
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, January 31, 2013

Br1Ma, Kr1Ma, Pr1Ma, Kl1Ma, & Puk1Ma

Br1Ma (Bantuan Rakyat 1 Malaysia) - Settle - Tq

Kr1Ma (Kedai Rakyat 1 Malaysia)- Settle -Tq

Pr1Ma (Perumahan Rakyat 1 Malaysia) - Settle - Tq

Kl1Ma (Klinik Rakyat 1 Malaysia) - Settle -Tq

Puk1Ma (Perubahan Kerajaan 1 Malaysia) - Amik ko...

PDRM sedang berkuntau tutup kes C Sugumar!

Mula2, cerita ni keluar dalam Keadilandaily.com. Bila dibuka, keluar gambar seperti di bawah:
Kompom SKMM punya kerja!

Belek punya belek nasib baik blog Addin sempat kopipes. Baca:

Komplot Polis Dan HKL Untuk Tutup Pembunuhan Sugumar – Naib Presiden KEADILAN

Posted by at 
KUALA LUMPUR 31 Jan: Dolak-dalik polis dan Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL) berhubung tuntutan bedah siasat kedua C Sugumar dipercayai untuk mengelak keganasan polis ke atas mendiang terbongkar.Kelewatan polis mengeluarkan kebenaran bertulis kepada hospital tersebut untuk bedah siasat kedua mangsa turut dikecam.Naib Presiden KEADILAN, N Surendran berkata, polis sengaja melengahkan bedah siasat supaya kes yang didakwa sebagai pembunuhan itu tidak diketahui umum.
“Peguam mendiang Sugumar, Eric Paulsen hari ini memaklumkan bahawa HKL tidak akan membuat bedah siasat kedua selagi polis belum mengeluarkan kebenaran bertulis.“Polis dan HKL juga dianggap berkomplot kerana gagal memberikan jawapan memuaskan kepada kita,” katanya kepada Keadilan Daily.
“Bila tanya polis, mereka suruh kita tanya HKL begitulah sebaliknya. Sikap seperti ini memang dangkal dan memualkan!” katanya.Beliau menambah, kelembapan polis mengeluarkan surat kebenaran kerana mahu menyembunyikan fakta sebenar pembunuhan Sugumar.
“Polis takut jika bedah siasat kedua dibuat, kezaliman polis yang menyebabkan kematian Sugumar akan diketahui orang ramai.“Kita desak polis segera bantu siasatan untuk HKL buat bedah siasat kedua. Jangan sembunyikan kebenaran!” tegasnya.
Terdahulu, Ketua Polis Selangor, Datuk Tun Hisan Hamzah berkata, tiada halangan bedah siasat kedua dijalankan seperti diminta keluarga mangsa asalkan kos pembedahan itu ditanggung sendiri. ~keadilandaily

- media perak

BN promises racing circuit for Kedah youngsters

Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak says the project will be included in the BN manifesto.
ALOR SETAR: The construction of a racing circuit for youngsters in Kedah will be inserted in the Barisan Nasional manifesto for the 13th general election, particularly for this state, said Najib
Tun Razak.
The prime minister said the current PAS-led state government had promised a racing circuit for the youngsters but had done nothing over the last five years.
“Where is the circuit? I want to promise that we will insert the construction of the racing circuit in Kedah in the manifesto. Our promises are fulfilled, unlike the opposition’s,” he said at a gathering of youngsters in Kedah at the Sultan Abdul Halim Stadium in Suka Menanti, here.
Najib said there was also a proposal from the Kedah Youth Council for the government to help youngsters who wanted to get married, with the pre-marriage course.
“We will also insert in the manifesto to bear the RM100 cost for each course, on condition that it is for the first marriage and a one-off aid. I will approve the allocation.
“There’s much more that we want to do. Wait for the manifesto that we will launch specially for Kedah. We will show the people. The time has come. Five years is enough [under opposition rule]. The time for change has come,” he said.
The prime minister said the Barisan Nasional government listened to the voice of the youngsters and their lot would be better off in the future under a BN government.
Najib said the BN government had policies compatible to youngsters and the government transformation programme was aimed at providing a legacy for youngsters.
He said the BN government did not tell the youngsters to resort to doing things detrimental to the country.
“I just returned from Gaza, Palestine. I was able to see the destruction of a country, but brought about by their enemy. Let’s not damage our own country. We will become a developed nation in seven years. This is our promise,” he said.
Among others present were Housing and Local Government Minister Chor Chee Heung, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Jamil Khir Baharom, Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin, Kedah Umno liaison committee chairman Ahmad Bashah Md Hanipah and Kedah Umno liaison committee deputy chairman Mukhriz Mahathir.
The gathering of youngsters, which will be on from today to Saturday, consists of various programmes, such as the BN Youth Job Fair with 83 companies offering more than 4,500 jobs, exhibitions by government and private agencies, and trading stalls.
- Bernama


