
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, February 28, 2014

Cops on alert for meeting by mysterious SULU SULTANATE group

Cops on alert for meeting by mysterious SULU SULTANATE group
KUALA LUMPUR- POLICE are monitoring reports of an alleged planned meeting among members of the "Sulu sultanate" rumoured to be held in Sabah soon.
Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar said tip-offs suggested that the group would be holding a meeting with an "unidentified party" in the state rocked by an intrusion by the self-styled "Sulu army" last February.
He said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had been made aware of the matter and that it would likely be discussed during Philippine President Benigno S. Aquino III's two-day official visit to Malaysia, which started yesterday.
On another matter, Khalid said police were finalising the investigation papers on an incident which broke out at the Super League football match between Johor Darul Ta'zim (JDT) and Perak on Feb 1.
"We will submit the papers to the Attorney-General's office in two days."
A commotion took place in the tunnel of the stadium as the players were returning to their dressing rooms during half-time of the second leg FA Cup match between JDT and Perak's T-team.
T-Team's Brazilian import Evaldo Rodrigues and fitness coach Stefano Impagiazzo claimed they were assaulted then.
The incident also resulted in the Football Association of Malaysia (FAM) awarding a 3-0 win to JDT because T-Team refused to continue the match.
Meanwhile, Khalid denied an online news report claiming that the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) was investigating 60 police personnel allegedly involved in corruption and money laundering.
"I do not know where The Malaysian Insider obtained the information. The allegation is completely false," he said at a meet-and-greet session with retired policemen at the Police Training Centre here yesterday.
He said he had met MACC chief commissioner Tan Sri Abu Kassim Mohamed over the matter.
"I saw him on Wednesday concerning this issue and he confirmed that the report was baseless.
"He also questioned the validity of the source of the information, which was said to be a senior officer with the MACC," he said, commenting on the portal's recent report that claimed that the six-month probe by the MACC found one of the police officers had RM20 million in savings in various bank accounts.
"Stop making up such allegations as it will tarnish the police force's credibility."
However, Khalid revealed that some police officers were being investigated for misconduct.
"I cannot deny that there are a few police officers being investigated by the commission. If there are elements of crime and corruption, we will report it to the MACC."
During yesterday's event, Yayasan Pengaman Malaysia donated
RM178,160 to 448 police personnel affected by the recent floods.
The donation was handed over by its chairman, Tan Sri Norian Mai. -NST

