
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, November 19, 2011

Why blame the whistleblowers for NFC's woes?

YOURSAY 'If Mohamad Salleh have any bone to pick, he should pick it with the auditor-general and not his staff or any other person.'

Renegade staff sabotaged us, says NFC

Vijay47: What is most telling about National Feedlot Corporation chief executive chief officer Mohammad Salleh Ismail's annoyed comments is that not once did he say that the ‘renegade staff' were wrong in their allegations.

His mere identification of the source behind the scandal actually implies, or even confirms, that the stories of Wanita Umno chief Shahrizat Abdul Jalil and her ‘cowboys' are indeed true.

If there is anything to be laughed at in this sorry tale, it is that our crooks don't even know how to steal quietly. Give Mohammad Salleh a gun and he will soon shoot himself in the foot. We can only hope he takes a few others with him.

Sarawakian_3ff9: The point here is not whether someone has blown the whistle but whether NFC did wrong. As a taxpayer, I say they cheated the rakyat and must be punished for it. Shahrizat abused her position and that's a fact.

Pakman: The reason for the existence of NFC is to ensure sufficient supply of beef to Malaysian market and not to enriched Umno-BN cronies. This is akin to NEP (New Economic Policy) which has been abused by the Umno-BN.

The grant of RM250 million has been used to enrich the selected few among the Umno elite. The so-called renegades are actually heroes, who acted to safeguard public funds from being wasted by such cronies.

James Dean: The auditor-general (AG) mentioned about NFC's mismanagement in the annual report. If Mohamad Salleh have any bone to pick, he should pick it with the AG and not his staff or any other person. Don't detract from the original issue.

FairMind: The two brave whistleblowers may be renegade staff to NFC but they are certainly first grade staff to the citizens of Malaysia. What happen to the Whistleblowers Act which was promulgated some time ago?

FellowMalaysian: Call them renegades, whistleblowers, saboteurs or whatever you like. Without them, the rot would have been swept under the carpet.

Similarly, if senior lawyer VK Lingam and his bunch of cohorts had not been exposed, the March 2008 political tsunami may not have happened.

As concerned citizens, the renegades' effort should be applauded in helping the country to curb irregularities and corrupt practices.

Anonymous: Why blame the two individuals? If there are no impropriety, there is nothing to expose. The CEO of NFC talks as though the duo stole trade secrets and sold them to their competitors.

It's high time for those people in power learn that one should never abuse the trust placed upon them by the public. The whistleblowers should be commended for their public service.

Lbl: Instead of investigating the NFC, they are going after the messengers.

Dood: If the claims by the renegade staff are indeed true, they in effect exposed wrongdoing in NFC, and as such the ex-staff should be commended for doing the right thing.

In fact, everyone should do this. It is only when they kept quiet and conspired to hide the truth from the people would they be doing the wrong thing. Good job, renegade staff.

Multi Racial: How pathetic. He now blamed those whistleblowers. There is no action taken by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and police so far against NFC. I would not be surprise if they suddenly spring into action to catch the whistleblowers.

Malaysians, if you don't wake now and vote for the right people into government, you have no one to blame but yourself.

Good men: This is how bad the state of Malaysia has become. The ones who have misused and misspent taxpayers' money are now blaming those who revealed the wrongdoing.

This is not your money and you have nothing to be self-righteous about.

If you are so clever, go get a commercial loan of RM250 million and start your own cattle project - there is no need for a soft loan from the taxpayers at 2% interest which you have yet to paid back a single cent.

Anonymous_3e86: Why blame the whistleblowers for NFC's problems? If NFC has done nothing wrong, then there isn't anything thing to fear from the information given by the whistleblowers.

The police should instead investigate the information revealed by the whistleblowers. And the identity of the whistleblowers must not be revealed as all costs.

Knowing how things work in Malaysia, I guess the whistleblowers will be investigated instead. That's justice in Malaysia - the guilty get away while the innocent and small-fry get persecuted.

Onyourtoes: The most important issue is whether or not they divulged truthful information or lies. If the information is truthful, we the people must give the whistleblowers medals for services to the nation.

Remember, yours is not a private company per se - yours is a public agency, using public money but being operated like an oligarchy, not answerable to anyone but a group of corrupted oligarchs.

Pemerhati: "He (Mohamad Salleh) explained that the company has a special loan account under the soft loan facility amounting to RM250 million, of which there was still a balance of RM69 million. ‘We take the money when we need it. We have not started paying yet...'. Under the agreement, he said the company will start paying for the private project with a two percent government interest a year once they have used the entire loan... The company will pay RM7 million for 17 years to clear the debt taken from the government in 2009, he said."


Since the frequency of payments per year is not indicated, one gets the impression that Mohamad Salleh's company will clear the debt by paying back only RM119 million (17x7) when the loan amount given to the company, including interest, is well in excess of RM250 million.

Changeagent: If any politician from Pakatan Rakyat had been involved in this fiasco instead of the Wanita Umno head, he or she would have done 'self-strangulation' and jumped off the MACC building by now. - Malaysiakini

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