
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Utusan: Anwar's men have infiltrated gov't bodies

Umno-owned newspaper Utusan Malaysia today shocked the nation by making another scathing allegation that opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim has sent his men to infiltrate strategic government bodies to topple the administration of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.

These 'enemies within' have been feeding the opposition with confidential information of Najib including the details of his oversea official trips and private holidays, said the Malay daily.

However, it did not name any government agency.

NONEIn an article entitled'Musang berbulu ayam dalam badan-badan strategik kerajaan?' (Wolves in sheep's clothing in strategic government bodies?) published today, Utusansenior editor Zaini Hassan (left) claimed he had received reliable information on the matter.

“I received information that a body (or maybe more than one body) which is indeed strategic in the government, has been and is being infiltrated by Anwar Ibrahim's men.

“The information I received shows that it is a real and evident situation,” he said in his column Cuit.

He quoted his source as saying: “I don't want to give more examples, but you can observe yourself how the federal government agencies (names hidden) which are given the important task to defend government policies and to educate the people so that they will support the leadership of the prime minister, can apply, absorb an even use the opposition's instrument to undermine the prime minister.”

'Process still going on'

According to his source, this is the success of Anwar in bringing his strongmen into the organisations, and the process is still going on with new officers waiting to be absorbed into the government.

azlan“For small officers like us, we don't want to see the prime minister facing the ill fate of (ousted Libyan ruler Muammar) Gaddafi. No matter how strong Gaddafi was, eventually he was toppled from within with the help of Islamic enemies outside,” the source told him.

The source cited two examples as the work of the infiltrators - the opposition managed to obtain the details of Najib's official overseas trips expenses and the details of his flight during private overseas holidays, in a very short time.

najib private jet 020911“There are many other examples. How could they obtain (the information) so fast if there is no insider who leaked all the confidential information?” said the source.

However, Zaini stressed that he could not verify what was alleged by the source.

“If it is untrue, maybe I can sleep well and be thankful that this did not happen although I could be blamed for writing something that did not happen.

“What I wrote is probably a bit surprising but I let the relevant authorities to investigate its veracity.”

Should the allegation happens to be true, Zaini said, the subversive elements must be eliminated from the current government because they are very dangerous.

“It is a subtle, cunning and well planned move that can jeopardise the government of the day,” he added.

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