SHAME! GE13 one of the WORLD'S DIRTIEST elections, just above ZIMBABWE

SHAME! GE13 one of the WORLD'S DIRTIEST elections, just above ZIMBABWE
KUALA LUMPUR — A study on the integrity of elections across the globe has rated Malaysia near the bottom of the pile, with the country’s general election last year coming in 66th out of 73 elections surveyed, just above Zimbabwe.
The findings of the Electoral Integrity Project (EIP), based at the University of Sydney and Harvard University, released this month shows that Malaysia’s 13th general election was perceived as having low levels of integrity, due to problematic electoral boundaries and election laws.
Cambodia ranked below Malaysia at 69th, while the only other Southeast Asian country on the list, the Philippines, ranked 47th, signalling moderate levels of electoral integrity.
In the EIP’s 100-point Perception of Electoral Integrity (PEI) index, where a higher score denotes a more positive evaluation, Malaysia scored just 48.4 points, compared to Norway which ranked the highest at 86.4 points, indicating a high level of electoral integrity.
“Worldwide, electoral integrity is at risk in Southeast Asia,” the EIP report said.
“Recent electoral protests and instability in Thailand, Cambodia, and Malaysia vividly illustrate these challenges,” it added.
The EIP, which covered 73 elections held between July 1, 2012 and December 31, 2013 in 66 countries worldwide, said that Barisan Nasional’s (BN) victory in the May 5 election was attributed to gerrymandering, which is the malapportionment of electoral boundaries.
“The ruling BN coalition have a distinct advantage in constituency size in their mainly rural, Malay base while the urban strongholds and ethnic Chinese populations supporting opposition parties have districts with much larger electorates,” said the report, pointing out that the Putrajaya federal constituency has just 15,791 eligible voters, compared to the Kapar constituency with 144,159 eligible voters.
The EIP also noted that the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) opposition pact bagged just 89 federal seats, or 40 per cent, of the 222-seat Dewan Rakyat, despite winning 50.87 per cent of the popular vote in the election that is based on the first-past-the-post system.
“The election also saw 80 per cent turnout, the largest in the nation’s history. The outcome deepened the challenge to the legitimacy of the government,” said the report.
Shortly after the May 5 election, thousands rallied in protest against what they said were tainted polls. One key complaint was that the indelible ink used to prevent voters from casting votes repeatedly, washed off too easily.
The EIP observed that BN enjoys greater access to the media. PR, however, lacks access to the government-controlled radio and television, while many newspapers have close ties to the ruling coalition, though the opposition pact has space in online media.
“Access to political finance is also imbalanced,” the report said.
The study showed that Malaysia scored poorly on several measures that make up the overall index of electoral integrity. Malaysia’s 13th general election scored just 28 points on electoral boundaries, 33 points on election laws, 37 points on voter registration, 37 points on campaign finance, 38 points on media coverage, 46 points on electoral authorities, 54 points on electoral procedures, 56 points on vote count and 65 points on the voting process.
Malaysia scored 53 points on ‘results’ which refers to whether the election results were challenged or if the election had sparked protests. The country scored 58 points on party and candidate registration, which considers whether women and ethnic minorities had equal opportunities to run for office, or if some candidates were barred from holding campaign rallies.
The study noted that contrary to popular belief that the main election issues arise on polling day, such as ballot stuffing and inaccurate counts, experts were mostly concerned about the lack of a level playing field in campaign media and political finance.
“Overall, not surprisingly, the results confirm that electoral integrity is strengthened by democracy and development,” said the report, noting that Norway, Germany and the Netherlands have strengthened democratic practices and electoral management bodies over the years.
The United States (US) scored the worst among Western countries, coming in at 26th, as experts expressed concern over redistricting processes, campaign finance and voter registration.
The EIP said that several African nations risk failed elections, citing Equatorial Guinea, Togo, Djibouti, the Republic of Congo, Angola and Zimbabwe.
In Asia, South Korea and Japan scored high for electoral integrity. The former ranked sixth, while Japan’s two elections were ranked 16th and 18th.
The PEI survey identified around 40 election experts for each country, where there was roughly an equal balance between international and domestic experts. A total of 855 experts gave completed responses, representing 30 per cent of those contacted.
In Malaysia, 17 experts had responded.
The project defined electoral integrity as agreed international conventions and global norms that apply universally to all countries worldwide through the election cycle, including during the pre-election period, the campaign, on polling day, and its aftermath.
The EIP is an independent research project based at the University of Sydney and Harvard University, directed by Professor Pippa Norris, and co-authored by Dr Richard Frank and Dr Ferran Martinez i Coma. - Malay Mail

