
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, May 20, 2011

Full Text of Anwar Ibrahim's Live Chat on Yahoo! News

Full Text of Anwar Ibrahim's Live Chat on Yahoo! News

10:59 Yahoo! Malaysia Producer:
This is Yahoo! Malaysia's Question Time with Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Event to go live at 11:30am.

11:04 Anwar Ibrahim:

11:04 Comment From abu Abdullah
DSAI May Allah bless you always

11:04 Comment From ROMEYZEE

11:05 Yahoo! Malaysia Producer:
Hi everybody
We are testing right now. The chat will go live at 11:30am.

11:05 Comment From sari

11:05 Yahoo! Malaysia Producer:
Just a few ground rules and tips before we begin

11:06 Yahoo! Malaysia Producer:
1. Please do not post abusive or insulting comments. The idea of this chat session is to improve the quality of discussion.

11:07 Yahoo! Malaysia Producer:
Also, don't get worried if your comments don't appear immediately as there is a moderator to screen and maintain the pace of the discussion. We will try our best to accomodate as many people as possible in the time that we have.

11:10 Comment From Rakyat

11:11 Comment From sooria
sooria here.. from

11:11 Comment From Mohamed Yahya

11:14 Yahoo! Malaysia Producer:
ok, looks like the system is working well
we will go live in about 15 minutes. thanks for your cooperation people!

11:18 Comment From Tresna
Test.hope this session succeeds

11:19 Yahoo! Malaysia Producer:
We hope so too!

11:22 Comment From silkydown
testing from sin

11:23 Comment From ed
anyone out there?

11:25 Yahoo! Malaysia Editor:
Hello Yahoo! users! Greetings from Yahoo! Malaysia ands welcome to Question Time!

11:27 Yahoo! Malaysia Editor:
For today we have Malaysian Parliamentary Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim or DSAI for short who will be taking questions live from Yahoo! users in Malaysia and around the world.

11:28 Yahoo! Malaysia Editor:
We'll be starting soon and just as a reminder please keep all questions relevant, short, to the point and on-topic. We already have more than 1,000 users standing-by on-line so we expect the pace to be pretty brisk! :-)

11:30 Yahoo! Malaysia Editor:
Ok, we'll be starting with the questions which can be both in BM and English.

11:30 Comment From adiputra77
DSAI, ada org mengatakan jika budget buku jingga dilaksanakan negara akan bengkrap. apa komen DSAI

11:31 Anwar Ibrahim:
sila teliti buku jingga dan kita pastikan negara maju dan rakyat terbelahttp://www.facebook.com/l/34febydthrzX1GDE8oPuBAjlTkA/www.pakatanrakyat.info/?page_id=6

11:31 Yahoo! Malaysia Editor:
How can we help you and your pact in winning the next election? (From: eatonmax88)

11:32 Anwar Ibrahim:
Register as a voter. Volunteer as a worker. Disseminate information. Reformasi!

11:33 Yahoo! Malaysia Editor:
10. When you come into power, will the issues below be realized?
1. Petrol price cut to RM1.30 per liter & maintained like that.
2. Import duty on foreign cars waived and Malaysians enjoy cheaper cars. Proton cars should be cheaper than now.
3. Toll on all highways cancelled, but the maintenance & service quality must be kept the same.
If yes, how long will it be implemented from the 1st day of your administration? (From: Didi)

11:34 Anwar Ibrahim:
Petrol price: Look at the gov revenue. We should not burden the people. We can reduce the price.

11:34 Anwar Ibrahim:
Import duty: We will certainly review and reduce tax.

11:34 Anwar Ibrahim:
Toll: Maintenance will be assured.

11:35 Comment From Michael
Mr. Anwar, what's your next politic's agenda to reform the Malaysian politic's system ?

11:36 Yahoo! Malaysia Editor:
We now have over 2,000 readers online. folks, so do please keep your questions, short. Tq!

11:36 Anwar Ibrahim:
Good governance. Independent judiciary, election commision, anti-corruption commission. Distributive justice for the poor and the marginalized.

11:36 Comment From Dato "D"
DSAI, I want to ask u about ur shadow goverment that u had promised to rakyat?? Seems like it just like a fairy tale from ur side. Therefore can u explain to me about this matter...