Dear SamyVellu, the video song above was just meant for you to STOP playing POLITICS and RETIRE .......enjoy life with all the ill-gotten gains, while the poor Indians suffer !!!!!

The related news:

Samy Vellu to assist BN in recapturing Sungai Siput

January 30, 2013
KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 30 — Former MIC president Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu has pledged to assist the Barisan Nasional (BN) in wresting the Sungai Siput parliamentary constituency in the 13th general election. 
Samy (picture), who was appointed the BN election machinery coordinator for Sungai Siput in November, said he would leave it to the party’s leadership to nominate the BN candidate for the seat. 
“I was appointed by the prime minister to head BN in Sungai Siput. My task is to ensure the Sungai Siput parliamentary constituency return to the BN fold. 
“I will accomplish the assignment given and I do not discuss who will be the candidate,” he told reporters after recording the Tamil version of the Hello Malaysia programme over Bernama TV today. 
Samy, who is also Malaysia’s special infrastructure ambassador to India and South Asia, was also former member of parliament for Sungai Siput. — Bernama 

Sugumaran case: Are PM Najib, MIC and cops sincere?

Najib’s decision to intervene is a political stunt, says Gobind.
PETALING JAYA: Opposition leaders have poured scorn on Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s decision to intervene in the case of C Sugumaran, who was allegedly beaten to death last week by policemen and several members of the public.
“This is clearly a political stunt aimed at defusing tensions,” Puchong MP Gobind Singh said in response to a news report saying Najib had instructed the Health Minister to submit a forensic report on Sugumaran’s death.
“If the PM is sincere, he must direct changes to the manner in which the police and government hospitals deal with cases like this.”
Gobind, as well as PKR vice president N Surendran, also questioned the sincerity of Selangor police officials who advised Sugumaran’s relatives to seek a second post mortem if they could find a willing pathologist.
“But the reality is that government hospitals will not agree to a second post mortem unless they are directed by the police,” Gobind said.
“It is obvious that the PM is ill advised.”
Gobind said Najib should instead direct the police to officially consent to second post mortems when people die in police custody.
N Surendran also took a swipe at MIC Youth over its offer to pay for Sugumaran’s second post mortem, saying the issue was the not the cost, but the willingness of the authorities to allow it.
He said the chief pathologist at Kuala Lumpur General Hospital, Dr Muhammad Arif Mohd Hashim, yesterday declined to perform a post mortem on Sugumaran without police permission.
He said Najib, MIC and the police would be all lying if they were to claim ignorance about this procedure.
He urged the Selangor police chief to “stop beating around the bush” and give his written approval for the second post mortem as soon as possible.
“The family is grieving,” he said. “How much longer are you people going to make them wait to perform funeral rites?”

