
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, March 31, 2018

LDP man mocks PH’s pledge to continue BR1M cash aid

Sabah assistant minister Pang Nyuk Ming says the opposition is now forced to do an about-turn.
Sabah assistant tourism, culture and environment minister Pang Nyuk Ming.
KOTA KINABALU: A Sabah assistant minister has ridiculed the opposition for its change of mind on the 1Malaysia People’s Aid (BR1M) cash handout programme as seen in Pakatan Harapan’s (PH) manifesto for the next general election.
Sabah’s assistant tourism, culture and environment minister Pang Nyuk Ming said in the past, opposition politicians likened BR1M to corruption, but said they now found it good enough to be included in their election manifesto.
“I think it is because they also realised, after several years, the benefits are there for the people,” he said.
“The opposition may not have admitted it, but the fact that they pledged to keep BR1M is proof that it is a good programme,” Pang said at a ceremony to give out BR1M vouchers to 1,500 recipients in Tawau today.
Pang, BN’s Merotai state assemblyman from the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), said the opposition has also promised to continue other programmes by the BN government.
PH’s manifesto launched earlier this month includes maintaining the BR1M cash aid for those in the B40 bracket (bottom 40% in household income).
“The opposition members can say what they want. They can call BR1M an attempt to fish for votes, that it is a bad programme.
“All I ask is for the people to judge the government by its achievements and how it has helped maintain peace and harmony among the multi-racial and multi-religious Malaysian society,” said Pang.
Pang said the federal government under Najib Razak has given attention to Sabah.
“Because of this, I believe Sabah will continue to be the BN’s stronghold in the coming election,” he said. -FMT

Nur Jazlan to check if Anwar's 'statements' are real

Deputy Home Minister Nur Jazlan Mohamed plans to look into the authenticity of jailed former opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim’s statements from behind bars.
This is after Anwar released a statement today vowing that were it to capture Putrajaya, Pakatan Harapan will set up a "truly independent" Election Commission and repeal the anti-fake news law if it is enacted.
"I am curious. Did this statement really come from Anwar? He is prohibited by prison rules to communicate with the world outside without permission from Prisons (Department) director-general," Nur Jazlan said on Twitter.
He added that he will check with Prisons Department director-general Supri Hashim to see if statements had indeed been issued by jailed leader.
I am curious. Did this statement really come from @anwaribrahim:? He is prohibited by Prison rules to communicate with the world outside without permission from Prisons DG. Will check with DG. @pakatanharapan_ : Pakatan will repeal ‘fake news’ law http://www.themalaymailonline.com/malaysia/article/anwar-pakatan-will-repeal-fake-news-law#sthash.LZ1cIH9w.uxfs 
Statements in Anwar’s name are occasionally sent out to the media by Harapan’s media team.
In August last year, Supri had denied that Anwar issued a statement regarding a fracas during the Nothing to Hide 2.0 forum in Shah Alam.
He explained that Anwar, who is serving a five-year prison sentence, had been brought to the court complex in Kuala Lumpur to attend a civil proceeding on the day the statement was released.
“When in court, Anwar was under constant surveillance by prison officers and personnel. Those not related to the court proceedings were not allowed to meet him, including the media," he had said.

Occasionally, during his court appearances,  Mkini

Redelineation doesn’t take into account 1MDB, GST, says don

The redelineation exercise could give BN an advantage in the next general election, but it does not take into account current scandals against the ruling government, Universiti Selangor vice-chancellor Mohammad Redzuan Othman said today.
"This redelineation was done based on voting patterns in 2013, but it doesn’t mean that voting patterns of 2018 and 2013 are the same.
"Because in 2013, there was no 1MDB, and no GST, so this pattern may not be the same in the upcoming general election," Redzuan said at a seminar on the maqasid(objectives) of syariah in Petaling Jaya.
He noted, however, that in the past, redelineation exercises would result in major BN victories.
"If we observe since Merdeka, BN’s highest share of the popular vote is 65 percent.
"But they keep winning 80 to 90 percent of the seats, meaning that the popular vote is not reflected in the seats, and this is helped by the redelineation, the facts show this.”
The redelineation report was passed in Parliament on Wednesday, and was gazetted the next day.
Critics claim that the redrawing of electoral boundaries would give BN an unfair advantage in the polls, while polarising voters along racial lines.
Election Commission chairperson Mohd Hashim Abdullah had in an interview with the New Straits Times on Thursday said that the redelineation proposal drew constituency boundaries along racial lines, in the interest of keeping ethnic groups together. -Mkini

Aku Akan Pergi Tak Lama Lagi... (VIDEO)