11:37 Anwar Ibrahim:
We have set up shadow committee which is more effective.

11:37 Comment From farizherhandez
Dato' Seri, What is Pakatan's view on the different stream of schools in Malaysia (SJKC, SJKT)? Any plans to have only one school for all students?

11:39 Anwar Ibrahim:
Our priority is quality education. We also need to respect the wishes of students and parents to choose. Bahasa will remain the official language, but we will have to enhance the quality of English and other languages.

11:39 Comment From Brandon
What would happen to next GE to Pakatan if Datuk Seri go to jail ? Would that be a break up in Pakatan?

11:40 If elections were held tomorrow, which way would your vote go?
( 17% )
( 77% )
( 1% )
( 5% )

11:40 Anwar Ibrahim:
No reason to for me to be jailed based on facts and law. For now, reformasi!

11:41 Comment From Naim
let's say today, you're prime minister of malaysia. are you going to protect proton?

11:41 Anwar Ibrahim:
Priority: defend consumers and protect citizens interest.

11:42 Yahoo! Malaysia Editor:
Ramai yang telah bersumpah dan menyatakan kesediaan mereka untuk dilaknat demi menuduh DSAI dengan kes2 yg tidak sepatutnya seorang pemimpin harapan bangsa lakukan. Kenapa DSAI tidak bersumpah utk menafikan mereka2 itu? (Dari: Mamat)

11:43 Anwar Ibrahim:
Sumpah mesti ikut syariat. Ini soal hukum, bukan mainan politik. Rujuk fatwa tentang qazafhttp://www.facebook.com/l/34febHlwX1nALH-UZ6aJJ3luwSw/risalahpr.blogspot.com/2011/01/teks-penuh-fatwa-dr-yusuf.html

11:43 Comment From Forest
Politics in Msia seems to be fought on a very personal level.. can you tell us why you are deemed "dangerous" by the ruling party? You were afterall a DPM under Mahathir regime. WHat has gone wrong between you and UMMO?

11:43 Yahoo_MY:
the guy next to @anwaribrahim Is helping him type in order to move things along quicker.http://www.facebook.com/l/34febWQYIJbDQwAZ6Re78O4t5-A/t.co/81U6yKj [via Twitter]

11:45 Anwar Ibrahim:
Unfortunate for UMNO leaders to resort to dirty politics and pornography. I'm deemed to be dangerous because of my commitment to reform and combat corruption and cronyism.

11:45 Comment From David
Give me one good reason why should I vote for you in the next election?

11:45 Anwar Ibrahim:
For freedom and justice. Enough of racism and corruption.

11:46 Yahoo! Malaysia Editor:
please give your point of view on S'pore's political future and of the new cabinet line up?

11:47 Anwar Ibrahim:
Singapore too, has to embark on political reforms. It's a challenge to the leadership.

11:47 Comment From khairi
Mr Anwar, what yr opinion about malaysian judiciary?

11:48 Anwar Ibrahim:
Refer International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) report. It must function independently of the executive and not and the behest of political leaders.

11:49 Anwar Ibrahim:
*not at the behest

11:49 Comment From Yuzaidi
Which country will be Pakatan's model in administering the nation under you?

11:50 Anwar Ibrahim:
we will take positive policies from various countries.

11:50 Yahoo! Malaysia Editor:
The perception is that Pakatan Rakyat has lost ground since March 2008 and is no longer able to deny BN a two-thirds majority at the next polls. What do you have to say? (Yahoo! Newsroom (Malaysia)

11:51 Anwar Ibrahim:
mainstream media propaganda. The reality on the ground is still promising. Example: Sarawak elections.

11:51 Yahoo! Malaysia Editor:
Lee Kuan Yew stepping down. What does this mean for relations between our two countries? (From: Yahoo! Newsroom (Singapore)

11:52 Anwar Ibrahim:
Important to foster strong economic and cultural relations with Singapore.

11:52 Comment From Sanchez
DS,ade cubaan utk mengharamkan parti PKR, apa kata DS?

11:53 Anwar Ibrahim:
Ini kerja pimpinan UMNO yang terdesak dan terus mendera rakyat.

