
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, January 15, 2016

Tan Sri Abu Kassim, Dato Shukri Abdul, what will you do if they sing out of tune?

This is the latest post (Dismissals and Replacements) from Tun Dr Mahathir's Blog Che Det here

 Here is the news about Ghani Patail beginning a new career as a lawyer. 

Kidney problems replaced by one with mental problems

This post is actually addressed to Tan Sri Abu Kassim - the Ketua Pesuruhjaya or Chief Commissioner of the SPRM and also to  Dato Sri Shukri Abdul - the Timbalan Ketua Pesuruhjaya.

In the movie 'The Transporter' Rule No. 1 is 'No Names'. 

So I shall not mention any names.

Here is some talk. You can dismiss this if you so wish.  Chit chat says there are many aspects you are investigating, each of which can be brought to the Court separately. 

Talk is your investigations are complete in some of the cases and that one of the 'open and shut cases' which you have investigated was the use of the credit cards for shopping in Sicily, Monte Carlo and Paris.  (Sicily ??)

Talk is the kway teow seller was also present which may not be relevant to your case.  Apparently millions were spent in those three days, using the credit card. The diamonds were also bought using the credit card. 

The credit card was issued under a certain "yayasan" which was the beneficiary of some of that radioactive money (RM4x million ++) that had been donated as CSR. Meaning the personal shopping was charged to a credit card issued to the yayasan. A clear breach of the law. Plus the money was radioactive.

Talk is you have already submitted the credit card receipts, the interviews with the 'kedai runcit' people in Europe (who sold the diamonds etc.) as part of your investigation papers and that you have reccommended certain actions to be taken. 

Another open and shut case. Just like the case mentioned in that draft sheet which has caused our Suluk friend to begin his chambering. 

The question that faces you now is what if nothing happens after this? 

We have seen how the other recommendation by the Tan Sri lady was just thrown into the bin. 

What if the same thing is said about your investigation?  

We can guess what they will do. 

The question is what will you do then?  Do you just wash your hands and go home? 

My friend Dato Shukri Abdul the Timbalan Ketua Pesuruhjaya has been exemplary in his professionalism and upholding his duties.  Tabik Dato.

 Dato Shukri Abdul, 
Timbalan Ketua Pesuruhjaya SPRM

We have not forgotten. 
The people will not forget. 
Your courage in standing up to these bullies.  
Syabas dan seribu kali syabas.  

People mention your name and talk about the pressures that you are facing. The people are with you. 100%.   I hope Dato Shukri will stand his ground.

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