1. Bukan sahaja saya terlalu tua untuk jadi Perdana Menteri, sekarang saya diberitahu saya tidak layak kerana pemikiran Islam saya tidak betul.
2. Kenapa tidak betul? Kerana rekod-rekod saya tidak mempunyai kefahaman Islam yang betul berasas pada sebutan oleh Almarhum Datuk Dr Harun Din. Saya dikatakan dalam golongan “muktazilah” yang utamakan akal, iaitu saya guna akal fikiran.
3. Tetapi Al-Quran menyebut berkali-kali akan mustahaknya mengguna akal fikiran.
Sila rujuk:
Surah Al-Baqarah Ayat 164, 179
Surah Al Imran Ayat 7, 65, 190
Surah Al Maidah Ayat 100,103
Surah Hud Ayat 51
Surah Yusuf Ayat 111
Surah Ar-Rad Ayat 3, 4,19
Surah Taha Ayat 54
Surah Az-Zumar Ayat 9
Surah Al-Hasyr Ayat 2
Tidak disebut dalam Al-Quran larangan berfikir dan terima sahaja semua pendapat dari pakar Islam bahawa fahaman Islam kamu tidak betul. Ia lebih tidak betul kerana tidak menerima bulat-bulat hadith Nabi.
4. Hadis Nabi termasuk dalam bahagian sunnah dalam Islam. Mengamal sunnah adalah baik dan mendapat pahala untuk akhirat. Tetapi jika tidak mengamalnya tidak berdosa. Tidak ada larangan jika diutamakan Al-Quran apabila ada kelainan antara hadis dengan Al-Quran.
5. Saya dapati hukum hudud Islam berbeza dengan hukum hudud PAS. Mengikut Al-Quran yang diutamakan dalam Islam ialah keadilan. Terdapat lebih 40 ayat yang menegas apabila kamu hukum, hukumlah dengan adil.
Sila rujuk
Surah Al Maidah Ayat 8, 42
Surah Al-Araf Ayat 29
Surah Yunus Ayat 54
Surah Yusuf Ayat 26, 27
Surah An-Nahl Ayat 90
Surah Sad Ayat 22, 26
Surah Az-Zumar Ayat 29,75
Surah Al-Ghafir Ayat 20,78
Surah Asy-Syura Ayat 40
Surah Ar-Rahman Ayat 7, 8
Surat Al-Hadid Ayat 25
Surah Al-Mumtahanah Ayat 8
Surah At-Tin Ayat 8
6. Tetapi Hudud PAS utamakan empat saksi dan hukuman yang terberat, termasuk rejam dengan batu dan pancung kepala.
7. Jika seorang wanita lapor ia dirogol oleh sipolan-sipolan, oleh kerana tidak ada empat saksi yang tidak menanggung dosa besar, maka laporannya dianggap palsu. Ia akan dihukum sebat. Jika ia mengandung dan lahir anak maka ia akan dituduh berzina dan sekali lagi akan dihukum rejam dengan batu oleh orang ramai sampai mati.
8. Perogol walaupun dikenali oleh mangsanya tidak akan didapati bersalah dan akan bebas dari sebarang tuduhan.
9. Adilkah apabila mangsa dihukum dan pencabul bebas dari dituduh kerana tidak ada empat saksi. Jika dianggap tidak adil, maka ia tidak Islam. Islam tidak zalim.
10. Tetapi inilah hudud PAS. Ternampak terlalu ghairah untuk menunjuk betapa kuatnya pegangan mereka kepada kononnya ajaran Islam. Dengan ini Islam mendapat imej yang amat buruk.
11. Hudud PAS ini akan dikenakan kepada orang Islam sahaja. Jika orang Islam mencuri tangannya akan dipotong.
12. Tetapi jika orang bukan Islam mencuri, ia akan dipenjara dua bulan.
13. Dalam masyarakat berbilang agama di Malaysia, adilkah perbezaan hukum yang ketara ini?
14. Pendapat saya yang kerdil ini, hukuman ini tidak adil. Oleh kerana ia tidak adil maka ia bukan Islam. Ia adalah hudud PAS.
15. Hukum tanpa saksi empat. Dalam Surah Yusuf, terkoyaknya baju Yusuf disebelah belakang diterima dalam Quran sebagai bukti yang mengejar ialah Zulaikha dan bukan Yusuf seperti yang didakwa oleh Zulaikha.
16. Apakah pengajaran bagi orang Islam dalam cerita Yusuf dengan Zulaikha. Yang jelas ialah empat orang saksi tidak selalu perlu. Hanya kerana baju Yusuf koyak dari belakang, maka ini diterima sebagai bukti bahawa yang mengejar ialah Zulaikha.
17. Cerita ini adalah diantara ayat mutasyabihat, iaitu ayat Al-Quran yang tidak khusus seperti ayat muhkamat. Ayat mutasyabihat memberi panduan yang tidak kurang penting bagi cara hidup Islam. Terpulanglah kepada orang Islam mengguna akal fikiran untuk mendapat panduan dirinya.