PAS to provide legal aid to HKL112 parents

The party also questions police’s double standard as those who brought along their children to Najib’s rally on the same day have been let off scot-free.
PETALING JAYA: The 14 parents sought by police for bringing along their children to the KL112 rally on Jan 12 have been assured of legal assistance from PAS Youth today.
Its legal team director, Ahmad Zamri Asa’ad Khuzaimi, said the party viewed the police move as “a desperate attempt” and urged the parents to stay calm and contact PAS for assistance.
“We will offer legal help to the 14 parents sought by the police. If the matter goes to court, we will represent all of them,” he said.
Ahmad Zamri’s statement came in the wake of KL police chief Mahmod Salleh’s release of photographs of the 14 yesterday who brought their children to the opposition-led rally.
Mahmod said the act of bringing along children aged below 15 violated conditions under Section 4 (2) of the Peaceful Assembly Act 2012 and Section 31 (1A) of the Child Act 2001.
“We urge the parents to come forward to facilitate police investigations,” Ahmad Zamri told a press conference yesterday.
The day-long KL112 rally, despite drawing more than 100,000 people to the historic Stadium Merdeka on Jan 12, was an incident-free event.
It was widely seen as the opposition’s show of strength prior to the 13th general election.
What about those at Najib’s rally?
Ahmad Zamri also questioned the police targeting only KL112 participants while those who brought children to Prime Najib Tun Razak’s rally on the same day are being let off.
“Najib’s rally involved children as well. Why no action against them?” he asked in reference to the Himpunan Rakyat Bersama Najib rally outside a shopping centre in Semenyih.
He said although the Peaceful Assembly Act prohibits children from taking part in a rally, the spirit of law guarantees the right to peaceful assembly.
“What happened on Jan 12 is that more than 100,000 people gathered in a peaceful manner.
“It was like a carnival. Are you saying that children are forbidden to even attend a carnival?” asked Ahmad Zamri, adding that the party would argue the case from a technical aspect.
Meanwhile, Suaram, in a statement today condemned the police for wanting to take action against the parents.
“Investigating individuals who brought along children contravenes Article 15 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
“Article 20 of the Universal Declaration Of Human Rights guarantees the right to assemble peacefully.
“Article 10 of the Federal Constitution of Malaysia guarantees the freedom to assemble peacefully,” said Suaram coordinator R Thevarajan.

Why listen to Dr M? – Fikry Osman

Months after Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad retired in 2003, Malaysians gave overwhelming support to Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Barisan Nasional (BN) to govern the country. It was a majority that Dr M never got in his entire political career.
In 2008, Abdullah lost his supermajority after Dr M denounced him and his administration as a half-past-six government.
He’s doing it again. This time against Datuk Seri Najib Razak. Instead of being a statesman and a retired politician,, Dr M wants to continue being a kingmaker.
He should stop. Or we all should stop him.
Dr M now says Najib inherited a weak government from Pak Lah but who helped make it weak if not Dr M and his verbiage leading to the 2008 polls.
Every thing wrong in Malaysia can be traced back to him, from the distorted national car policy that has kept prices high to project M in flooding Sabah with illegals posing as citizens to bringing down his deputies when he was in power.
Now, Dr M only seems interested in installing his son as the Kedah Mentri Besar and patching up his tattered legacy by suggesting Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim could have had a hand in Project M.
It is always someone else’s fault and not his. For Dr M, its only the credit and adulation that he wants to receive but not the brickbats.
Yes, he did well with the hardware but not the software. Najib still has to use ministers from Dr M’s era because the young talent in Umno is useless or not favoured by him, like Khairy Jamaluddin.
We should stop listening to this man. After all, we had to listen to him for 22 years, through two Umnos that couldn’t send us a better leader.
We Malaysians are now quite capable of assessing Najib or Anwar and don’t need a tutorial from him to select our next leadership.
It is up to 13.3 million voters to decide who will lead the country, not Dr M. So let’s stop listening to him.
* Fikry Osman reads The Malaysian Insider.

Indonesian told to back BN for his citizenship

Indonesian national Yuhanis Bira, who was issued with a blue identity card within six years of arriving in Sabah, said the IC was given to him on condition he supports the then government.

The 57-year-old immigrant, who arrived in Sabah in 1973, said he met an officer at the Tawau Native Court, who conveyed this message to him.

This took place in 1978, when Yuhanis agreed to the officer's proposal and received his blue IC the following year.

NONE"He (the court officer) asked, so I supported the government," he told the RCI, which is sitting at the High Court complex in Kota Kinabalu.

Asked if this meant supporting through voting, Yuhanis replied: "Yes".

During this period, the BN government was in power in Sabah, led by Berjaya, which ruled from 1976 to 1985.
Yuhanis said he only paid RM12 for the blue identity card and did not need to  furnish any document. The identity card states he was born in Tawau.

