
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, April 13, 2024

Sdra Tamrin Tun Ghafar, Dr Mahathir, Tan Sri Muhyiddin, Madani dan pelbagai - Sila Dengar Baik-Baik.

I am referring the recent opinion by Tamrin Tun Ghafar worrying that the DAP will determine our politics for the next 10 years. 

  • "Hantaran Tamrin bertajuk ‘10 tahun lagi DAP akan jadi tuan' itu menyatakan DAP mempunyai blok terbesar ahli parlimen dalam kerajaan persekutuan hari ini dengan 42 kerusinya.
Well Sdr Tamrin, if your ramalan comes true  what does that mean? 
It means that YOU have failed. 
It means that YOUR people, the Malays, have rejected YOU. 
That is what it means. 
Sdr yang telah gagal. 
Sebab itu DAP boleh berjaya.
Jangan salahkan DAP.
Salahkan kegagalan saudara dulu.

Even Malay commentators disagree with Tamrin's assertion. You can read Permadu's opinion here:


Jika DAP dapat memberi kebaikan kepada orang Melayu, lebih baik dari pemimpin Melayu, apa masalahnya?



But what I disagree with is the Police calling in Tamrin Tun Ghafar for questioning over his opinion -    "Tokoh kontroversi Tamrin Ghafar dipanggil polis untuk siasatan".

It is just Tamrin's opinion. Opinion pun tak boleh kah?

Dato Sri Zaid Ibrahim berkata dia terkejut polis akan memanggil seseorang berdasarkan ramalan.  “Membuat ramalan tidak sepatutnya menjadi satu kesalahan jenayah".

Dengar baik-baik ok. I keep saying this - the Malaysian voter is getting fed up with this type of actions. I am getting fed up with this type of actions. So Pakatan Harapan be prepared to lose the elections. 

Hello Polis, pergilah tangkap bebudak yang baling Molotov cocktail kena kedai KK Store itu. Sampai hari ini tak boleh cari dia orang ke? Tapi Polis boleh tangkap 'sepai' dari Israel. 

Balik kepada Sdra Tamrin. Sejak 1994 UMNO sudah hilang populariti.

UMNO's failed policies, their "philosophy" of stoking racial politics has brought UMNO to their sakratul maut or death throes. UMNO sudah mati dah. Now UMNO is a junior partner in Pakatan Harapan - along with 19 other parties.
In the August 2023 By Elections in the SIX states  UMNO was almost completely kicked out. 
Only 27% of Malays voted for UMNO.
PN secured almost 50% of the popular vote. 
PN won 73% of the Malay vote. 
PN won 146 out of 245 State seats. That is 60%. 
PN won, PH lost. UMNO lost.
Its as simple as that.

Ismail Sabri said the results of the SIX State by-elections "marked a stunning rejection of UMNO".

UMNO's failed policies, their "philosophy" of stoking racial politics has brought UMNO to their sakratul maut or death throes. UMNO sudah mati dah.

Dasar-dasar perjuangan UMNO, falsafah mereka sekarang telah membawa UMNO kepada sakratul maut. 

In the graph above you can see that UMNO/BN has been losing popularity steadily since 2004. That is 20 years ago. This graph is not complete. UMNO/BN began losing popularity since 1994. That is 30 years ago. 2004 was an aberration because after Dr Mahathir quit in 2003 the Malaysian voters wanted to give Mr Clean a chance in 2004. In 2008 for the first time since Independence in 1957 Mr Clean lost UMNO's 2/3 majority in Parliament.
And then something really weird happened. 
In 2018 UMNO/BN lost the general elections. 
Dr Mahathir 2.0 and Pakatan Harapan took over. 
But Dr Mahathir 2.0 did not change a single failed policy from the UMNO/BN era.  
Dr Mahathir simply continued the 48 years of UMNO/BN's failed policies.
The cronyism, the corruption, the racism, the nonsensical economic policies (lets make the 3rd National Car. Nauzubillah hang punya bodoh!)
End result : Dr Mahathir 2.0 got kicked out in 2020.