18. Keghairahan sesetengah pentafsir menunjuk betapa kerasnya hukum Islam sehingga tidak mengendah keadilan menjadikan agama Islam agama yang tidak berperikemanusiaan. Walhal Islam adalah agama yang adil, bertimbang rasa dan suka bermaaf-maafan dan mengampun dalam menghukum.
19. Berhubung dengan kuasa Yang di-Pertuan Agong para 39 berkata “Kuasa eksekutif Persekutuan hendaklah terletak hak pada Yang di-Pertuan Agong dan, tertakluk kepada peruntukan mana-mana undang-undang persekutuan dan peruntukan Jadual Kedua, bolehlah dijalankan olehnya atau oleh Jemaah Menteri atau oleh mana-mana Menteri yang diberi kuasa oleh Jemaah Menteri, tetapi Parlimen boleh, melalui undang-undang, memberikan fungsi eksekutif kepada orang lain”. Para 40 berkata “Yang di-Pertuan Agong hendaklah bertindak mengikut nasihat”
1. Pada menjalankan fungsinya di bawah Perlembagaan ini atau undang-undang persekutuan, Yang di-Pertuan Agong hendaklah bertindak mengikut nasihat Jemaah Menteri atau nasihat seorang Menteri yang bertindak dibawah kuasa am Jemaah Menteri, kecuali sebagaimana yang diperuntukkan selainnya oleh Perlembagaan ini: tetapi Yang di-Pertuan Agong berhak, atas permintaannya, untuk mendapat apa-apa maklumat berkenaan dengan pemerintahan Persekutuan yang boleh didapati oleh Jemaah Menteri.
1(A). Pada menjalankan fungsinya di bawah Perlembagaan ini atau undang-undang persekutuan, jika Yang di-Pertuan Agong dikehendaki bertindak mengikut nasihat, atas nasihat, atau selepas menimbangkan nasihat, Yang di-Pertuan Agong hendaklah menerima dan bertindak mengikut nasihat itu.
2. Yang di-Pertuan Agong boleh bertindak mengikut budi bicaranya pada melaksanakan fungsi berikut, iaitu:
a. melantik seorang Perdana Menteri;
b. tidak memperkenankan permintaan bagi pembubaran parlimen;
c. meminta diadakan mesyuarat Majlis Raja-Raja yang semata-mata berkenaan dengan keistimewaan, kedudukan, kemuliaan dan kebesaran Duli-Duli Yang Maha Mulia Raja-Raja dan apa-apa tindakan pada mesyuarat itu.
Kuasa memelihara pada setiap masa Agama Islam ada pada Yang di-Pertuan Agong. Islam ialah agama bagi Persekutuan, tetapi agama-agama lain boleh diamalkan dengan aman dan damai dimana-mana bahagian Persekutuan.
Hadis, Sunnah Nabi
20. Di waktu Al Bukhari mengkaji hadis, terdapat 600,000 hadis. Dari 600,000 ini Bukhari mengesahkan hanya 7000. 593,000 adalah tidak sahih. Pendapat Tarmizi Muslim dan lain-lain pengkaji juga demikian walaupun ada yang tidak sama yang disahkan oleh seorang dan tidak oleh pengkaji lain.
21. Mereka ini adalah manusia biasa dengan kelemahan-kelemahan manusia.
22. Al-Quran adalah catitan wahyu Allah Subhanahu Wataala. Semua Al-Quran adalah sama. Salahkah jika kita pegang kepada wahyu Allah yang disampaikan kepada Muhammad untuk disampaikan kepada umat manusia.
23. Dalam Al-Quran jika hukum sebat hendak dikenakan tentukan dahulu kesalahan. Jika tidak, ada kemungkinan ketidakadilan akan berlaku.
Perdana Menteri
24. Perdana Menteri diberi ramai penasihat, diantaranya ialah penasihat agama, bukan seorang tetapi ramai. Yang rasmi dan tidak rasmi.
25. Nampak penulis berpendapat bahawa Perdana Menteri sekarang sedang mengamal maarof, menolak yang mungkar apabila ia anggap “Cash is King” “Wang itu Raja” dan terus guna wang bermillion untuk sogokan dan beli undi. Ya. Sembahyang didirikan dan zakat diberi dari wang yang disamun.
26. Bagi penulis yang menyoal kebetulan Islam saya, tentulah ia anggap kebetulan Najib lebih betul dan beliau lebih layak jadi Perdana Menteri.
– http://chedet.cc/?p=2832