He registered as a voter in 1981 and voted in the election that year, which saw Berjaya retain power, and has voted in every election since then.

The testimonies given today indicate that the arbitrary granting of blue identity cards to immigrants dates back further than initially thought, though it is unclear if this was done in an organised manner.

Another similar case is that of Indonesian national Berahim Abdullah, 54, who also testified today. He arrived in Sabah in 1980.

'Runner helped with ICs'

Berahim said a friend approached him in 1990 and said he could help him get a blue identity card, without the need for any document.

After providing only his photographs, Berahim said, he was informed by the runner friend to pick up his new blue identity card at the National Registration Department (NRD).

He said he has since then voted four times, in the state constituency of Kunak.

Asked by watching brief lawyer James Ghani why he had gone on to register as a voter, Berahim replied: "To support the Barisan government".

The Sabah government was at that time led by PBS, which was ousted in the 1994 state election.

A total of six witnesses testified today and to date 55 witnesses have taken the stand since the RCI began sitting on Jan 14.

This is the second session of RCI, which was supposed to end tomorrow but was adjourned today. It will reconvene for the third session on Feb 22.

Permohonan Semakan Kehakiman Dalam Kes Jengka 12

Mazlan Aliman
Permohonan untuk Semakan Kehakiman dibawah aturan 53 kaedah 2, kaedah2 Mahkamah 2012, telah selesai dilakukan di Mahkamah Tinggi Kuantan sekitar 10.45 pagi ini.

Suatu deklarasi yang menyatakan arahan dari Felda, Pengurus Wilayah dan Pengurus Felda yg menyekat aktiviti di mana2 rancangan Felda adalah tidak sah dan terbatal kerana melanggar fasal 9(2) Perlembagaan Persekutuan,

Pemohon iaitu saya selaku Penyelaras Kembara Oren dan Hj Hashim Ahmad, Ketua PAS Cawangan Felda Jengka 12, memohon untuk satu perintah interim agar Mahkamah menggantung kesemua arahan oleh responden terhadap sekatan atau halangan kebebasan bergerak di mana2 tanah rancangan Felda seluruh negara,

Tuntutan gantirugi juga dibuat terhadap Felda selaku responden pertama dan Mohd Yazid Abdullah(pengurus Felda Jengka 12) iaitu responden kedua.

Peguam Hj Haris Abdullah dari The Law Office of Mohd Harris mewakili saya dan Hj Hashim. Esok, peguam Haris akan mendapatkan tarikh untuk mendengar permohonan dan serahan permohonan agar kes ini didengar secepat mungkin juga dilampirkan.

Adalah sangat penting untuk diketahui, jika permohonan ini berjaya, ia menjadi rujukan utama terhadap semua aktiviti di felda seluruh negara. Mana2 pengurus termasuk JKKK yg cubamenyekat kebebasan bersuara dan berhimpun dianggap menghina mahkamah.

Bukan itu sahaja, menariknya, permohonan boleh dilakukan untuk MEMENJARAKAN pengurus felda dan Jkkk yang engkar dengan keputusan Mahkamah!

Bersama2 memberi sokongan pada hari ini ialah Timbalan Pesuruhjaya PAS Pahang, Ust Yusof Embong, Ketua Penerangan PAS Pahang, Ust Suhaimi Saat, Bekas Pengarah Eksekutif Felda Plantation, Md Said Jonit, Pengerusi ANAK Pahang, Yohanis Ahmad dan wakil2 peneroka.

- Gaya Peneroka

Lawak 10 sen Rosmah......cerita dalam kelambu takyahlah citer kat orang

Gambar hanya sebagai hiasan

Secara berseloroh, Rosmah berkata: 
"Masa tidur pun (Perdana Menteri) tak cakap tarikh pilihan raya, 
saya pun tak tahu bila pilihan raya, 
saya ingatkan PM akan cakap-cakap masa tidur, tapi tak juga," katanya.[sumber .]

