
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, May 19, 2024

Authorities must have zero tolerance for extremism in Malaysia


From JD Lovrenciear

The armed, brazen, solo attack on our police station that took the lives of two young constables and injured another is totally unacceptable in a multiracial, multi-religious nation that needs to uphold peace and build harmony at all times.

Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim immediately responded with a statement that deserves our serious attention. He called for firm action to be taken against anyone attempting to create chaos in Malaysia, to the extent of causing deaths.

His advice that the public must cooperate by being always vigilant, and not give extremist groups any opportunities also deserves endorsement by all citizens.

In order for all of us to have a collaborative role in safeguarding our nation, we also need to ask some serious and painful questions.

According to the police, the extremist group Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) allegedly has about 20 members in Johor. Why were they – being deemed dangerous – not nabbed before the attack incident?

It was reported that the suspect who attacked the police station came from a family that lived in a barricaded commune for the past 20 years (pic).

So, why did the villagers not raise any concerns these past 20 years over the JI family members who were living in their midst?

It seems that the attacker together with his siblings did not attend school but were taught by their father who was allegedly a JI member/leader.

If the children were not in school, why were the relevant authorities not alerted?

The cluster of JI families lived so close to a police station and an Islamic madrasa. Why were the relevant Islamic agencies and enforcement authorities not monitoring them?

To what extent has this alleged JI network spread its presence in the country?

There were several reports in the past on the presence and dangers of such terror cells possibly rooting and growing in the country.

Are the authorities afraid of taking any immediate and forceful action on such movements? Are they not powerful enough to drive out such individuals harbouring, nurturing and spreading their extremist teachings and carrying out their recruitment activities?

Violence – and more so terrorism, extremism, divisive politics and dangerous religious ideologies – must be smoked out if we want the country to remain peaceful and progress in harmony.

We should also not view this incident as an isolated one. We must see it as a national concern of the highest priority.

Beefing up security at police stations and reinforcing police protection at vital posts like palaces is not a long-term solution.

We need to join forces, both citizens and the authorities, to eradicate extremism in our midst.

Not only does moderate Islam – the religion of peace, need to be protected but the peace and harmony among all citizens, irrespective of their race and religion, must be championed and strengthened.

That is the first and most crucial step in banishing extremism and terror cells in the country.

The government of the day together with the opposition must close ranks over this one incident and start a nationwide war on terror.

Religious preachers and heads must join hands and step out into the open to strengthen the war against extremism.

Only then will the prime minister’s advice make sense. - FMT

JD Lovrenciear is an FMT reader.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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