
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, November 26, 2016


Kit Siang’s strategy in 2004 was simple. Play up the hate campaign and make the Chinese hate Umno. Tell them if they hate Umno then they must hate MCA and Gerakan as well, Umno’s running dogs. And the 2008 general election proved that the strategy worked. The next level in this strategy is to make the Malays fight the Malays by dividing them into many groups.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
First let us look at how DAP performed vis-à-vis Barisan Nasional, MCA and Gerakan in the last eight general elections.
In 1982 DAP won 9 seats against BN’s 132. MCA and Gerakan got 29.
In 1986 DAP won 24 seats against BN’s 148. MCA and Gerakan got 22.
In 1990 DAP won 20 seats against BN’s 127. MAC and Gerakan got 23.
In 1995 DAP won 9 seats against BN’s 162. MCA and Gerakan got 37.
In 1999 DAP won 10 seats against BN’s 148. MCA and Gerakan got 35.
In 2004 DAP won 12 seats against BN’s 198. MCA and Gerakan got 41.
In 2008 DAP won 28 seats against BN’s 140. MCA and Gerakan got 17.
In 2013 DAP won 38 seats against BN’s 133. MCA and Gerakan got 8.
We started the analysis from 1982 because that was the general election held soon after Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad took over as Prime Minister and Anwar Ibrahim joined Umno. Umno was at its strongest so DAP did not do very well.
In the mid-1980s, Umno divided into Team A and Team B and finally broke up into two separate parties (Umno Baru and Semangat 46). Further to that, MCA divided into its own Team A and Team B as well. So, because Barisan Nasional was in chaos with much in-fighting, DAP managed to benefit from that and did quite well in the 1986 and 1990 general elections.
In the 1995 general election, Barisan Nasional consolidated and strengthened and DAP dropped to only nine seats. That was why in the following year Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah decided to close down his Semangat 46 and rejoin Umno.
1999 was a good year for the opposition but DAP won only ten seats, one up from 1995. Worse still, both Lim Kit Siang and Karpal Singh lost their Parliament seats whereas many other first-timers from PKR and PAS won the election.
Basically the Chinese rejected the alliance that DAP made with PAS (by forming an opposition coalition called Barisan Alternatif) and they were punished for that. Two years later, DAP left the coalition on the excuse that PAS pushed the Sharia Bill in the Terengganu State Assembly. PAS did the same in Kelantan in 1993 but that was no hindrance to DAP teaming up with PAS in 1999. So the 2001 Sharia Bill was merely an excuse for DAP to get out.
In 2004, DAP went solo and they thought they were going to win at least 20 to 25 seats. Instead they won just 12 seats, an improvement of a mere two seats over the general election before that.
The 1982 to 2004 general elections taught DAP one very important lesson. First they must take the votes away from MCA and Gerakan if they want to win more than a dozen seats. Secondly, they must split the Malay votes if they want to reduce Umno’s and Barisan Nasional’s votes and seats. That has to be the focus for the general elections thereafter.
However, history has proven that the most the Chinese parties can win would be 45 Parliament seats in total. That means even if MCA and Gerakan get totally wiped out and win zero seats, DAP can only get 45 seats out of the 222 seats in Parliament, or roughly 20%. And that would mean if DAP wants to march into Putrajaya they cannot do it alone. They must get Malay help to do that.
Lim Kit Siang’s plan since 2004 was actually very simple. The first step would be to make the Chinese hate the government and everyone and everything related to the government — Umno, MCA and Gerakan included. It was a purely hate campaign that DAP embarked on its its attempt to defeat Barisan Nasional.
To take Chinese votes away from MCA and Gerakan they embarked on a three-prong attack. They targeted Chinese schools, Chinese newspapers and Chinese guilds and associations. It was so successful that even MCA life members supported DAP in 2008 and 2013. If not how could DAP garner almost two million votes if only DAP supporters voted for them?
MCA and Gerakan are being told they must not attack DAP. If they do then it will backfire because it will make the Chinese angry. Basically, DAP is a sacred cow that must not be criticised just like Muslims are forbidden from saying anything negative about Prophet Muhammad. Even the Chinese underworld is warning the Barisan Nasional Chinese leaders to not attack DAP because DAP has the protection of the underworld.
If you hate Umno then you must hate MCA and Gerakan as well, was the sentiment being expressed. To kill Umno you must kill MCA and Gerakan as well. And the Chinese bought this, as the results of the 2008 and 2013 general elections show.
But DAP has already peaked. This is the maximum they can go with Chinese candidates, Chinese support and Chinese votes. If they want to go beyond just 45 seats then it has to be through the Malays. DAP will need the Malays to deliver another 70 seats to help DAP march into Putrajaya.
But history has proven that every time the Malays are divided the opposition seats increase while every time the Malays are united the opposition seats get reduced. So that is what stage two has to be about — divide the Malays into many groups.
DAP is trying to strengthen its Malay base. Some Malays are directly in DAP wile others are in DAP’s stooges such as PAN, PKR and Pribumi. DAP plans to get 45 seats while PAN, PKR and Pribumi will have to deliver the balance 70. They hope that PKR can get 30 seats. So that means PAN and Pribumi must get another 40 or 20 seats each party.
With 45 seats for DAP, 30 for PKR, and 20 each for PAN and Pribumi, that would mean Pakatan Harapan would be a DAP-led Pakatan Harapan. And that is the ultimate aim of DAP. DAP feels that MCA and Gerakan are no contest. The contest is between Umno-PAS and PKR-PAN-Pribumi. Basically it is Malays versus Malays with a walkover for DAP on the Chinese seats
As Superman Hew Kuan Yau revealed recently, DAP’s strategy is to use Malays to fight Malays so that DAP can benefit from this. But the Malays DAP is getting as their running dogs are people like Mat Sabu and the PAN gang, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Muhyiddin Yassin, Mukhriz Mahathir, Anwar Ibrahim, Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah, Rafizi Ramli, and so on.
In short, DAP is attracting Malays who are corrupt and have no moral values. They talk about Islam but in reality are munafiq or hypocrites who are tainted with sex scandal and corruption. And MCA is in such a pitiful state and its leaders are of kindergarten level that it is like taking candy from a toddler.

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