Tak payah nak buat lawak 10 senlah......cerita-cerita 'dalam kelambu' tak perlu ceritakan kat orang ramai.......ini bukan budaya orang Melayu apatah lagi Islam pun larang umatnya buat cerita-cerita camtu.....banyak lagi 'cerita-cerita' lain Cik Kak.

Lagi pun kalau semua masalah Negara nak diceritakan 'dalam kelambu' apa pulak peranan Parlimen dan Rakyat jelata yang berhak mendengar penjelasan/malumat yang sahih tanpa sebarang prejudis atau tempias kotoran atau hasutan serta pujukan (kalau pun tak arahan) dari 'pihak' lain.

Seorang pemimpin tulin akan kurang tidur dek memikirkan masalah negara......


Ku campak jauh-jauh 'masalah negara' sebaik melangkah masuk kamar tidur......ceh wah.

Mahathir fears being arrested if PR wins, goes all out to drag Anwar into Sabah RCI scandal

Mahathir fears being arrested if PR wins, goes all out to drag Anwar into Sabah RCI scandal
It looks like former premier Mahathir Mohamad is finally beginning to confront the fact that the Opposition can and is likely to wrest the federal government at the coming 13th general election.
In such an eventuality, the 87-year-old Mahathir - who has been accused of squirreling away at least US$100 billion - from the national coffers knows he cannot escape legal scrutiny from his arch rival and former deputy - Anwar Ibrahim, who now leads the Pakatan Rakyat.
"Some say I should leave Malaysia before election results are announced. That the first thing they (Pakatan) will do (when in power) is to close down all the airports so that no private plane can take off. They will take action against people who were not friendly, or they think were not friendly to them," were the glib comments that tripped off the former strongman's tongue on Tuesday.
In his speech made at an economic forum in Kuala Lumpur, Mahathir also joked that he was happy that the Internal Security Act no longer existed and that Pakatan, which had clamored for its abolition, could not throw people into jail without charging them if it came to power.

"Without the ISA, I feel more comfortable," said Mahathir, who during his authoritarian rule had jailed thousands of people under the draconian Act that allowed his government to incarcerate political rivals without trial for indefinite periods of time.
Whether Mahathir waas fishing for information on how Anwar and Pakatan would deal with his alleged corruption or he was just making political mischief, DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang - another of his long-standing nemesis - assured him that the Pakatan would not act vengefully but professionally.
"Can assure Dr M - no vengeance against him," Kit Siang said on his Twitter.
Spiteful Dr M
Mahathir also made sure he dragged Anwar into the Sabah citizenship-for-votes scandal.
Not surprisingly, Mahathir, whom many regard as the Devil for trying to persuade Malaysians they should vote for BN, the Devil they knew, rather than Pakatan, the angel they didn't, didn't offer any proof to back his allegations.
"He had a hand in it," said Mahathir, when asked if he ever ordered Anwar to issue identification cards to unqualified immigrants in Sabah.
"He normally takes the initiative and sometimes do more (than is required). What happens on the ground is often different from the directive (from above)."
Mahathir, who was prime minister as well as home minister during the tumultuous 1980s and 90s, has admitted the Sabah Project I.C. or Project M was his baby. He has however insisted he did nothing illegal by handing out citizenship to the Sabah foreign workers and even likened his action to that of first prime minister Tunku Abdul Rahman, who had given out citizenship to a million people mostly Chinese and Indians as part of a process in gaining independence from British colonial rulers in 1957.
However, Anwar and pakatan have accused Mahathir of covertly offering the citizenship in exchange for the immigrants agreeing to vote for the BN during the elections, which is tantamount to high treasonous. Anwar, who was then the deputy premier as well as finance minister, has denied any links to Project M, saying he was kept "out of the loop" by Mahathir.
In the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the citizenship-for-votes scandal now being held in Sabah, witnesses from the National Registration Department have come forward to testify that they received their instructions from Mahathir's political secretary Aziz Shamsuddin and the late Megat Junid, a deputy minister and die-hard Mahathir supporter.
"This is the spitefulness that Mahathir is famous for. He is just trying to sully and smear Anwar's name. Look at the sodomy charges he fabricated against Anwar to cover his RM30billion of forex losses and economic mismanagement - it is the same political dishonesty and ruthlessness," PKR head of disciplinary committee Tan Kee Kwong told Malaysia Chronicle.
Malaysia Chronicle

