
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Game’s up, 1MDB can’t continue to borrow from Peter to pay Paul

YOURSAY | ‘Najib and his minions are running out of fig leaves to cover their malfeasance.’
Anonymous 2362021442199789: My bet is that Putrajaya will blink first in this confrontation with Abu Dhabi sovereign wealth fund International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC).
IPIC has already declared that 1MDB and Putrajaya have not met their obligations and hence it will move to abrogate one of the cornerstones of the much-touted debt rationalisation plan, which is now floundering.
Putrajaya will have to come to the rescue by paying the US$50 million interest, but this is only the tip of the whole stinking bonds debt mess.
You and I are going to be poorer whilst the scoundrels who allegedly syphoned off the 1MDB payments to the fake BVI entity are still partying.
Flamescanner: Just tell them that we signed the documents but didn't read or understand what we were signing.
After all, if our attorney-general (AG) can accept it, why can't IPIC? Surely our IPIC brothers can understand and forgive us.
I.AM.Malaysian: Indeed, I wonder if the legal team will give the same reason to IPIC as they gave to the rakyat - all authorised signatures were just formality and our PM didn't read anything he signed.
If IPIC doesn't buy the excuse, the rakyat will be in deep trouble. The nation is liable to pay for someone's foolery.
Rupert16: This is the consequence of "borrowing from Peter to pay Paul". The truth behind the 1MDB sham is slowly but surely unravelling.
PM Najib Razak and his minions are running out of fig leaves to cover their malfeasance.
Anonymous #19098644: First the lie that it was RM42 billion when the actual amount was RM50 billion. Then the lie that all funds were accounted for when RM7 billion plus was actually diverted to who knows where.
Then the lie that the issue has been resolved but the two pieces of prime land in Tun Razak Exchange (TRX) and the Sungai Besi air force base, which was Malaysian government land, is now sold or being sold. The result - Malaysian-owned independent power plants are now owned by communist China.
The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) report also said that the Malaysian government – that is, ultimately you and I - are also responsible for RM20 billion of debt in the event of a default. Now the default is about to begin.
Cocomomo: Will Sarawak voters be able to see that the string of lies is being cast wide open before the eyes of the world?
Or as is likely to be the case, they see nothing? And the corrupt will get away scot free – again.
Leongan: The basic question is: Where has the initial borrowed money gone?
You dig a hole to repair a leaked pipe, but you threw away the excavated soil. After the repair, you do not have the excavated soil to fill the hole, so you have to use some other good soil (which has other better use) to do the patching job.
The questions are: Where is the original excavated soil? Why did you throw them away in the first place?
Our questions are not on the "some other good soil (which has other better use)". Are you clear?
LifeFlier: 1MDB CEO Arul Kanda Kandasamy, when it rains, it pours. You need to get ready a bigger umbrella.
Odin Tajué: DAP leader Lim Kit Siang, you, of course, know that Saudi Arabia's foreign minister Adel al-Jubeir is completely unable to explain his ‘U-turn' on the RM2.6 billion donation.
The reason? Very simple. Like all those who have rushed in where even fools fear to tread in their infantile attempt to explain the ill windfall, he is clearly not exactly the brightest and honest specimen of the human race.
In very simple words, he is stupid and a liar. One deduces this from his obvious obliviousness of the fact that what he has just said contradicts what he last said a mere two months ago, and that his statements made on both occasions would be known by many far beyond his camel-hair tent.
As one trained in law and were educated when the standard of English in Malaysia was generally very high, you, doubtless, know about the ‘fools rush in where angels fear to tread' thing.
You know that whereas windfalls always bear positive connotation and the fortune-bearing wind is healthy, the particular largesse that has fallen into Najib's eagerly welcoming lap was brought in by an ill wind, and thus the whole bears negative connotation.
Adel's using of the word “aware” in his contradictory statement, “We are aware of the donation and it is a genuine donation with nothing expected in return”, and in his indirectly-exonerating statement, “We are also fully aware that the attorney-general of Malaysia has thoroughly investigated the matter and found no wrongdoing”, plainly mean that he was and is actually ignorant of the details pertaining to the mass of filthy matter. He is so because he has never been a party to it. He has only heard about it.
But the implication, the significance, of being aware of something is, doubtless, well beyond the ken of ministers who aren't even able to comprehend what they read, such as the one former DPM Muhyiddin Yassin has charged to be so, and whose only goal is to ingratiate themselves with the one whose lap has been tainted and maculated by the filth brought in by the ill wind.
No, sir, Adel has rendered himself to be a moronic mute, and so you can wait for an explanation from him till the end of time and none will be forthcoming ever.
Anonymous_1372415465: The minister did not say that it was a Saudi donation. It was a less than a 10-second soundbite that has been deliberately misrepresented.
So, listen to the little he said and not the volumes of misrepresentation by Malaysia's propaganda media, which appears to have even confused this commentator.
Anonymous 29051438068738: Yes, a fellow who wants the world to believe him would not stop at issuing a deliberately vague statement which really does not say much.
Instead he would explain the background to the "donation", the specific discussions he had with the so-called donee and others, disclosing dates, times and places, how he obtained the donee's account numbers, how the money was wired and through which banks and finally produce irrefutable evidence that he had actually received a large part of the donation back from the donee.
He should also reveal who else has been the recipient of such generosity and how he himself has come to acquire such wealth. Short of everything mentioned here, his statement is nothing more than another Arabian tale.
FairMind: A huge amount of money has been paid to a fake company which has since quietly liquidated in June 2015.
Isn't it strange until now, almost 10 months later, the 1MDB CEO and management have not panicked and lodge police reports and take action to recover the lost billions?
It is as if that they don't care that money has been paid to a wrong company. -Mkini


  1. Kalau dilihat team lembaga pengarah MDB bukan main hebat2. Penasihat 1MDB dan menteri kewangan juga hebat.
    Yang hairannya dalam dok gah kata hebat, professional la pengurusannya, macamana boleh kata tak baca apa document bila sign documents. Macamana boleh buat bayaran hutang pada syarikat lain sedangkan hutang pada syarikat lain? Bayaran ni bukan RM1 atau RM1K. Ini melibatkan pemindahan duit RM billion2. Melibatkan cagaran hartadan wang negara?
    Mereka2 yg terlibat mesti ditangkap dan di siasat.
    Mereka2 ini bertanggungjawap

  2. Kalau dilihat team lembaga pengarah MDB bukan main hebat2. Penasihat 1MDB dan menteri kewangan juga hebat.
    Yang hairannya dalam dok gah kata hebat, professional la pengurusannya, macamana boleh kata tak baca apa document bila sign documents. Macamana boleh buat bayaran hutang pada syarikat lain sedangkan hutang pada syarikat lain? Bayaran ni bukan RM1 atau RM1K. Ini melibatkan pemindahan duit RM billion2. Melibatkan cagaran hartadan wang negara?
    Mereka2 yg terlibat mesti ditangkap dan di siasat.
    Mereka2 ini bertanggungjawap


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