
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, July 29, 2023

Human Voyage may take legal action against MNFC, Abu Samah


The 2022 Le Tour de Langkawi (LTdL) organiser, Human Voyage (M) Sdn Bhd (HVSB), is mulling legal action against the Malaysian National Cycling Federation (MNCF) and its president Abu Samah Abd Wahab.

HVSB chief operating officer Shahaizereen A Hamid said they may take action following statements made by Abu Samah all this time which have tarnished the image of the LTdL organiser.

He said in the period when HVSB organised the LTdL previously; there were no issues related to debt to any contractor or team; the winning prize money had also been settled.

“In fact, HVSB has paid off the debt from the previous organiser and this matter has not been publicised, even until now the MNCF have not helped anything in this regard,” he said in a statement.

At the same time, he said HVSB understood the situation faced by the youth and sports ministry (KBS) in settling the balance payment to HVSB due to the post-pandemic situation and the time-consuming scrutiny of documents.

MNCF president Abu Samah Abd Wahab

“HVSB has kept quiet to honour the agreement between us and the KBS,” he said.

Yesterday, the national sports arena was reeling from the news that the 2023 LTdL, scheduled for Sept 23-30, had been kicked out of the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) international calendar.

Abu Samah had previously voiced his concern that the country’s premier tour cycling race may not be held under the UCI calendar next season due to the more than RM1 million the organiser of the previous edition owed to five teams.

Abu Samah was quoted to have said that the arrears not only marred LTdL’s reputation but also affected the interests of foreign teams wanting to compete in the coming editions.

He, however, assured that the MNCF would strive to settle the issue.

- Bernama

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