MCA eyes 3 cabinet positions

A cabinet reshuffle is on the cards soon and MCA is working hard to obtain at least three cabinet positions and two deputy posts.
Najib Liow Tiong Lai PutrajayaPETALING JAYA: Following last Sunday’s decision to rejoin the government at all levels, MCA is now expected to be given three cabinet posts and a minimum of two deputy ministerial posts after a cabinet reshuffle.
A MCA source told FMT that the MCA leadership prefers to have the posts of transport minister, health minister and housing and local government ministers returned to them.
It is said that MCA’s president Liow Tiong Lai would like to return to the health ministry, which he served until the May general election last year.
Meanwhile, deputy president Wee Ka Siong is an engineer by training and would be an ideal candidate for the vacant transport minister’s post.
The third post is likely to be given to the party secretary-general Ong Ka Chuan. The Tanjung Malim MP is third most powerful leader in the party.
However, the source said should Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak shun their requests on health and housing portfolios due to political difficulties, MCA would be asking for the alternatives; human resources minister’s post and one minister’s post in the Prime Minister’s Department.
It is speculated that the current Human Resource Minister Richard Riot might be assigned to handle the natural resource and environment portfolio after a cabinet reshuffle.
Riot would replace G Palanivel, who in turn will be placed in the PM’s office to take charge of the Indian affairs. The post fell vacant after P Waythamoorthy resigned from all government positions earlier this month.
It is said that in order to accommodate an MCA leader in the PM’s Department, a special portfolio has to be setup on Chinese affairs.
Alternatively, the MCA leader could substitute Idris Jala as the minister in charge of performance management and delivery unit (Pemandu).
It was reported in a Chinese daily that Idris was mulling his resignation out of frustration on the government’s handling of the “Allah” issue.
Meanwhile, the source said the two deputy posts that MCA was vying for were from the finance and education ministries.
The party has also set its sight on the posts of deputy home minister, deputy tourism minister and deputy youth and sports minister.
With this speculation, all eyes are now on Najib to conduct a cabinet reshuffle which is expected as early as end March.

‘Malaysians can only unite through Malay dominance’

Perkasa and 54 other Malay NGOs have set up their own unity council to bring about harmony in Malaysia.
ibrahim ali perkasa deepavaliKUALA LUMPUR: Perkasa, Isma, Pekida and 53 other “credible Malay-Muslim non-governmental organisations” (NGOs) today set up the National Unity Front (NUF) as an alternative to the National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC) which they have rejected wholesale.
NUF said its goal is to bring about unity among Malaysians by ensuring Malays have “benevolent dominance” over all races in Malaysia.
“We are united to find a way to bring about national harmony for all, not just the Malays. But we have to remember that Malays are the majority in Malaysia,” said retired Navy vice-admiral Mat Rabi Abu Samah, who is a member of the NUF council.
“We (Malays) are the backbone of unity among the rakyat. So we are returning to the original plan, which is the core of Malaysia’s survival,” he said at the launching of the NUF here.
The NUF would function as a pressure group that will lobby for the unity of all races.
Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali (photo) explained that the NGOs rejected the NUCC because it had too few Malays on the council and the issues that it fought for were allegedly offensive to Malays.
“Look at the membership of the NUCC: they have 30 people, but only 12 represent the Malays. Two of them are clearly with NGOs and are with the liberalisme, pluralisme (movement),” said Ibrahim.
“Malays are the majority in Malaysia, so they should make up the thrust of the NUCC. But it’s composition doesn’t reflect the Malaysian society’s strata,” he stressed.
Ibrahim also claimed he obtained a transcript of the NUCC’s Feb 22 meeting which revealed the council had brought up “seditious” views and comments.
“Everyone who spoke up made seditious comments that would offend the sensitivities of the Malays,” said Ibrahim.
“The council has made claims that will not sit well with Muslims, and it would only make things worse for the Malays. We want this country to be peaceful,” stressed Ibrahim.
Professor Dr Kamaruddin Kachar, president of the Malay Professional Thinkers Malaysia, told the press conference that only narrow-minded (kurang akal) individuals would reject their council.
“I hope no one oppose our unity council. This is for the sake of the country’s development and harmony,” he said.
The NUF’s leadership will comprise presidents or representatives of Malay-Muslim NGOs. It will also set up a secretariat led by one chief who will organise the council’s activities and programmes.
The meeting to decide the leadership and activities will be conducted “soon”, Ibrahim promised, refusing to divulge further details.
‘Are we extremists?’
On another matter, Ibrahim said he agreed with Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s suggestion that the public should ignore extremists.
But he denied that Perkasa itself was an extremist organisation, stressing that the Malay rights group did not have a violent track record.
“You ask Najib if we are extremists. We defend the Rukun Negara. We haven’t organised any violent protests, or been involved in Bersih. So how can you say we are extremists?” Ibrahim demanded.
“It’s up to the police. If they believe Perkasa is extremist or racist, then take action on us. I won’t stop them. If they want to throw me into prison again, I have no problem with that.
“I’ve been in prison three or four times already. No problem with me!” he declared.
But he believed the “real” extremists Najib was referring to were the anonymous bloggers and online commentators who made inflammatory statements on the Internet.
“These cyber-troopers, including the Red Bean Army, are only a small group of people. But one person opens 10 to 12 accounts to attack others. These are the real culprits,” said Ibrahim.

