
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, May 20, 2011


Dia is actually Datuk Ibrahim Ali. But the two Ms refer to him as dia as though calling his full name would leave a bad taste in the mouth. So it is “mana dia”, “suroh dia datang”, “apa dia buat”, “bila dia keluar hospital?” so it is dia this and dia that.


Over a tumbler of the best margarita in town to just go with the best Manhattan Seafood Chowder, ever, ever, ever, the WHISTLER walked me through how the two M finally picked dia to be their front man.

Things were not going as planned when Nazri shot back and called Big M a racist and Round M said that he was Malay first and Malaysian second. Continuing this route, Round M would not be the PM that would pick Small M, the son of Big M as his deputy. They had to distract the populace but keep Najib in their cross-hair.

They need someone who is hated. Somebody suggested the she-frog from Jelapang. Big M snarled, “Malay, we need!” “Sabah Bung?” “Too much baggage below the naval navel base”, “Rais?” “Reactivate Botak Hamid”, “Riduan Tee Abdullah orBadawi?” The last 2 names got Big M frothing mad. “Enough!” He thundered, “Get me a man who is not intelligent, a clown, a court jester, not owned by any party, rejected by most, must be a natural loud-mouth, shitty command of English, must not be pleasant looking, must not have a clean history we can use as bargain should occasions arise, somebody who will not be nominated for GE13. Give me a discard that we can easily discard in exigencies. Give me a desperate man who will do as I command. I want the man now! WHO?"

And the pack chorused, “Ibrahim Ali!”

“Oh, dia, OK. Dia seems tailored made,” Big M sarcastically mused.

So that is how brother dia got chosen….and the poor guy is kicked around from goal-post to goal-post and told to kick at any issues as long as it makes PM looks bad. He has to obey. So don’t be too hard on dia…..for all you know he is even scared of his own………….

SNEEZE. The Whistler said that this did happen when he he sneezed into the mike in front of the 150 crusaders-to-be. He shuddered…….






Nothing is more despicable than a professional talker who uses his words as a quack uses his remedies.
Francois Fenelon

Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear.
Albert Camus

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