11:53 Yahoo! Malaysia Editor:
Could Lesbians, Gays, Bi-Sexuals and Transgenders (LGBTs) look forward to a non-discriminatory environment - specific to them and not other minorities - if Pakatan were to take Putrajaya? Would this move be possible with PAS a part of the federal government? (Yahoo! Newsroom (Malaysia)

11:55 Anwar Ibrahim:
We recognize importance of family and the institution of marriage. But we should not unduly harass or discriminate others. The answer is through education and PAS accept this view.

11:55 Comment From IWAN
Mr Anwar Ibrahim, do you think Malaysians can accept a non-muslim Prime Minister?

11:56 Anwar Ibrahim:
Respect the Constitution and the wishes of the people.

11:56 Yahoo! Malaysia Editor:
What do you think your chances are getting out of all these allegations against you? (From: Sponge Bob)

11:57 Anwar Ibrahim:
Trumped up charges. Conspiracy of UMNO leaders to deflect from central issues of governance, endemic corruption and abuse of power. We shall overcome.

11:57 Comment From Amir
Ramai rakan seperjuangan diawal penubuhan PKR telah meninggalkan DS..komen

11:59 Anwar Ibrahim:
beberapa orang dibeli UMNO. Majoriti yang punyai daya tahan, daya juang dan maruah masih kekal dengan perjuangan. Tenaga baru muncul, lebih wibawa dan dibuktikan dalam PRU yang lalu.

11:59 Comment From vigilantpinoy
I am from the philippines, Mr. Anwar, and if fate gives in to your way and your get the chance to lead Msia, one of the many southeast asian countries on the track of steady growth and development, what could the SEA community, and my country, Philippines, expect from your administration?

12:00 Anwar Ibrahim:
Philippines: important neighbour and friend. Jose Rizal is our hero. Adios. Maraming Salamat Po!

12:00 Comment From eizman bc
ada dato seri akan terus bsama rakyat yg dizalimi walopn dato seri sndiri terus menerus dizalimi dan adakah dato seri akan kembali ke umno jika ditawarkan mnjadi PM..

12:02 Anwar Ibrahim:
Saya tetap bersama golongan Mustadh'afeen. UMNO sudah tidak relevan kerana dikaitkan dengan kezaliman, keangkuhan dan rasuah.

12:02 Comment From mohd noor
BN dilihat byk membuat persediaan PRU13 termasuk tipu daftar undi. PR mcm over confident menang. Apa komen?

12:03 Anwar Ibrahim:
Kita arif dengan penipuan PRU yang dikendali UMNO/BN. Kita akan lebih waspada dan kerja keras. Suara rakyat, suara keramat!

12:03 Comment From Santai
If you are given a chance to take a break, would you rather go to the mountain or beach and why?

12:04 Anwar Ibrahim:
I would prefer the beach. Serenity and tranquility. Others ha ha!

12:04 Comment From lordleandre
Dear DSAI. If 98 never happened, would you still remain in UMNO?

12:05 Anwar Ibrahim:
It happened due to my commitment to the reform agenda. UMNO leaders rejected. I was thrown in jail as a result.

12:05 Comment From Puanes
What's your stand on PERKASA ?

12:07 Anwar Ibrahim:
Insult to the intelligence of Malaysians with their racist tirade. It's also an UMNO ploy to create mischief and racial tension.

12:07 Yahoo! Malaysia Editor:
Is it true that you are the in the ‘sex video’.....? (From: Zuzayati)

12:07 What's the biggest problem facing Malaysia now?
Racial/religious problems
( 11% )
( 2% )
( 7% )
Dirty politics
( 57% )
( 21% )
Brain drain
( 2% )

12:09 Anwar Ibrahim:
I have vehemently denied and lodged report to the police. UMNO leaders seem to condone this politics of pornography. And for them to speak of morality is hypocritical.

12:09 Comment From Guest
Assalamualaikum.. Tumpang lalu, Kebelakangan ini barisan AMK kurang agresif dalam mendekati orang muda dan lebih mendekati wakil2 atasan. Takut budaya dalam Umno semakin menular dalam PKR. Reaksi DS terhadap kepimpinan anak muda dalam PKR setakat ini? Terima kasih...

