
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Little boy who became a star as Sudirman’s sidekick


Like his uncle Razman Azrai Zainuddin (Atai) dreamt big and made it big.

PETALING JAYA: As a Sudirman Arshad fan, you cannot fail to be moved by the story of the legendary singer’s nephew-sidekick, Atai.

Atai, born Razman Azrai Zainuddin, provided oomph to the dynamic duo who wooed many Malaysians in the 1980s.

People loved the vision of entertainment they embodied in music videos, in a quiz show on television which they co-hosted, and during concerts.

Their enterprise and bravado were lapped up by the press, and yet for all the scrutiny and intrusion, they chose warmth over coldness.

Few people know anything about what Atai does now, and it has nothing to do with showbusiness.

He is 50 years old and remains a bright imitation of his superstar uncle, who died in 1992, aged 37.

He’s 5’2, Sudirman was one inch shorter. They were small men who dreamt big, and made it big.

Atai exuded with the trademark sweet smile of his lawyer uncle as he talked about his scholastic achievements.

The dynamic duo of Sudirman and Atai captivated Malaysians in the 1980s. (Sudirman Arshad blogspot pic)

He has a PhD from the Swiss School of Management in Switzerland, a masters in computer information systems from Staffordshire University, UK, and a bachelor of science from University of Rhode Island, USA.

Atai, who is now the Asia-Pacific director of technology company, SICPA, was in the team that developed Malaysia’s first broadband, Streamyx, when he was with Telekom Malaysia.

Atai said he owed his success in studies and in the corporate world to Sudirman, “who had an uncanny nature of knowing how to motivate me and saying the right things”.

“My uncle was my best friend and a mentor to me, someone whose advice I sought, someone I listened to.

“He felt entertainment helped build character, and from a young age I learned it is important to work hard to achieve one’s dream, to be focused in life and passionate about one’s craft.

“He told me when you perform, you need to smile even if you are sad,” he said.

In gratitude, Atai said he was doing all he could to keep Sudirman’s memory alive, including getting a biopic done on him.

“If I don’t continue his legacy, who will?” he said.

Sudirman (left) with his niece Era, nephew Atai and sister Rudiah in their younger days. (Facebook pic)

Childhood Raya throwback

Atai said during his childhood, Hari Raya Aidilfitri was a big, happy celebration at the family house in Batu Tiga in Temerloh, Pahang.

“People in our kampung would come non-stop, and there was much fun, laughter and food, with Sudirman at the centre of attention,” he recalled.

He said together with Sudirman, they sang, danced and play-acted for their family members and neighbours.

But before all that Sudirman would have sent about 35,000 Hari Raya cards to his fans, personally signing every greeting to every person in name.

“I don’t know how he did it,” said Atai, adding he now uses the table Sudirman had used to do his work.

He recalled the visit of then Pahang prince Tengku Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah, to their home for Raya in the 80s.

Sudirman got excited and, accompanied by Atai’s mother, Rudiah, rushed to change the entire furniture in the house.

“It was a rather funny shopping experience,” he said.

Atai (centre) during the recording of the album “Sahabat, flanked by Sudirman (right) and music director Jenny Chin. (Sudirman Arshad blogspot pic)

Atai recalled his mother went on a shopping spree, and when told the total cost of the items, she found them to be expensive.

That prompted Sudirman to joke, “my sister wants to shop like Joan Collins (actress known for luxury living) but she has no money”.

They got the furnishings, the royal guest came, and Sudirman’s tribute song to villagers, “Apa Khabar Orang Kampung”, blared from the homes of neighbours.

Favourite nephew, star pupil

Asked how he came to be Sudirman’s favourite nephew, Atai said: “That’s something I don’t really know.”

“But when I was young, I always loved to sing in front of the family and even as a kid I criticised his performances. Maybe because of that he liked me.”

He said Sudirman had used him for some of his songs and in a few television shows when he was about six years old.

“He took me on because of my vocal range which was similar to his.

Atai, for whom uncle Sudirman is always on his mind, browsing through a souvenir programme of a 2016 concert in honour of the singing legend.

“I could reach the high pitch like he could when he was a young boy. Few of my cousins or siblings could do that.”

When he was 12, Sudirman sent him to receive his best entertainer award at the Anugerah Muzik awards, and give a speech on his behalf.

The spotlight shone on the little guy who caught everyone’s attention.

During the post-awards interview, the press asked him about himself and his relationship with his uncle.

Asked by reporters what he called Sudirman, he replied “Cokman”, and that became a news item, “only for my uncle to tell me jokingly that I should have referred to him as boss.”

He said the name “Cokman” evolved from pakcik (uncle) Sudirman, Cik Dirman, Cik Oman, Cik Man, and Cik Man.

“Atai came from Azrai. As a baby, my sister couldn’t say the word Azrai,” he said.

In the 80s, Sudirman invested his own money to produce Atai’s debut album, “Sahabat”, sending his star pupil out to conquer new territory.

“Everything was like a dream. Just like the Keluarga Bahagia TV series, he orchestrated everything, and made me a star,” he said.

After Sudirman’s death, Atai impressed audiences in glittering outfits worn by the legend, singing the songs that captivated many.

He received rave reviews for performing Sudirman’s Charlie Chaplin skit, in which he donned a suit and baggy trousers, and wore make-up to resemble the English actor’s memorable on-screen character.

His imitation of the Tramp’s shuffling as he sang, and making the “slip” as his uncle did, earned him a standing ovation.

Missing “Cokman”

Atai keeps many of his uncle’s belongings in his house in Cyberjaya, and he has several diaries containing jottings about their time together since the age of 13.

Asked why Sudirman’s work table was special to him, he said: “It is dear to me because I get a lot of ideas just by doing my work on it.

“And it makes me think of the good times whenever I miss him.”

He said his uncle often worked through the night until 7am so that he could send him to school.

“He would walk me to the gate, and everyone in the bus would get animated upon seeing him.

“The girls would gush with excitement and I would get embarrassed when he kisses me goodbye,” he said.

Atai, said: “Until today I tear up thinking about him, and listen to his songs when I’m sad.

For Atai, who has three daughters, aged 16, 12 and seven, Raya will be quite sad.

“I spent Raya with my uncle at the kampung, spent it together as uncle and nephew, and for many years spent it without him.” - FMT

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