SEREMBAN – The Chinese community’s support for the Barisan Nasional (BN) is increasingly positive and getting stronger, says MCA Youth chief Datuk Chong Sin Woon.
He said the group was now aware that only the BN would be capable of providing them the best service, though the coalition was often being criticised and slandered by the opposition, which were aimed to create negative perceptions.
“The voters are already able to assess the leadership of the Selangor and Penang state governments from the various issues raised throughout their administration.
“Most Chinese non-governmental organisations (NGOs) including those in Seremban have shown full support for the BN,” he told reporters after launching the E-Sport Mobile Legend programme, here today.
Commenting on the review of the electoral boundaries, Chong, who is also Deputy Education Minister said this would not bring about major changes as it only involved changes in polling stations and renaming of some parliamentary and state constituencies.
“The move will in no way affect voters’ support for the BN … but the opposition will try to play up on this matter to incite hatred among the people, by claiming that the move will give BN an advantage,” he added.
— Bernama


Pakatan Harapan has boasted of a turnout of up to 4,000 people for a rally it held last night in Malaysia’s smallest state, Perlis.
PKR Indera Kayangan assemblyperson Chan Ming Kai said the turnout for a ceramah held at Gunung Medan Utan Aji, Kangar was a huge difference from the crowds he used to see before the 2013 general election.
“I did a big ceramah in 2013, where we had a crowd of between 2,000 to 3,000. But it was a Chinese-majority crowd.
“(This time) on top of the Chinese crowd, there were many Malays too,” he said.
Among the speakers at last night’s talk was former premier Dr Mahahthir Mohamad, who is also Harapan chairperson.
The positive turnout in Perlis followed a mammoth crowd for a ceramah Guar Chempedak, Kedah on Thursday night.
DAP lawmaker Liew Chin Tong, who estimated a 15,000 turnout, said the ceramah in Kedah signalled an impending Malay tsunami in favour of the coalition against BN in the upcoming general election.
Analyst Redzuan Othman, however, cautioned that big crowds would not necessarily translate into votes.
Redzuan cited how thousands used to turn up for rallies during the Reformasi movement, but which only saw PKR win just five parliamentary seats in 1999.
– M’kini


Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak today launched the national level “Jimat Belanja Dapur” (Reducing grocery bills) programme implemented by the Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority.
He said the programme, which was similar to the “Jualan Sentuhan Rakyat” programme organised by the Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Ministry, benefited all strata of people nationwide by selling goods at cheaper prices compared to market prices.
“Under the JBD programme, there are 27 items sold with cheaper prices of between five and 20 percent compared to market prices, for example, cabbage that is normally sold at RM3.50 per kg in the market is sold at RM2, eggs per package of RM11 is sold at RM8.50 here.
“Even whole chicken is sold here for RM10, while the normal price is RM8 to RM9 per kg, we have many more items sold at cheap prices, and we hope more people get this benefit,” he said when launching the JBD programme in Pekan today.
Also present were Fama chairman Badruddin Amiruldin, State Rural Development, Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Committee chairperson Shafik Fauzan Sharif and State Felda Affairs Committee chairperson Abu Bakar Harun and more than 10,000 local residents.
The programme has been implemented in 718 Pasar Tani outlets, 426 Agrobazaar Kedai Rakyat, 110 Agrobazaar 1Malaysia, six MyFarm outlets, as well under the MyBest Buy programme nationwide.
The entrepreneurs are involved in selling 27 selected items such as fish, chicken, vegetables, groceries and control items with percentage discounts directly to consumers.
At the same event, Najib also launched the Local Service Centre@Pasar Tani and Pasar Tani Application, equipped with basis information such as location, operating hours, attractive products and sales promotions at the Farmers’ Market.
The maiden launch is one of the added value of Fama’s services to disseminate information concerning the farmers’ market to consumers.
Consumers can also enjoy the facility by uploading the app that can be downloaded for free from the Google Store and Apple Store.
Najib, who is also Pekan MP, also launched the QR Pay to facilitate consumers and traders at the farmers’ market, and Fama’s effort towards a more modern trading system transformation.
For the implementation of the programme, Fama also worked closely with Maybank to implement the QR Pay at Fama retail outlets, including at Farmers Market, 1Malaysia People’s Agrobazaar, Fresh Fruits Stalls, MyFarm outlets and My Best Buy.
He said Malaysia was heading towards a cashless society, with only a cash application needed as no cash was required for shopping, as being practised in other countries such as China.
“In China there are 310 applications for micro credit processes where micro credit loans can be processed in just three minutes before approving them after knowing their credit worthiness via data available in that system.
“I mentioned this because I want to imagine the world has changed rapidly and what is done today is the starting point for us to move into a new world in the future,” he added.
– Bernama