12:10 Anwar Ibrahim:
Saya akui kita mampu meningkatkan usaha. Namun, saya juga teliti dan bersama dalam banyak kegiatan AMK. Saya bangga dengan keupayaan mereka.

12:10 Comment From suffian ramli
are you ready to implement HUDUD if u were chosen as PM?

12:11 Anwar Ibrahim:
We must understand what is the higher objectives of the Syariah (maqasid syariah). Our priority is security, freedom and justice for all Malaysians.

12:11 Comment From Daniel
Has the relationship between PR and Raja Petra has turned bad?

12:12 Anwar Ibrahim:
I am in touch with him.

12:12 Comment From Dr MiM
DSAI, what is the rational of avoiding a simple 'show your omega watch' to the press and public? Logically, this simple move will ease your moral issues?

12:14 Anwar Ibrahim:
What is the issue? First, Eskay claimed that it was given by a Saudi prince. Then, it was bought in taiwan in 2004 (when I was in jail). Why is there the need for me to explain?

12:14 Comment From wasif
Buku apa-tulisan siapa yg paling bnyak mmpengaruhi pemikiran DSAI?:)

12:15 Anwar Ibrahim:
Al-Quran, kitab hadith, karya-karya besar termasuk Shakespeare, Tagore, Iqbal.

12:15 Yahoo! Malaysia Editor:
If you were at a meeting at the time of the alleged Saiful sodomy, why not recall all the witnesses who were with you? You have a strong alibi DSAI, why you don't use it ? (From: SugarBarbie)

12:17 Anwar Ibrahim:
The prosecution was malicious. That's the reason why key witnesses were not called. Eg: Those involved in the meeting and Dr. Osman. This will be issues raised in my defense.

12:17 Comment From ujang
aper komen DS tentang PR terbaru di sarawak

12:17 Whom would you like to talk to in future Question Time sessions?
( 64% )
( 3% )
Local sports stars
( 1% )
International sports stars
( 1% )
Businesspeople / Entrepreneurs
( 7% )
Religious leaders
( 24% )

12:18 Anwar Ibrahim:
Dalam keadaan baik. Ada sedikit suara negatif yang dihebahkan media.

12:18 Comment From ily
Sdr memang menjadi sasaran serangan. Mengapa sdr tidak berhati-hati alam memilih pegawai saudara atau sahabat sejak serangan liwat kali pertama

12:20 Anwar Ibrahim:
Saya tidak mudah menghukum orang. Saya lebih bersifat memaaf dan tidak mencurigai. Jika Saiful yang dimaksudkan, beliau telah dipilih oleh staf lain dan hanya pekerja sementara.

12:20 Comment From Wan
Kerajaan Malaysia berusaha untuk memastikan DS dipenjarakan tidak kira berapa banyak bukti ditunjukkan..apa strategi DS?

12:21 Anwar Ibrahim:
Ini kerja ala Mubarak dan diktator lain. Saya yakin insyaAllah kita akan atasi.

12:21 Which politician would you like to speak to?
( 16% )
Nik Aziz
( 59% )
Kit Siang
( 7% )
Mahathir (even though he's retired!)
( 13% )
Ibrahim Ali
( 4% )
( 1% )

12:21 Comment From John
Bilakah DS akan menyaman Datuk Eskay?

12:21 Comment From tsunami
assalamualaikum DS,bagaimana dgn keadaan pimpinan pkr yg nampak agak bercelaru...??apa kaedah penyelesaian terbaik demi menjamin kelangsungan pakatan rakyat??

12:21 Anwar Ibrahim:
saya telah rujuk kepada polis dan rakan-rakan telah rujuk ke mahkamah Syariah. Saya akan tentukan strategi sebaiknya.

12:22 Comment From om
in your opinion, who is the man in the video. pls answer honestly.

12:23 Anwar Ibrahim:
I have some suspects; big stomach and saggy breasts. ha ha

12:23 Yahoo! Malaysia Editor:
Do you agree with government’s recent contention that there is no longer ‘separation of powers’ under the Malaysian Constitution? (Yahoo! Newsroom (Malaysia)

12:25 Anwar Ibrahim:
It is apparent that there is no separation of powers. The PM and the ruling clique has absolute powers.