Special police team to probe MyWatch death threat

Action will be taken against the policemen if the claims as reported in FMT are found to be true, says Negeri Sembilan CID chief ACP Hamdan Majid.
SEREMBAN: Negeri Sembilan police have set up a team to investigate allegations against the police by MyWatch chairman (Malaysian crime watch) R Sri Sanjeevan, recently.
State CID chief ACP Hamdan Majid said, among others, a police report had been lodged by Sanjeevan on Jan 29, claiming police had threatened to shoot him for exposing cyber gambling activities in Jelebu.
“He also accused the police in Jelebu of protecting gambling activities adding that for a two-year period, according to his sources, police did not act against the premises concerned.
“He also alleged that three policemen had not taken any action despite going to a reported gambling spot,” he told a press conference, here, today.
He said that an investigation would be also carried out over his accusation that the police had threatened to kill him.
On a claim that police protected gambling centres, he said it was untrue because 66 raids were carried out in 2011, 154 in 2012 and 12 as of January.
Hamdan said action would be taken against any policeman if investigations found them to have been involved as claimed, adding: “We are serious in this matter.”
On policemen who went to the location but did not take any action, he said: “We process all information received and plan the raid so that it will result in arrests, seizures and charges.”
Nevertheless, he said, only an officer with the rank of inspector and above could enter a premises to raid and seize, under the Entertainment and Places of Entertainment Enactment 1998 or Common Gaming House Act 1953.
“So, the presence of three policemen there clearly showed that they did not have the power, because an officer ranked inspector and above, is needed to conduct the raid.
“We also need an expert on cyber gambling to tackle such cases. We don’t have a cyber gambling expert in Jelebu, so, we need help. In this matter we need the assistance of an expert close to us, for example in Kuala Pilah and Tampin.
“But it does not mean that we don’t take any action if we suddenly receive information at night, when we are not prepared. We will process the information, plan what we want to do and then only we act so that a raid will bring a positive impact,” he said.
- Bernama

Sarawak voters ‘transferred’ to Kelantan

The Election Commission must rectify the error and give an explanation, says PKR
KUCHING: Several Sarawakians have found to their chagrin that they are now voters in Kampong Pulat, Kelantan, and want the Election Commission (EC) to rectify the error and also give an explanation.
See Chee How, vice-chairman of Sarawak PKR, said the EC has admitted that there were complaints from people in Kuching who are suddenly voters of Kampong Pulat, Kelantan.
See highlighted the case of Chu Mui Na of Jalan Stephen Yong, Batu Kawah, Kuching, who was shocked to find out that she has now become a voter in Kampong Pulat in Kelantan.
“She gave me the information and I checked with the state EC. At first the officer was very defensive even saying that the woman could have gone to Kelantan.
“I told the officer that when she applied to register herself as a voter, her IC was attached to the registration form. All the details are there.
“Obviously it was the fault of the EC,” said See, demanding that the commission rectify its mistake so that Chu could vote in the coming general election.
According to See, the officer admitted that there were complaints from people in Kuching who have found themselves to be voters of the same kampung.
See said that some people in Baram told him that they had registered themselves as voters, but their polling stations are two days by foot and boat from their longhouses and villages.
“For example, some voters of Long Lelang have to go to Lio Matu to cast their votes. Lio Matu is two days away by foot and boat from Long Lelang. There is a road linking the two places.
“It is impossible for them to go and vote,” he said.
“In the case of Chu, and several others who are in a similar predicament, it is impossible for them to go to Kelantan. They don’t know where Kampong Pulat is.
“If they are not able to go there to vote, it is possible some people may be issued with the ballot papers and vote in their place,” he said.
See, the Batu Lintang assemblyman, added: “If we look at the testimonies coming out at the Sabah RCI, it is obvious that the EC is colluding with Umno.
“They are not only doing it in Sabah, but also in Sarawak, and I’m sure it happening elsewhere. There are a lot of complaints in Selangor,” he said.
“What we have found out could be the tip of the iceberg. So we demand that EC gives an explanation.
“You cannot hide something; otherwise it is a deliberate attempt to cheat in the coming election which is a very crucial one,” he said, calling all voters to check the status of their registration before it is too late.

