
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Too many Chiefs

PM Najib is the principal target of many, not least Mahathir. But if Najib is succeessfully removed, deposed, rid of, then who replaces him on the 'morning after'?

In a previous post Deposing Najib - what's & where's the plan after? I illustrated the tragic example of Libya, on which President Obama of the USA admitted that Anglo-French and American lack of planning of the 'morning after' resulted in the chaotic mess that is Libya today.

I lamented that the members of the newly formed 'Save Malaysia' (or 'Save Mahathir') Front in failing to plan for the 'morning after', though mind you, we know everyone in that Front has their own private and individual plan for it, and precisely because of their private and very divergent agenda and PM-candidate, are merely sweeping unresolved vital matters under the carpet, hoping against impossible hope these matters will magically disappear.

But a nasty 'Libya' awaits them, that is, if they ever deposed Najib (as well as Zahid, wakakaka). Their immediate avaricious obsession (falling prey to the machinations of a very Machiavellian manipulator) has been so great as to override commonsense and reasonable strategic thinking.

Some of my readers dismissed my caution, claiming Malaysia is a world of difference from Libya and that with Najib gotten rid of, the system of government as operated by our institutions continues seamlessly.

So does that mean Ahmad Zahid Hamidi becomes PM?

Zaid Ibrahim thought so, and even asked that dear Zahid be given a chance to show his mettle.

But aiyoyo, a resounding chorus of nay's rang loudly after Zaid's proposal. Leading the nay-sayers has been Mahathir who tellingly said, as reported by FMT that Zahid "... would be an unworthy candidate for the prime minister’s seat and has 'nowhere to go' from his present post as deputy prime minister."

Oh oh oh, so there, according to the man who considers Najib as 'HIS' (and not AAB's) successor, it'll not only be Najib to be removed but also Zahid to be disallowed/disqualified from the PM post. Now, didn't I just hear about Malaysia being richly endowed with 'institutions' which would ensure the passing of the PM-baton would be smoothly executed?

OK then, if Najib goes, and Zahid is veto-ed out of the equation by the self-appointed Emperor of Bolehland, who then takes over as PM?

Hishamuddin? No way, says His Most Imperial Majestic Majesty.

BTW DAP, Amanah, PAS can all stop salivating as there'll be a snowflake's chance in hell of any of their members becoming PM. Note I haven't included PKR in the preemptive wipe-out, wakakaka.

Then what about Anwar Ibrahim, who I'm sure, as one already recommended for the Nobel Prize (on the basis he's an Amnesty International's prisoner of conscience, as have been many dozens more), will be warmly welcomed by his supporters and family as a fantastic PM candidate. But alas too, he won't and never ever will be approved by you-know-who.

That leaves Azmin Ali and Mukhriz, who may well be the Emperor's proposed PM and DPM to please both BN and Pakatan, a win-win for all especially Mahathir. The couple can become Mahathir's 3rd and 4th successors.

[Muhyiddin can be the bridesmaid to the new couple above, or/and Ambassador to the Republic of Nauru, while Nurul Izzah may well be appointed as Ambassador to Pakistan]

But wait, we spy that from the left field lurks the best PM we didn't have and may yet possibly have, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah - for more read Malaysia-Today's Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah's Saturday Dose Of Bullshit.

If true, then to paraphrase Alexander Pope, 'Hope springs eternal in his breast'.

Ain't there just too many Chiefs to be considered for the PM post once Najib is removed? But where then are the Indians, very few as they might be? I heard they, it would seem, prefer to frequent the Backyard Pub in Bangsar rather than offer themselves as PM candidates, wakakaka.

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