12:25 Comment From Rasli79
Saudara Anwar, apa pandangan peribadi ringkas saudara terhadap Tun Mahathir selain dari konteks politik?

12:27 Anwar Ibrahim:
Dr. M kuat disiplin dan kerja. Sosok keras dan tidak sedia menerima kritikan.

12:27 Yahoo! Malaysia Editor:
Do you believe pakatan will reclaim Perak in the next GE? (Pretty Girl)

12:28 Anwar Ibrahim:
Yes. And Putrajaya too insyaAllah.

12:28 Yahoo! Malaysia Editor:
Dear Yahoo! users, we have reached a full hour of Question Time with DSAi.

12:29 Yahoo! Malaysia Editor:
However, due to the tremendous response, this segment has been extended by another 15 minutes! Keep the question coming!

12:29 Comment From najib
apa komen ttg isu agama rasmi ?

12:31 Anwar Ibrahim:
Islam agama persekutuan dengan maksud mengangkat martabat dan menghayati. Sila rujukhttp://www.facebook.com/l/34febSq_e7ryOjwz8MXAje7g1qw/risalahpr.blogspot.com/2011/05/pakatan-rakyat-menjunjung-prinsip.html Cabarannya bukan sekadar slogan, tetapi pertahan akhlak, keadilan. Hak penganut agama lain harus dipelihara.

12:31 Comment From Adi Rosdee
Mr Anwar, if you are not a politician, what line of work you think you will be involved in? and if life is reversible, would you still choose to become a politician?

12:32 Anwar Ibrahim:
I've always enjoyed my work at Yayasan Anda as a teacher and Georgetown Uni as visiting professor. I remain committed to the reform agenda for freedom and justice.

12:33 Comment From suffian ramli
saudara Anwar, sila sambung ayat ini "Saya sedih bila...."

12:33 Anwar Ibrahim:
..... fitnah berleluasa, rakyat ditindas, kroni didahulukan.

12:33 Comment From zulkifli
Do you think the split of malays between UMNO, PKR and PAS good for malaysian politics and what would you do to unite them

12:34 Anwar Ibrahim:
Unity is for freedom and justice, not to defend the unjust and corrupt.

12:34 Comment From Amir
Mr. Anwar, who will become the Prime Minister if PR wins next G.E

12:35 Anwar Ibrahim:
Fair question. PR will decide. We need your support.

12:35 Comment From crystal clear
How will you improve the lives of Indians

12:36 Anwar Ibrahim:
We defend rights of all citizens, particularly the poor and the marginalized.

12:36 Comment From malaysian
Will you protect chinese citizen as well?

12:37 Anwar Ibrahim:
They are all citizens. Wo-men tou shi yi cia ren

12:37 Comment From Nik Abdul
Datuk Seri: How is your opinion when expert form South Korea & US confirm that individual from sex tape seems like your face? Do you think that is conspiracy too?

12:38 Anwar Ibrahim:
Typical example how smart guys like you can be duped by UMNO media. Which expert? Why can't they be transparent?

12:38 Comment From Guest
How are you going to stop the brain drain issue from getting worse?

12:39 Yahoo! Malaysia Editor:
Dear all, the first-ever Yahoo! Question Time segment will end in five minutes!

12:40 Anwar Ibrahim:
Professionals are leaving in large numbers due to poor governance and poor economic performance. Our priority is to promote economic growth, improve governance and invite professionals to return.

12:40 Comment From Mira
DSAI bagaimana Datin Seri menjalani kehidupan harian dengan segala ujian yang menimpa keluarga DS yang tak habis2 ni? Kami yang sama2 harakah ni, bersama merasa kesannya...harap Allah memberi banyak petunjuk kepada saudara & keluarga

12:41 Anwar Ibrahim:
Azizah, Nurul Izzah dan keluarga memberi kami kebahagiaan. Alhamdulillah kami menempuh dengan sabar. Pohon doa.

12:41 Comment From PK
Adakah betul dakwaan yang mengatakan Dato seri bersetuju dengan fahaman pluralisme dan bersetuju dengan tindakan Lina joy untuk keluar Islam ats nama kebebasan beragama??

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