
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Christian conspiracy: What Part 2 will Umno unleash and will DAP fall for it

Christian conspiracy: What Part 2 will Umno unleash and will DAP fall for it

A controversial allegation that Christians want to take over Malaysia and install a Christian Prime Minister was highlighted in the front page of Utusan Malaysia – a Malay-language daily owned by the ruling Umno party. Extracted from the postings of 2 pro-UMNO bloggers, the unsubstantiated article caused a nationwide furore.

Seemingly outraged, calls were made from all quarters to the government to step in and investigate this controversy. The Police have since interviewed 2 bloggers, 8 priests and various others. Muslim rights NGO Pembela went on to hold a noisy protest against the Christians. Malay rights NGO Perkasa and its president took it upon themselves to call for a Crusade against the Christians as they believe it is a grave threat to Islam.

But actually, there is nothing very Malay or Muslim about the story.

Targeting DAP to cut down Pakatan

Utusan could have just published the story that the Christians had intention to turn Malaysia into a Christian country. But why did Utusan have to include an Opposition Party in the story? Why was PAS and PKR not accused instead? Why was DAP so conveniently implicated in the story?

Razali, a former UMNO member, who joined DAP went on to make a Police Report that there may be some truth in the story. All the perpetrators seem to be Malay, and all the accused seemed to be Non-Malay. Doesn’t someone smell a rat? And why would the Chinese-dominated DAP be part of the conspiracy when PKR and PAS are also part of the Pakatan Rakyat coalition?

Why would Ibrahim Ali single out that many Chinese are Christians? Why did he leave out the Christian Bumiputras from East Malaysia? BN knows for a fact that the Chinese are a proud race. But pride goes before a fall. The only way to trap them is to deflate their pride.

DAP is walking into a trap. Lim Guan Eng’s call for all non-UMNO members to join him in the fight against racism and extremism may be seen as noble, but the mainstream media is going to spin it out of orbit with Lim Junior as the top star. Ibrahim Ali is not only well known in the Opposition media, but almost every other day his views are splashed in the MSM especially the Malay dailies.

DAP should coordinate with its allies to come out with a joint statement. Not go headlong singlehandedly to make denials and demands for justice. If this controversy is engineered to implicate DAP, then DAP is falling head over heels into the trap. This is exactly what the perpetrators want; for DAP to make a lot of noise, and let the others especially the Malays think that DAP is making excessive demands for justice.

To think that there is only a small group of narrow-visioned 'Ah Beng'-types in the DAP is wrong. In fact, there are many who are overly sensitive and easily feel slighted. Yes, not only the Malays suffer from seige mentality and racism. The Chinese feel it too.

For instance, a genuine call by a Malay to DAP to rethink its strategy to empower a Malay leader from the Opposition to make the call is taken as a racist slur on the Chinese. How ridiculous is that?

Stop the slam-bang retaliation

The controversy is simmering and waiting for its second wind. DAP must stop its slam-bang tactics - it doesn't take their party forward. There are many ways to skin a cat and political finesse is something the party has not acquired, although it wins an 'A' in many other areas especially in its fight against corruption.

There are some issues that you cannot use fire to fight fire with. Darker forces are at work and unless you are prepared to sink to their level, it is best to look for a more effective strategy that can convince All the people including the Malays.

That the non-Malays are already fully behind DAP and Pakatan is no longer in doubt. But the Malays are still inching away. So fight the real Battle, go to where the real Heat is. Go after the real Targets. Time is running out fast, don't waste any more of the coailiton's or the People's time. Don't let Malaysia down, not at the last lap.

At the end of the day, the Christian conspiracy may seem another in a long line of obstacles hurled at Guan Eng and team from Day One. But after so many Umno attacks aimed specifically to make the Malays hate DAP, if the party thinks it is still unscathed and there has been no degeneration in the trust Malays feel for it, then it is Dead Wrong.

There are more Sinister forces at work out there, and what they want is the complete annihilation of DAP and the Pakatan.

In the last lap, unadulterated Evil

Lim Kit Siang is a good example, how in the past he was portrayed as a Communist in the media. Kit Siang is now revered but he had to suffer decades in the wilderness. Being Penang Chief Minister helps to cocoon Guan Eng somewhat, but to retain the Penang state government, Pakatan needs to win Malay seats too. So think coolly, maturedly and most of all, across the ethnicities.

12 seats in Sarawak is not a lot to gloat at and certainly not to be contented with. If DAP doesn’t discard its existing mentality, it will continue to be just another struggling Opposition Party with high hopes. Opposing only for the sake of opposing for the next fifty years.

Yet, what Malaysians want and hope for is that DAP will help pave the way for Pakatan Rakyat to enter Putrajaya. Then only can Malaysia be saved, laws that abuse and oppress be abolished, laws that prevent our nation from ever falling into the hands of an elite few be immediately installed. Political and racial hegemony must be outlawed.

But this, DAP can only do in concert and in close teamwork with PKR and PAS. And the same goes for PKR and PAS, they too must work closely with DAP and not as lone rangers either.

Already Shahrizat - the UMNO Wanita Chief - has made a statement on another controversy brewing in Malacca. So, Guan Eng - be smart and empower others to help fight your fight.

In the past, Anwar Ibrahim too tried to fight on all fronts. See what they did to him.

Does Guan Eng think it is difficult for the evil minions in UMNO to tailor make conspiracies for him and DAP? Sex and scandal are the second nature of the UMNO elite and their minions. The third is the police force, the Attorney General and the Judiciary.

By the way, all those in PAS - the clean-living and the pious had better be alert too. In this last lap, Malaysia is fighting unadulterated Evil.

- Malaysia Chronicle

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