PUTRAJAYA, March 25 — Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail has today asked Malaysians to move forward from the controversial case of socks bearing the word “Allah” at a KK Mart outlet recently.

As ally Umno Youth continues to intensify its attack against the convenience store chain, Saifuddin stressed that the issue should not be prolonged as there are more concerning issues to be tackled.

“Let’s not prolong this case. We want to talk about the people’s issue, economics, and subsidies. but we’ve been focusing on this topic for weeks. Let the case go through the judiciary process.

“Was it emotive? Yes. Was the case a huge issue? Yes. But let’s move on,” he said during an event with the media here.

Saifuddin also said the government will not allow anyone to take matters into their own hands after vigilante groups intimidated two people who commented on the issue.

“If we were to allow that, what would become of our nation? Only the police have the authority,” he said.

Dr Akmal and Umno Youth have been championing the media attacks and call for Malay-Muslims to boycott KK Mart, and were emboldened after Umno secretary-general Datuk Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki said the party agreed strict action should be taken against those who belittle the word “Allah".

Earlier this week in continuation of his crusade, Dr Akmal lodged a complaint over a KK Mart branch in Melaka which erected a banner which featured Melaka Chief Minister Datuk Seri Ab Rauf Yusoh and advertised the "Jualan Ihsan Rahmah for Visit Melaka Year 2024".

According to him, the store should have instead erected an apology banner. The banner has since been taken down by local authorities.

This is despite calls from Cabinet ministers, former Umno Wanita chief Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz and Mydin managing director Datuk Ameer Ali Mydin for Dr Akmal and Umno Youth to simmer down and not exploiting the situation.

Tomorrow, the top management of KK Supermart and Superstore Sdn Shd will be brought to face charges over the sale of the at the Shah Alam Sessions Court and is expected to face charges under Section 298 of the Penal Code with deliberate intent to wound the religious feelings of others.

KK Mart has also filed a lawsuit against socks’ supplier Xin Jian Chang Sdn Bhd and its director Soh Chin Huat for supplying the controversial socks, seeking a court declaration that the supplier had unlawfully interfered with its business, and for court orders for Xin Jian Chang and its director to indemnify it for the losses and to prevent further causing of losses by unlawful interference to business. - malaymail