
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Wee questions need to support DAP in KKB polls

MCA president Wee Ka Siong has questioned the need for his party to assist DAP in the upcoming Kuala Kubu Baharu by-election as the latter often insulted them.

Taking the matter to TikTok, Wee said that given DAP's long record of insulting his party, he doubted MCA should assist DAP.

"When (they) criticise MCA, they do it as they please with much hatred.

"Now, MCA has to be the bigger person?" he lamented.

In the video, Wee shared a short clip of DAP's secretary-general Anthony Loke saying he doesn't like MCA and called the party a “taukeh party” that’s only for the rich and people with positions.

Wee added that DAP had once accused the party as a traitor to the Chinese community because they did not recognise the Unified Examination Certificate and failed to abolish the bumiputera quota system.

In a statement on Friday, MCA stated that they would not campaign in the Kuala Kubu Baharu by-election if a BN candidate is not fielded in the contest.

Do we repay insults?

"(When) BN was criticised, MCA became the party's (DAP) target. Am I supposed to remain patient even after they insulted us?

"After all the insults, they are asking our members to make amends and work together," he admonished.

Wee also questioned what it means to ask BN to repay DAP's deeds.

"Are they asking MCA to repay DAP's insults?" he added.

Wee, however, acknowledged the party's strong relationship with other parties in the BN coalition.

"I appreciate our friendship and loyalty, which are the foundation of our fight from the beginning until now," he added.

On Monday, BN chairperson Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said the coalition will not seek to contest and will respect whoever the government chooses to field.

The Kuala Kubu Baharu state seat became vacant after the DAP incumbent Lee Kee Hiong's death on March 21. The by-election is scheduled for May 11. - Mkini

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