‘MIC insensitive to Indian Muslims’

Two groups claim the party's efforts to get the ban on Kamal Hassan's Visvaroopam lifted shows it does not care about the Indian Muslim community.
KUALA LUMPUR: The MIC, by pushing for the ban on Tamil movie “Vishwaroopam” to be lifted, shows its lack of sensitivity towards the Indian Muslim community, claimed two groups.
The movie, scripted, co-produced and directed by South Indian film star Kamal Hassan was banned in Malaysia after just one day of screening, following protests.
“Vishwaroopam” is a thriller portraying international terrorism and has Kamal Hassan in the starring role, tackling three different characters.
Majlis Madrasah India Muslim Malaysia and the Malaysian Muslim People’s Coalition submitted a memo to the government asking for the movie to be banned.
The movie also faced protests and political controversies in India for seemingly portraying Muslims in a negative light.
“It is not right for a movie to portray the whole Muslim community as terrorists,” said Amir Amsa, pesident of Malaysian Muslim People’s Coalition.
Kamal Basha of Majlis Madrasah India Muslim Malaysia, said Malaysians are more sensitive and fragile compared to the west.
“The nation should be more sensitive towards the feelings of the Muslim community instead of commercialising or politicising the matter,” he said.
“The MIC should look at the issue from all angles as it represents the entire Indian community and not just non-Muslim Indians.
“Why is the party trying to push for the movie to be screened in local cinemas without considering the sensitive elements in the movie?” asked Kamal.

Stateless Indians march to NRD office

Officials set up a special counter to facilitate their application for citizenship papers.
GEORGE TOWN: About 50 stateless people of Indian origin marched for 100 metres and demonstrated peacefully before submitting their applications for citizenship documents to the National Registration Department (NRD) today.
They included several senior citizens and children and they carried banners and chanted slogans.
They marched from a KFC outlet in Jalan Larut to the state NRD office, located in a federal building in Jalan Anson.
They demonstrated for about five minutes outside the building, accompanied by PKR vice-president N Surendran, Penang PKR vice-chairman S Raveentharan, PKR Bayan Baru chief Sim Tze Tzin and Penang DAP secretary Ng Wei Aik.
“These people are not here to apply for citizenship, but to get their MyKad and birth certificates,” Surendran told newsmen.
There was a slight commotion when some policemen tried to stop the group from entering the building and threatened to arrest them.
Surendran condemned the action, calling it an abuse of power.
The policemen gave in after Surendran told them it would be a violation of citizens’ rights to prevent them from submitting their applications.
NRD set up a special counter for the applicants.
Quoting Article 14 of the Federal Constitution, Surendran said anyone born in Malaysia would be automatic citizens.
“There are hundreds of thousands of stateless persons out there with red identity cards and no proper documentation despite being born here,” he added.
He urged the federal government to cut bureaucratic red tape and carry out a nationwide project to grant citizenship to such stateless people.
Natural birthright
About half of the demonstrators managed to submit their applications today. The others were told to return with documents that would support their applications.
The oldest among the applicants was K Packiam, who turned 93 last Saturday. She was born in Kuala Kurau, but her identity card is red.
“I have applied so many times but never was given a blue IC,” she said. “I don’t know why.”
Packiam’s twin daughters, Ramaie and Letchumanan, both 57 today, also carry red ICs. However, her other four children all have blue ICs.
A 10-year-old girl, M Sasikala, wept as she spoke about being unable to attend school for lack of a birth certificate.
Her parents are separated and she lives with her grandparents in Nibong Tebal.
“I just want to go to school and study,” she said.
Raveentharan said it was a serious violation of constitutional rights for the government to deny Malaysian-born Indians their right to citizenship and basic education.
“It’s their natural birthright to get their birth certificates, blue ICs and elementary education,” he said. “The government should uphold these rights for all.”
He said PKR would continue with its cross-country campaign to get citizenship for stateless people.