
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Boycott politicians who sow seeds of discord

Boycott has become such a popular game that everyone wants to play it to express displeasure and anger.

In a way, it is a useful tool to make a point or bring the intended targets to their senses.

Countries, businesses, and individuals can all be singled out for this cold-shouldered treatment usually applied in response to conduct or action deemed improper, outrageous, or insulting.

But in the hands of politicians, a boycott can be turned into a weapon that can do more harm than good. And when race and religion are thrown in, the resulting cocktail can cause incalculable harm to a multiracial society.

Politicians these days are ever ready to play up sensitive issues and despite knowing the dangers seething beneath the surface, they continue to rush headlong to exacerbate the situation.

The way things are shaping up, it looks like no one can stop them from creating troubles galore.

Practically every issue is seen through the lens of religion and politics, and its seriousness is magnified manifold to create the largest possible impact on the national stage.

Umno Youth chief Muhamad Akmal Saleh

Political firebrands will not miss the opportunity to fan a small fire into a conflagration just to score brownie points or boost their political credentials.

When the feelings of ordinary people are inflamed by the reckless words, thoughts, and deeds of the political masters, they tend to react frenziedly with scant regard for public order.

Violence begets more violence

But Malaysia cannot afford to descend to the level where frenzied protests can rapidly turn violent because violence can beget more violence.

When violence is done to life, person, and property in the heat of senseless strife, Malaysia will join the ranks of many countries where severe civil disturbance has caused so much suffering and misery.

When law and order break down, capital will take flight, businesses will be paralysed, thousands will be out of jobs, starvation will stalk the land, and long lines of refugees will form with nowhere to go - all because of the incitement of one politician.

It is patently ridiculous that the act of one politician can bring the whole country to the brink. It is absolutely unacceptable that the fate of millions of people lies in the hands of a single politician. It is totally illogical to advance the argument that only politicians are the spiritual guardians of the nation.

It is time the people reined in politicians who think they can run riot with their rash behaviour. Although it is impossible to ignore politics because “politics encircle us today like the coil of a snake from which one cannot get out”, the power of the people can put politicians in their place.

With boycotts now becoming fashionable, another category of people can be listed under this label - politicians. Boycott politicians who:

  • willfully pursue acts that can disrupt peace and harmony;

  • thoughtlessly brandish symbols of death and destruction such as the keris or sword;

  • indirectly create a climate where arson can rear its ugly head;

  • stubbornly refuse to heed calls to cool down tempers;

  • persistently play race and religion cards for political mileage;

  • deliberately try to undermine the supremacy of the Federal Constitution;

  • scornfully reject the multiracial, multilingual, multireligious, multicultural character of the country;

  • disrespectfully blame ethnic minorities for all social ills;

  • arrogantly reprimand citizens concerned over certain laws that can affect the administration of justice; and

  • constantly resort to boycotts over every issue, small or big, to generate publicity along with smoke and fire.

More often than not, it is the politicians who have been messing up people’s lives with their communal stand, bigoted views, and ethnocentric posturing. But why should the people listen to them or allow them to govern with impunity?

Power ultimately resides with the people and they can, through the ballot box, reject and cross out all those politicians who sow the seeds of national discord. - Mkini

PHLIP RODRIGUES is a retired journalist.

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of MMKtT.

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