Waytha: Prove what govt has done for Indians

Umno leaders Khairy Jamaluddin and Hishammuddin Hussein are 'invited' to present their 'helping the Indian community' case to Kajang voters.
waythamoorthyPETALING JAYA: Hindraf leader P Waythamoorthy today challenged Youth and Sports Minister Khairy Jamaluddin and Defence Minister Hishammuddin Hussein to present a full report on what the government has done for the Indian community.
Waythamoorthy who recently resigned from all his government posts said this as a comeback to Khairy and Hishammuddin’s criticism on the former for not being a team player.
“Hindraf maintains its claim that the Indians in Malaysia have been marginalised from the mainstream development of the country,” Waythamoorthy said in a statement today.
He added that Khairy and Hishammuddin are ‘invited’ with their ‘team players’, the MIC, to meet the 10% Indian voters in Kajang and to present their case of how, as a team, they have helped the community.
“Let the Kajang people decide whether to believe Barisan Nasional’s (BN) achievements or not.
“This exercise, if both ministers dare, will provide a yardstick (for us) to gauge what they and their ‘team players’ have done for the community,” said Waythamoorthy.
He stated that although RM1,115 billion had been spent through the last 10 Malaysian Development Plans, there had however not been any significant allocations made for the development of the Indian poor over the past 48-years.
“All the so-called allocation had come in the last five years in a piecemeal manner, it had been handled by the existing political parties without accountability, transparency or any monitoring,” he said.
He explained that the purpose of the Hindraf-BN Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was for a special unit to ensure that a fair amount of funds were allocated on a targeted basis for the upliftment of the Indian poor.
“This was not an exclusive treatment but rather to correct and rectify previous lapses made by the government due to its lopsided governance and policies,” he said.
Waythamoorthy resigned from the government after accusing the government of not sticking to the MOU signed between Barisan Nasional and Hindraf just before the 2013 general election.
Since his resignation, he has been highly critical of the Najib administration for not doing enough for the Indian community.

Woman suffers miscarriage while carrying water

Painful loss: Holifah overcome with grief as she speaks of her miscarriage
Painful loss: Holifah overcome with grief as she speaks of her miscarriage

KUALA LUMPUR: Five days ago, Holifah Siman lost her twins during early pregnancy.
It happened when she and residents of Taman Impian Ehsan had to carry water to their homes during the prolonged water crisis.
The mother of two, who was three months’ pregnant with the twins, had almost reached home on the third floor of her apartment block when she felt the trickle of blood down her thighs.
“I immediately went to a nearby clinic and the doctor confirmed that my babies were gone,” she said, tears welling in her eyes, when interviewed at the Apartment Rakyat yesterday.
Holifah, 30, was among the women who had to carry pails of water from a tank delivered by Syabas trucks to the area in the absence of their husbands who were at work.
“I had to do it (carrying the water). Otherwise, the supply would finish by the time he gets home,” she said, adding that she was able to handle chores on her own before the miscarriage.
Another resident, Norashikin Abdul Hadi, who is six months’ pregnant, said the family could not wait for her husband to return home to fetch the water.
“Life has been so hard. When are we going to have our taps running again?” she asked. - Star


