
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, November 18, 2011

Where’s the beef (Part VIII)


  • It must be tough week for the Salleh’s Family & Co. The bait laid by RR has been bitten. The revelation made by Salleh further throws more light into the allegation on the misuse of RM181mill that seems to have brought them down deep into the gutter. By his own admission Salleh has indicated that the RM250 mill loan doesn’t seem like a loan and the funds has been used for other purpose other than cattle business.

  • The declaration on the purchase and ridiculous rental return of RM70K has made him a laughing stock. Then came another ridiculous explanation on how the RM70K rental comes about. It seems BDRB; the developer of 1-Menerung gave them a rebate of RM49K per month. This is the most atrocious explanation I have heard so far.

  • Why would BDRB give a rebate? If it is true, I believe he has opened another Pandora box? How long is this rebate for? Is he suggesting that the developer is documenting on paper that they are selling the property at market value to NFC and in actual fact refunding the money back slowly? Why would any developer do such a thing? I think there are enough grounds for MACC to initiate investigation into the matter.

  • RR has challenged the cabinet to release the minutes of the cabinet meeting that is related to the approval of the loan. Is it safe to assume that he has already got the papers but unable to release it due to OSA and challenged the government to do so?

  • I think it is time the KSN, Tan Sri Sidik Hassan to call for an internal inquiry to determine who are the officers involved in this loan scam and why the loans was not repaid after being disbursed. It is also important to know whether the agreement was done in a fair manner that reflects the true intent of the project. If there are shortcomings than it is imperative the responsible officers be brought to books.

  • As time goes by and after several more PC by Salleh, I believe my suspicion to that I had in Dec 2009 that NFC is just a front may just be true. I asked YB KJ on twitter whether the money is for Feedlot or Feedlot was a front? I have asked both KJ and RR to investigate and confirm whether “RM181 mill are buried somewhere on the farm”.

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