
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, February 18, 2024

Ke Bawah DYMM Raja-Raja Melayu : The Big Problem is There Is No Such Thing As A Fully Agreed And Fully Written Down Set Of Syariah Laws Anywhere In Islamic History

  OK here is some news:



  • Religious minister suggested shariah enforcement dept in all states
  • empowered to act independently, conduct investigations, make arrests
  • He said currently enforcement section and not department
  • However only consider after states establish separate shariah prosecution dept
  • “Currently enforcement under Islamic religious department
  • We want all states establish shariah prosecution department first
  • For example Jawi shariah prosecution division now  shariah prosecution dept
  • to ensure  can act independently need to make it a department
  • Shariah judiciary committee to be formed
  • Conference of Rulers consented to national shariah judiciary committee 
  • to study and continuously monitor issues that arise in shariah courts

My Comments :

The matter raised by Puan Nik Elin has nothing to do with the detailed definitions of what exactly is Syariah law.

Her contention, which has been agreed upon by the Federal Court, is that there should not be a duplication of jurisdiction between the Federal Court and the State Syariah Court of Kelantan over the same offences and their punishments. 

Nik Elin's actions have also established the Law of the land that the Federal Court is the highest court of the country. There are no other Courts that are equal to or superior to the Federal Court. 

We owe it to the genius of the British (or their regard and respect for the sovereignty of the Raja-Raja Melayu when the Federation of Malaya Agreement was signed in 1948) that religion was placed under the jurisdiction of the Raja-Raja Melayu.


DYMM Tuanku Sultan Perak (my Sultan) signing the Federation of Malaya Agreement in January 1948. Daulat Tuanku.

My sincere advise to the DYMM Raja-Raja Melayu is never, ever to cede their sovereignty over religious affairs to anyone else, and not especially to the politicians.

May I humbly suggest to the DYMM Malay Rulers that they must lead Malay public opinion to request a ban on religion from the political sphere completely. Giving the politicians even some say over religion is what has destroyed religion.

For example in Iran, the Ayatollahs have killed Islam. Over 50,000 masjid in Iran are permanently closed because the people are fed up with religion. This is what will happen if you give those who cannot use rational thinking and logic to manage the affairs of the state. It has continuously led to disaster.

There is no such thing as a fully agreed upon or a fully written down set of Syariah Laws at any time throughout 1,400 years of Islamic history.  In Malaysia the State syariah enactments differ between one State to the next.

Religion is best kept safely in the hearts of the believers. Religion is a matter of faith. Faith is a matter of the heart. 

Islam is an invitation, a persuasion. The Quran says so.

Surah 16:125  Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best. Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of who has strayed from His way, and He is most knowing of who is [rightly] guided

Islam must be made free of rules, legislation and legislators. Islam is the only 'persuasion' in the world that DOES NOT recognise an official clergy. There is no such thing as the office of a pope, an ayatollah, an imam, a mufti, or a kadi in Islam.  

It is the artificial creation of such positions which has created so much confusion among Muslims. 

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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