
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, May 20, 2011

More DAP's attempts to mislead and divert

Some say the Christian Malaysia issue pushed UMNO and Barisan Nasional to the wall. They speculate that BN will face political repercussion from the high Christian population states of Sabah and Sarawak.

The reason being religion is a more sensitive and effective political campaign tool than race. Christian Bumiputera will unite to support Christian non Bumiputera.

PAS realised this powerful political weapon for a long time. DAP, whose been a long time opponent to PAS's theocratic state, just realised its usefulness. But will that mean DAP is ready to dump secularism and announced Christian state in their manifesto?

Not quite.

Otherwise, DAP wouldn't be floundering all over with their inconsistent replies. They understand and feel the immediate impact, thus for their aggressive diversions, spins and lies.

Partisan Politics and House of Worships

Before going further on DAP, there is a need to reply to Raja Petra's reply here to this blog's posting entitled "Where everybody miss the plot" here.

By the time this blogger realised Raja Petra had attempt to mislead his readers, this blog had published two postings that could be replies. First was entitled "Priests have no business in politics" which is a Vatican City communique dated July 1993. Second posting was entiled, ""Political" Father Lawrence refuse the plot!"

Raja Petra arguement was: Since Islam's concept of syumul or comprehensive way of life include politics, there is nothing wrong to apply to Christians. Unlike Christianity, Islam does not believe in the separation of church and state.

His round about argument was based on the notion that Islam, Christianity and Judaism are Abrahamic religions. Quran teaches us that all the followers of the way of Abraham must get involved in politics, so it should be applicable to Christians too!

Christianity have undergone through their historical evolution to what it is today. Without having to get into lengthy historical details which Raja Petra should know, the Surah Al Ikhlasbasically says that their religion is their religion, our's is our's. It is not our business as Muslim to change the way they practise.

Other than some DAP Christians faking their appreciation of Islam to quote Quran to the excitement of PAS supporters, do Christianity and Judaism accept Islam as Abrahamic religion?

Raja Petra may have a point if he were to say that there should be nothing wrong with churches and masjid promoting good values to fight against corruption, power abuse, bad governance, etc.

However where do one draw the line between real struggle against corruption, power abuse, bad governance, etc and partisan political game incessant in making wild accusation, unsubstantiated lies and slanders, and character attacks?

Other than the bad behavior towards their opponent, ask ourselves: will politicians be honest enough to admit their mistakes, wrongdoing and deviants ways? At least, BN politicians will shut-up or resign when caught. One do not see that coming from Pakatan.

Let's not talk of the ever lying Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Tok Guru Dato Nik Aziz manipulated documents to cover his unethical appointment of his son-in-law, Ariffahmi as General Manager of PKNK. Nik Aziz was not honest to admit of Ariffahmi's wrongdoings. And Nik Aziz accepted bribery in the form of an expensive paid Haj.

Tok Guru my foot! What more do this blogger need proof?

If the prophet Muhammad or any of the sahabat is alive today, will they approve the political practices of Muslim politicians in Malaysia today?This blogger will be fair, politicians are meant to be from both sides of the political divide.

This blogger would speculate, without any malicious intention that Malaysia Today, Malaysiakini, Harakah and other news portal like The Malaysian Insiders will not receive their nod.

This is lead to the need to separate politics i.e. partisan politics from Churches and Masjids, the only two houses of worship that has sermon as part of it's ritual.

It is better, more harmonious, peaceful and less divisive to the community and society at large. Churches and masjids can preach good values without allowing the divisive and dishonest ways of partisan politics usurping into these holy houses of worship.

Back to the plot

DAP did and should stop dragging churches into partisan politics.

If DAP did not hold that special dinner for those pastors from Sarawak reported to be assisting DAP's political campaign, they should not be panicking and fumbling in their responses and media reports. Read here and here.

Neither should DAP be aggressive in their psywar of diversions, spins and lies.

Since Sibu by-election last year June, DAP intend to continue their covert penetration into churches and Christian groups under the pretext to challenge the UMNO-led Barisan Nasional government's so-called denial of Christians' rights and demands.

They will not want the Christian declaration to be known to outsiders as it will have disastrous effect on DAP and Pakatan Rakyat. The Muslims in PAS, PKR and even those sparse existence of Muslim DAP will ditch Pakatan Rakyat by the hoards.

