
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, May 20, 2011

BN's latest 'devilry' against Anwar's PKR

BN's latest 'devilry' against Anwar's PKR

In the Lord Of The Rings Trilogy, there was one scene when the Fellowship of the Ring were in the dwarf-kingdom of Khazad-dum and loud, thunderous footsteps could be heard behind them.

One of the companions, Boromir remarked, 'What new devilry is this?' just before the Balrog, a terrible, gigantic demon of the ancient world emerged from the shadows armed with a fiery whip and sword.

In the latest attack on PKR, one can also use the phrase of 'What new devilry is this?'

The Registrar of Societies, which is supposed to be independent and neutral but has become another of BN's weapons to gun down Pakatan Rakyat, has threatened to de-register PKR. According to them, PKR had gone against a certain clause in the party's Constitution by sacking a member last year.

RoS has given PKR until 9th June to clarify the matter, failing which, PKR will be de-registered.

Distracting PKR

Malaysia Chronicle spoke to PKR's Fuziah Salleh for her comments on this latest attack on PKR.

The Kuantan MP was livid when she informed Malaysia Chronicle that the said clause referred to by RoS is non-existent in the party's Constitution.

"The whole nonsensical issue is cooked up by BN to give us work and trouble and to distract us from preparing for the coming 13th General Election. They go for Pakatan leader Anwar Ibrahim, his daughter Nurul Izzah and now they go for the party itself altogether. It is amazing the way BN is willing to stoop to such low levels to get us," said Fuziah.

The malicious and non-stop attacks by BN are for the purpose of disrupting PKR's operations so that it will be bogged down fire-fighting all the time. Again this is none other than a ploy to drain the time and resources of PKR and Pakatan.

"Basically, the whole action by RoS is mala fide (in bad faith) because the clause itself is non-existent and has never been in the party's Constitution and neither have we such a party member since the dawn of time," said PKR's Chang Lih Kang who is a lawyer by profession and also Teja assemblyman in Perak.

UMNO has denied they are behind this latest venture, and if that is the case, then heads at the RoS must roll for such a contravention of professionalism and sloppy work.

What does UMNO stand for

PKR leaders have also said this latest involvement of the RoS just goes to show that while Malaysia touts itself as a practicing and vibrant democracy, the very opposite is true as BN uses all ways and means to get rid of Pakatan Rakyat and others who oppose them and present a viable alternative.

BN does not tolerate dissenting voices and therefore democracy in Malaysia is just a sham and a well-put up facade, they continued.

Take it to the man on the street and into the coffeeshops, and you will get this response, "It is not surprising because UMNO's acronym stands for 'U Must Never Oppose". A truly extremist and dictatorial stand indeed!

Contacted by Malaysia Chronicle, PAS MP Khalid Samad remarked that this latest threat from RoS is a clear indication of BN's desperation to wipe-out the Opposition and therefore this points to the general election being very near.

"BN is now searching high and low for anything and everything to be used as a weapon to bring down Pakatan. Hopefully, the voters will know what BN is up to and do the right thing to keep democracy alive," commented the Shah Alam MP who also viewed BN's intention to topple Pakatan as a move to thwart what he termed as "the peoples' agenda".

PKR leaders have vowed to stand firm amidst this latest onslaught, and Fuziah stressed to Malaysia Chronicle that PKR will not allow itself to be distracted and will concentrate their efforts fully on preparing for a snap general election.

As such is the case, the people must come out in full-force to claim what is rightfully theirs and that is to vote freely without fear. Why should they let BN put fear into their hearts using all sorts of race and religious cards.

- Malaysia Chronicle

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