malaysian politicians stop their screaming and yowling. Just take the time to listen and may be we will all learn to hear better the voices of those who are marginalised.

Malaysia Chronicle

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