Though it could not be ascertain, there could be reactions from other religious communities and families gravely affected by fanatic Christians and their aggressive evangelism. They might use this opportunity to retaliate.

DAP realised this.

If Razali is only a reaction and not the only source of information, DAP will not be able to anticipate what is forthcoming.

That explains for their aggressive attack on Utusan Malaysia, misquoting Dato Ibrahim Ali as calling for a Crusade war against Christian, use of Unashamedly Ethical Conference (UEC) as diversion and mislead public discussion from the plot of DAP conspiring to drag churches into politics.

Honestly, the only mistake that Utusan Malaysia did was to give a front page coverage to Bigdog's posting. However, they have been giving a fair coverage by giving the other side to Bigdog's story.

Can we get that from those Chinese newspaper? Heck, it is usual for the Chinese press to give frontpage coverage to oppositions' spins and lies against the Government.

Why the need to stretch to the point of Angkatan Muda Keadilan planning a demonstration in front of Utusan Malaysia's Jalan Chan Sow Lin's office today. It is heard that Dato Ibrahim Ali's Perkasa will be there to receive them.

Now that we are talking of Ibrahim Ali, why are DAP and Pakatan maing a big fuzz over Ibrahim ali's speech in Kelantan?

Did Ibrahim Ali call for a Perang Salib or Crusade against Christians? What was the context of those words? Hear his video below:

Ibrahim Ali said, "Kalau ada pihak di Pulau Pinang, terutama dikalangan paderi Kristian yang didokong oleh DAP Pulau Pinang terus dengan agenda yang kita tahu niat mereka ini (negara Kristian), saya tawar nak perang salib ... boleh!"

If DAP, Pakatan Rakyat and churches had vehemently claimed that no such oath happenings, why are they gunning down on Ibrahim Ali's usual style of public rally?

Ibrahim Ali's mention of "Perang Salib" is conditional. Since they attacked his "Perang Salib" statement, is that admitting those underlined conditions are met?

Aren't they being inconsistent for demanding Ibrahim Ali and Utusan Malaysia editors be arrested under ISA?

More strange reaction is the news below:

The Transparency International Malaysia (TI-M) president, Datuk Paul Low who participated as invited guest speaker at the Unashamedly Ethical Conference (UEC) on May 5 vouched that the organisers of the event did not do a pledge for Christianity be made the constitutional religion of Malaysia.

Read the full report on Malaysian Insider's here.

This blogger believed him that it did not happen during his session on May 5th. However, Paul Low is still guilty of trying to mislead the public from the truth. Did the church or DAP seek his favour to do this shabby cover-up?

The allegation on the Malaysia Christian state pledge was never at this conference. Thus the denial is but to mislead the public into thinking the alleged dinner never happened at all. That attempt to cover-up is an admittance of guilt.

A refresher is important for these twisted DAP and Christians brains (not all Christians, mind you .... sensitive times).

The Conference Unshamedly Ethical was held on May 5th dan 6th at the Dewan Berjaya 2 & 3 at Berjaya Hotel. It involves a Christian NGO dedicated to ethical, good values and clean living in business and living. Fine and welcome.

Those are the close door conference. Then there is the open to the public night conference on May 6th.

The alleged pledge as told by bloggers happened at the pastors off time from the conference on the night of May 5th at Hotel Red Rock, Jln Macalister, Penang.

One church organisation denied holding such pledge and tried to divert using the UEC. Take that excuse as good. After all they are church going Christians.

Consequently, DAP Jelutong's denial of hosting that dinner is a lie. Why would a church organiser holding a major conference only invite pastors from Sarawak for a dinner at Hotel Red Rock? Why are the presence of many DAP members if it is not DAP hosting it?

Aisayman ... Jeff Ooi and Lim Guan Eng. If you have to lie, at least be believable.

Khairy's response in consonant with the opposition is being in question as trying to soften the impact. Read Kembara Politikhere.

Why is the UMNO management quiet of this?

This is the second time in a row this blog is touching on Khairy. In the first time, there was an UMNO cybertrooper blog critising this blog.

With that kind of argument, my advise would be to play within your sandbox. This blog doesn't play that Melayu thing of shallow perception play and emotional drama.

Another thing, primary schools taught children to begin sentences with capital letters. Apply that first.

- Another Brick in the Wall

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