
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, April 23, 2024

YOURSAY | KKB polls: Non-Malays caught between rock and hard place


YOURSAY | 'Strong message must be sent during polls to Harapan.'

COMMENT | Kuala Kubu Baharu by-election: Protest vote or boycott?

COMMENT | KKB polls: Challenges facing DAP and Harapan

Commenting has been disabled: The non-Malays are caught between a rock and a hard place. There are no good options for them.

That is why I would rather not vote at the Kuala Kubu Baharu by-election. If I give you a choice between eating faeces and doing nothing, then the most logical choice is to do nothing.

I believe I must vote out of conviction and principle, not out of fear. Voting for DAP is voting out of fear. Fear of PAS.

Yes, if enough people think like me, then that could mean Perikatan Nasional will win.

However, that is Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim’s and DAP's fault. It is not the Chinese voters' fault. Anwar and DAP ignored the Chinese voters and took them for granted.

They think they can do whatever they want to win the Malays, and the Chinese will still vote for them, out of fear.

Anwar and DAP are telling the Chinese that if we don't vote for them, PAS will come into power.

Well, I for one refuse to be blackmailed or threatened by Anwar or anyone else.

Anwar and DAP think the Chinese will always vote for them, regardless of what they do. Well, I am nobody's "fixed deposit".

I will not be cowed by Anwar and DAP or let them take me for a ride. You cannot step on me repeatedly and expect me to support you still.

I hope DAP loses the by-election at Kuala Kubu Baharu or at least wins with a massively reduced margin.

Justice: It will be good for the Madani government to lose the Kuala Kubu Baharu by-election.

It will send a message to Pakatan Harapan, especially the prime minister, that the voters are indeed very unhappy with him and his coalition for betraying us on the promised reforms.

sound defeat will also serve as our last and stern warning that if they continue to ignore or betray us, we will throw them out at the 16th general election.

Don't listen, accept or believe whatever excuses the prime minister, DAP or Umno make during the by-election campaign.

Ayam Kampung: DAP is being punished by the overall actions of the Madani government and the dumb policies it has undertaken since it came into power.

In keeping silent and dragging its feet in owning the narrative over the socks issue, the government has scored an open goal by allowing others to set the tone, despite how toxic and vicious they are.

The damage is already done. The present government is in danger of lasting for only one term.

All the optimism and blue-eyed faith the rakyat had in them has gone down the drain. They have proven they are no different from previous governments.

Ard75: If opposing parties in this upcoming by-election are going against the interest of the people in the constituency, it is better to abstain from voting at all.

If the current government does not seem to honour their words pledged in the last general election, maybe the voters can send them a signal by voting for the opposition.

Hopefully, in doing so they would wake up from their sweet dream.

Above all, the voters of Kuala Kubu Baharu must be wise enough to choose the right candidate and not be swept off their feet by attractive election promises.

IndigoTrout2522: It remains a fact that voting for third-force coalition candidates is a vote for either PN or Harapan as they have zero chance of forming a government on their own.

The third force should first strengthen itself and serve the people well. Show the people not only their politics or platform but prove what they are doing and can do for the people.

Once the people are convinced, they will vote for the best candidate representing the best party or coalition.

Until then, it is best to vote for Harapan even though it is not perfect.

The alternative is a continuation of 60 years of bad, corrupted and incompetent government. Umno is only a component of the coalition government.

Hmmm: My take on the by-election is that if a third force candidate is running, then vote for them.

If the election is only between Harapan and PN, abstain from voting. If PN wins overwhelmingly, then your votes would not have changed anything.

If they win marginally, then your votes would have mattered.

If Harapan still wins despite the abstention, then they do not need us and are right to carry on as they do now.

You can experiment with this seat as the result will not change anything. If the third force candidate wins, then there is hope for an alternative party to throw our support behind them at the next general election.

BusinessFirst: I despise PN but a strong message must be sent during the Kota Kubu Baharu by-election to Harapan that we do not want a BN or PN-led government.

Unfortunately, this is what we are getting now with the Harapan-led government adopting all the same bad policies of the past.

Plebeian: What does it take for a third-force candidate to win? Even PSM, which has been around for a long time, can't win a single seat. Is it down to just money?

Someone needs to crack the code and come up with a viable candidate and strategy that gets the job done. - Mkini

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