Replaced by Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin. 
Again no change. 
The same failed and nonsensical policies that makes a few people rich and makes the majority poor continued. The racism continued - but to a lesser degree.
End result - Tan Sri Muhyiddin was also replaced.
Replaced by Ismail Sabri. Same story.

Then we came to the November 2022 General Elections.
This General Elections was a huge watershed in Malaysian politics.
  • 2018 pemimpin parti menang hanya 13 kerusi parlimen jadi PM 
  • 2022 PM sekarang pun partinya menang kurang 30 kerusi
  • PAS menang paling banyak kerusi hanya mampu jadi pembangkang
And now again this entah apa government is continuing the failed  cronyism, the corruption, the racism, the nonsensical economic policies of UMNO/BN since 1970. 

They are thinking that maybe this time, just one more time, they will succeed when these policies have failed now for 54 years (since 1970). Albert Einstein says you are mad.

The Malay people dont believe in your stupid and failed policies anymore.
The Chinese people never believed in your stupid and failed policies anymore.
The Indian people dont believe in your stupid and failed policies anymore.
The Dayak people dont believe in your stupid and failed policies anymore.
The Kadazan people dont believe in your stupid and failed policies anymore.

That is why there was a hung Parliament in November 2022.
And now the Pakatan is really, really unpopular.
They are continuing with the same failed policies as UMNO/BN from 54 years ago.
So there may be another hung Parliament in 2027.
And when there is a hung Parliament parties like DAP with only 40 seats can be big boys in the government. This is what is happening now.
So to Tamrin Tun Ghafar, Dr Mahathir, Tan Sri Muhyiddin, Madani, PH, PN dan pelbagai - if you want to win more votes CHANGE THESE FAILED POLICIES.
1. We dont want Rohingyas in the country.
2. We dont want troublesome Myanmars in the country.
3. We dont want Arab 'militants' in the country.
4. We dont want Indian terrorist mentors in the country.
5. We dont want rice import monopolies in the country.
6. We dont want any type of gomen licensed monopolies.
7. We are fed up with APs for cars, stupid car import taxes, duties which make cars so expensive.  
8. No need RM5 Million paid up capital for the low value added, low technology, tepi jalan "vehicle inspection" business. How stupid can you get?
9. We dont want cronies making billions from human trafficking (foreign worker permits). Restaurants and businesses are closing because the foreign worker permits are so screwed up. The cronies make money.
10. We dont want toll roads in the country. Get rid of them.
11. We dont want the Sedition Act.
12. We dont want that really stupid Section 233 of the MCMC Act.
13. Reform the really outdated Defamation Acts in Malaysia.
14. Reform the education system now. Bring back Maths and Science in English.
This is just the beginning. The list is much longer.
Jadi Sdra Tamrin Tun Ghafar please understand this. 
Parti politik Melayu yang sudah gagal. 
Semua parti politik Melayu - UMNO, Pas, Bersatu, Amanah, PKR - semua gagal.
Perjuangan politik Melayu yang sudah gagal.
Perjuangan bangsa konon, perjuangan agama konon, perjuangan hudud, RUU, penipuan reformasi konon - semuanya sudah gagal.  

Akibatnya orang Melayu sudah fed up.
Akibatnya pengundi Melayu sudah fed up.
Akibatnya adalah hung Parliament.
Akibatnya DAP dengan 40 kerusi jadi kingmaker.
Akibatnya Sarawak boleh suruh Federal pi terjun dalam laut.
The Sarawak people dont care about you anymore.

Akibatnya ahli politik Melayu jadi badut. Bahan ketawa.
Bila kalah pilihanraya ahli politik Melayu jadi kluster Mahkamah pula.

And then sdra nak menakutkan orang Melayu dengan DAP pula.
Kalau tak DAP, nanti PAP pula boleh datang.
Kalau tak PAP, mungkin British akan terpaksa datang balik. 

Musuh kita bukan di luar.
Musuh kita di dalam.
Sapu duit, kroni kaya, dasar dungu itu adalah Musuh No.1

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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