
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, June 17, 2019

Perception Alone Is “Evidence” That Azmin Is Guilty Of Sexual Misconduct

It really does not matter whether this whole thing is to feed hungry children in Syria. The reason, noble or otherwise, is not the issue. The issue is: did Azmin and Haziq romp in bed and have they known each other for seven years and have been bonking each other for three years?

Raja Petra Kamarudin
Of course, everyone knows that Anwar Ibrahim (and a number of his staff), Rafizi Ramli, Saifuddin Nasution, and many other key anti-Azmin Ali PKR leaders are behind that gay porn video. But is there any tangible evidence or is this mere suspicion based on things they have done and said that “points” to their guilt?
It really does not matter. The belief that Anwar Ibrahim (and a number of his staff), Rafizi Ramli, Saifuddin Nasution, and many other key anti-Azmin Ali PKR leaders are behind that gay porn video is based on perception. And perception is all that matters.

No one cares whether Azmin is a victim of a political conspiracy; they care whether he did romp in bed with Haziq

This was what happened to Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi in 2006-2009. The perception that he is corrupt finished him off. The same with Najib Tun Razak in 2015-2018. The perception that he is corrupt also finished him off.
Did they arrest and charge Pak Lah for all his alleged crimes after he resigned in 2009? If he is so corrupt, why is he not in jail?
In Najib’s case, he was alleged to have stolen at least RM42 billion and maybe even more than RM50 billion of 1MBD’s money. Thus far he is facing trial for allegedly stealing RM42 million of SRC International’s money. Even then the testimonies in the trial give an impression that other people and not Najib are the real culprits.
The royal pardon does not remove the perception that Anwar buggered many boys and men
But has the perception that Najib stole at least RM42 billion and maybe even more than RM50 billion of 1MBD’s money gone away? And why has it not gone away since there does not appear to be any evidence to prove he stole at least RM42 billion and maybe even more than RM50 billion of 1MBD’s money?
That is because perception sticks. They never go away. For example, has Anwar’s royal pardon erased the perception that he buggered Saiful Bukhari Azlan? In fact, Anwar’s case is worse. He was charged with raping Saiful, not suka-sama-suka or consensual oral and anal sex like in the case of Azmin and Haziq Aziz.
They are now arguing about who is behind the distribution of the Azmin-Haziq gay porn video. They allege that this is a political conspiracy to bring Azmin down. They say this move is aimed at removing Azmin who is an obstacle to Anwar becoming the next Prime Minister.

Lim Kit Siang used perception to try and sentence Najib in the court of public opinion

It really does not matter whether this whole thing is to feed hungry children in Syria. The reason, noble or otherwise, is not the issue. The issue is: did Azmin and Haziq romp in bed and have they known each other for seven years and have been bonking each other for three years?

The perception is: the answer to those three questions is yes, yes and yes. And only the perception that the answer to those three questions is yes, yes and yes matters. People love that story and they will not want to allow facts to get in the way of a good story.

Pak Lah was brought down using the perception he is a crook but was never arrested and tried when he resigned under pressure

Yes, Pak Lah and Najib, of all people, know this very well. And so do Abdul Hadi Awang and the PAS leaders as well.
Did Najib bribe PAS with RM90 million? Did Hadi instruct Rameli Musa to pay Clare Rewcastle Brown RM1.4 million to settle their suit out of court. Did Najib steal at least RM42 billion and maybe even more than RM50 billion of 1MBD’s money? Was Pak Lah corrupt? Did Anwar have sex with prostitutes, boys and men?
The answer, based on perception, is yes to all the above and to the allegation that it is Azmin in that gay sex porn video.

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