
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, November 27, 2016

Shameless Sewer Statesman

Former founder of UMNO Baru and recent dissent party Pribumi Bersatu is a shameless Statesman when the larger part of DAP is still demonstrating their animosity and distrust on and about him, despite he has been trying to ride on the Opposition with the most seat in Dewan Rakyat in his personal sinister political agenda.
FMT story:

Dr Mahathir not invited to DAP national conference

Tarrence Tan | November 25, 2016
Anthony Loke explains this is because, traditionally, only component parties of Pakatan Harapan are invited to attend.
KUALA LUMPUR: Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) chairman Dr Mahathir Mohamad will not be invited to the DAP national conference next week, says party national organising secretary Anthony Loke Siew Fook.
Speaking to reporters during a press conference at DAP’s headquarters, Loke said this was because PPBM was not an official component of the opposition coalition, Pakatan Harapan (PH), yet.
“PPBM has not yet formed an official alliance with Harapan. It is tradition that we only invite component parties of our coalition to the national conference.”
The DAP national conference is set to take place at the IDEAL Convention Centre in Shah Alam on Dec 4.
Loke said leaders from component parties would be invited, including PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail and deputy-president Mohamed Azmin Ali, and Amanah president Mohamad Sabu and deputy-president Salahuddin Ayub.
“We have invited our party veterans and have extended the invitation to the top leadership of the two component parties in PH, which are PKR and Amanah,” he said.
Loke said only two DAP leaders would address the conference – national acting chairman Tan Kok Wai and secretary-general Lim Guan Eng.
“There will be no speeches by other party leaders. Only two DAP leaders will speak in this conference, and there will also be debates by our delegates.”
Loke said 2,732 delegates from all parts of the country were expected to attend the conference, which would also mark the DAP’s 50th anniversary.
“The party is set to adopt a ‘DAP at 50’ declaration, where it will renew the foundation of the party’s struggles for the next 50 years.”
The fact is that besides a few strategic and national leaders, most of DAP refused to accept the arch-enemy of the Chinese Chauvinist party, for a very prickly history of 50 years of political fight.
Let alone for majority of them trust him.
The Fourth Prime Minister is desperately running out of ideas and options to oust Prime Minister Dato’ Sri Mohd. Najib Tun Razak, an obsession the former openly shelled intensely against the latter since March 2015.
The machiavellian politician tried everything he could. He manipulated, lied, conveniently changed his stories and allegations, worked with foreign Neo Con Jewish funded and controlled media and even invited foreign power intervention, to topple and oust Prime Minister Najib.
First he manipulated then Deputy Prime Minister and several strategic regulators and law enforcement chiefs to pressure Prime Minister Najib to bow out.
When it failed miserably, the Fifth UMNO President tried to rouse UMNO grassroots, to get his sinister agenda through MT and General Assembly but that flunked too.
He was unable to convince some BN MPs to rebel against Prime Minister Najib and get Parliament to vote him out because of no confidence.
Dr Mahathir eventually joined forces with the Opposition, Pakatan Harapan in the twin by-election of Sg. Besar and Kuala Kangsar was counting that his involvement, would tip the votes for the Opposition. How wrong was he as BN obtained a better majority even against combined votes of PAN and PAS.
In early March he openly announced working with Chinese Chauvinist Emperorissimo Lim Kit Siang and other key Opposition leaders, to launch the ‘Deklarasi Rakyat’.
Dr Mahathir shamelessly claimed their movement “Obtained 1.4 million petition signatures” for this and he even tried to sell this lemon to His Majesty Seri Paduka Yang DiPertuan Agong XIV, when they met on 16 September 2016.
The fact is that Dr. Mahathir is trying to ride on DAP’s strength, which is the mainstay of Pakatan Harapan with 37 MPs in Dewan Rakyat and clout over Parti Amanah Rakyat.
His centrestage together with sacked UMNO Deputy President Muhyiddin “I am Malay first!” Mohd. Yassin marred BERSIH 5 as the turnout was only a fraction of the they organised last year.
Dr. Mahathir shamelessly pretend the Opposition leaders, followers and sympathisers ‘conveniently’ look away all the perils he did when he was in power for over 22 years.
These are landmark events like the use of ISA, clamp down against media and expression, sacking and jailing of his Deputy, sacking of Lord President and five judges and several fiascos.
Communications and Multimedia Minister Dato’ Seri Dr Said Salleh Keruak is spot on about Dr Mahathir’s obsession made him delusional. -bigdogdotcom

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