
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, April 19, 2016

We’re not as credulous as KJ, RM2.6b scandal not over yet

YOURSAY | ‘No, the issue of the so-called donation is far from resolved.’
Odin Tajué: Ministers Khairy Jamaluddin and Azalina Othman Said, one can understand why your offering of obsessive loyalty to PM Najib Razak but one totally fails to see how people of your position could have zero respect for the intelligent section of the populace and pretend to be oblivious of what are so obvious and demand absolutely no abstract thinking.
Let us get the easier thing out of the way first. A sum of US$3.51 billion had been diverted to a party that was not the rightful payee. This fact was known not exactly a minute ago but at least days, if not weeks or months or years, ago.
Yet until today, there does not seem to be any action taken to file a report of grand theft or to institute any other appropriate action to initiate the recovery process. One is forced to conclude that none of these actions has been taken because the diverting of the money was intentional.
Now to the supposed confirmation by Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir of the so-called donation. Adel's confirmation is of no value whatsoever. It is a farce.
Reason no 1: He has never been privy to the transfer of ±US$681 million to Najib's personal bank accounts. Reason no 2: His confirmation contradicts what he has said just a little more than two months ago, and it was made after his meeting with Najib.
Facts to support Reason no 1 are the following. On Feb 5 this year, the New York Times informed us that Adel said he had "…accepted the attorney-general's opinion that there had been no wrongdoing, but he also said that he did not think that the money had come from the Saudi government or that it was a political donation."
He “did not think”. Meaning, he was not sure. Or, he did not know. Adel was reported to have said, "It is (from) a private Saudi citizen, I believe, and the funds went to an investment in Malaysia."
The nature of the investment was not specified. But never mind that. It is not important. What is important is that he has declared that the money (±US$681 million or RM2.6 billion) was for an investment in Malaysia. Outpoint: The money was for an investment and not a donation of whatever kind.
A “private Saudi citizen” is not a member of the Saudi royal family and leave alone a Saudi king. And he only “believed”. Meaning, he was not sure. He was, as he still is, the foreign minister. If the so-called donation had come from a member of the Saudi royal family, or from a Saudi king whether dead or alive, or from the Saudi government, he was in the position to know. But he did not. I will repeat that. He did not.
Just a little more than two months later, Adel has completely contradicted himself. Now he has said that "We are aware of the donation and it is a genuine donation with nothing expected in return. We are also fully aware that the attorney-general of Malaysia has thoroughly investigated the matter and found no wrongdoing. So, as far as we are concerned, the matter is closed."
Adel, in fact, has absolutely no clue as to the so-called donation. The phrases he has used indicate the act of indirectly confirming a point while simultaneously distancing oneself from it so as to avoid being implicated or being held to what one has uttered. Surely you must be able to follow me here, don't you?
And as are all those artless, lubberly weavers of the tall donation tales, he is too thick to realise that his changing of his tale after meeting with Najib makes him even more unbelievable.
No, the issue of the so-called donation is far from resolved. In fact, it is festering and producing odoriferous emission. You all can blame yourselves for prolonging it.
Anonymous 2362021442199789: These are just more tales from the Arabian Nights. Pure fiction for children. When the truth is finally revealed, it will be shown that in fact it is 1MDB money siphoned out and some came back into someone's personal account as a 'no strings attached' donation.
Thus, please withhold the celebrations until the results of the foreign investigations are finally revealed. Otherwise Khairy and all the other brown-nosers, you will look terribly stupid. Even Kinabatangan MP Bung Moktar Radin is getting smarter, perhaps because of the hospital diet.
Wg321: Yes, the show is not yet over. The show will only be over when the investigators from the US Department of Justice and those Switzerland, Luxembourg, London, Paris, Hong Kong and Singapore announced the results of their investigations.
As long as 1MDB used the banking systems of these countries to move billions of dollars, it cannot hide its footprints. It is just a matter of time we will know whether the RM2.6 billion in Najib’s personal account originated from 1MDB or from a royal Saudi family.
Hmmmmmmmm: I guess it's just a coincidence that our beloved PM received a donation from Saudi Arabia at the same time the funds from 1MDB went missing.
GE14Now!: Really KJ? If it was such a simple case, why did the donor take so long before coming forward to 'exonerate' a person of the office of the PM of this country?
The long intervening time simply smacks of deals that had taken place to enlist the help of some minister from the Saudis. So that was why the PM went to Saudi Arabia not so long ago?
Anyway, all we have to do is to wait a little while and we shall soon see another inconsistency and the need for another lie to be created.
Perhaps you need to remember, KJ, that it was once a donation, then it was not, then it was, then it was not, and now it is once again. But perhaps you are busy with your own RM100 million problem?
Little Sparrow: What cock and bull story is this? Even kids wouldn't believe it.
The next time when there is a bribery case, the person who gave the bribe can just say that it was a personal donation with no strings attached.
Discovery: Khairy, do you honestly believe what you are saying? Did you said what you said with your conscience clear?
After saying what you have said, can you honestly face your family, especially your children, with your head held up high?
Please answer these questions honestly and you will get to the bottom of how each and every Malaysian feel about the billions that allegedly went missing. -Mkini

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