MALAYSIAN PRIME Minister Najib Razak is no stranger to muzzling free expression. His government has used existing laws to prosecute bloggers and journalists for satire and criticism of Mr. Najib, who has been embroiled in an epic corruption scandal. Now the Malaysian cabinet has gone a step further, proposing a law that would impose stiff fines and jail sentences on those who publish what it deems “fake news.” The proposed law is a warning of the danger when governments decide what is true and what is not.
Mr. Najib, seeking reelection to a third term, is being investigated by several countries, including the United States, on allegations that he and close associates diverted $4.5 billion from a Malaysian government investment fund for their own use, including $730 million that ended up in accounts controlled by the Prime Minister. He has denied wrongdoing involving the 1Malaysia Development Berhad fund, known as 1MDB. But a surefire outcome of the law, should it be passed, would be to chill media discussion of the corruption scandal.
The legislation would define as fake news “any news, information, data and reports which are wholly or partly false, whether in the form of features, visuals or audio recordings or in any other form capable of suggesting words or ideas.” It would cover those who create, offer, circulate, print or publish fake news or publications containing fake news, and impose a 10-year jail term, a fine of up to $128,000, or both, at the whim of the government. The law would apply to those overseas as well as inside Malaysia. A fact sheet outlining hypothetical examples includes anyone who knowingly offers false information to a blogger, as well as cases that seem to encompass acts of slander or false advertising.
We don’t take lightly the problem of truth in today’s information whirlwind. But an open society must guarantee the right to express a wide range of views, including criticism of its leaders, with very few limitations, accompanied by due process and rule of law. The Malaysian proposal looks more like a tool of arbitrary government control and intimidation. Singapore is holding hearings on a similar scheme. Other closed systems, such as China, long ago perfected the art. It is called censorship.
President Trump has championed the moniker “fake news” to mean any news report he dislikes, and to undermine the legitimacy of the news media by creating confusion over whether news is true or false. An army of people on social media likewise muddy the waters, spreading reports that are corrosive and malicious. In this environment, a free society has to be dedicated to unfettered speech, allowing it to flourish and regulating it extremely carefully. Yes, publishers, platforms and people must be vigilant for garbage and pollution in the news stream. But imposing governmental controls will only yield one thing: real fake news.

Hooray ! Non Catholics Cannot Go To Hell Anymore ! Pope Says There Is No Hell To Go To !

"good souls" who sought repentance would receive it 

going against centuries of core Christian belief
Pope said souls of sinners simply vanished after death
were not subject to eternity of punishment

They are not punished
those who repent obtain forgiveness of God 
enter rank of souls who contemplate him

those who do not repent disappear," Pope said
"no hell, there is disappearance of sinful souls," he added

My comments :  So lets take a really good person who does good things, does not lie, does not steal, drink, gamble or do anything despicable his whole life.  A clean record. 

In the first place,  there will be not  many sins for God to forgive him.  There is also  really  not much repentance to be obtained from such a good person. He has a clean record.

Then comes along  Omar the Beheader  who has been bad his whole life.  Torturing, killing, burning and raping women all over the Middle East.

His soul is told, 'Just disappear. Go away. There is no hell.' 

So Omar the Beheader just remains dead. 
In fact he does not even know what is going on. 
Because he is dead.

My view is some light is finally coming through the cracks. 
We need good education, plenty of reading, intelligent reasoning, free and open discussion and the light will ultimately shine through.

Just a few more steps to go.  Just a few more. 

Who would you rather be?

1. A blindfolded man in a dark room looking for a black cat that is not there?


2. A blindfolded man in a dark room who claims to have found a black cat that is not there?


3.  A blindfolded man in a dark room who has stopped looking because he knows there is no black cat there.

Alamak ! Tujuh Orang Saja Angkat Tangan Bersama Bugis

  • vowed to continue legacy of his late father in championing Felda 
  • Tun Razak always kept welfare of Felda settlers close to heart
  • we will make sure Tun Razak's struggle lives on

My comments : Please study that picture carefully.  Among the hundreds of people there, only SEVEN (maybe eight) people are raising their hands together.   

Look at the faces of the people who did NOT raise their hands. 
Those are NOT happy faces at all. 

And this was a 'giving out dedak' ceremony (Bantuan Belanja Dapur)  
They will take the money.
But the votes are gone.