Whenever someone has a different opinion to yours, he or she is an infidel. And then you scream ABU and say we must remove Umno because Umno does not allow us freedom of opinion and freedom of expression. ABU kepala bapak kau!
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Dr Mahathir denies being anti-hadith (READ HERE)
Anti Hadis – Dr. Mahathir (READ HERE)
Those are just two of so many news items whacking Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad for what his critics allege is his anti-Hadith stand, an allegation that the Tun denies, of course.
While Christians have been at odds for 2,000 years since the time of Paul and James regarding how to interpret the teachings of Jesus, Muslims, too, have suffered a serious split in whether Hadith (sayings of the Prophet) is or is not part of the Islamic doctrine. And some Muslims regard those who reject the Hadith as infidels, just like how some non-Catholics regard Catholics as infidels.
Anyway, trust me, this clash of doctrine between Muslim and Muslim, Christian and Christian, Muslim and Christian, Jew and non-Jew, etc., will go on till the end of time when every single one of them will discover that they were actually all wrong and no one was right after all.
Actually, what the Tun and Kassim Ahmad said was, Muslims need to re-evaluate and reconsider some of the Hadith. They did not say reject all Hadith. Just look at them again and come to a conclusion as to which make sense and which do not.
After all, there were originally 700,000 Hadith, which were eventually whittled down to less than 7,000 — or less than 1%. Hence, if you consider more than 99% of the Hadith as nonsense, is there not a possibility that a couple more could also be nonsense?
That is all these people are saying. Look at them again. Ponder. And then come to a sensible conclusion regarding if more than 693,000 Hadith are fake, could there possibly be a few more within that 6,000 plus remaining ‘sahih’ (confirmed or accepted) Hadith that are equally fake?
If you think no, then no! If some people think yes, then let them think yes. Why get upset when you think no and they think yes? Why must they also think no just because you think no? Let them think yes. You can go ahead and think no. Why start screaming infidel?
Whenever someone has a different opinion to yours, he or she is an infidel. And then you scream ABU and say we must remove Umno because Umno does not allow us freedom of opinion and freedom of expression. ABU kepala bapak kau!
Anyway, just to demonstrate what I mean, have a look at some of the below and you decide whether these are in the no or the yes category.
The Prophet said, “Do not write down anything from me except the Quran.” [Ahmed, Vol. 1, Page 171, and Sahih Moslim, Zuhd, Book 42, Number 7147]
Ibn Saeed Al-Khudry reported that the messenger of God had said, “Do not write anything from me except Quran. Anyone who wrote anything other than the Quran shall erase it.”
From Ibn Hanbal: “Zayd Ibn Thabit (The Prophet’s closest revelation writer) visited the Khalifa Mu’aawiyah (more than 30 years after the Prophet’s death), and told him a story about the Prophet. Mu’aawiyah liked the story and ordered someone to write it down. But Zayd said, ‘The messenger of God ordered us never to write anything of his Hadith’.”
The famous book, ‘Ulum Al-Hadith’ by Ibn Al-Salah, reports a Hadith by Abu Hurayra in which Abu Hurayra said the messenger of God came out to us while we were writing his Hadiths and said, “What are you writing?” We said, “Hadiths that we hear from you, messenger of God.” He said, “A book other than the book of God?” We said, “Should we talk about you?” He said, “Talk about me, that would be fine, but those who will lie will go to Hell. Abu Hurayra said, we collected what we wrote of Hadiths and burned them in fire.”
In the famous book, ‘Taq-yeed Al-Ilm’, Abu Hurayra said, the messenger of God was informed that some people are writing his Hadiths. He took to the pulpit of the mosque and said, ”What are these books that I heard you wrote? I am just a human being. Anyone who has any of these writings should bring it here.” Abu Hurayra said we collected all these and burned them in fire.
Ibn Hanbal in his Musnad book, narrates a Hadith in which Abdullah Ibn Omar said, “The messenger of God one day came out to us as if he was going to depart us soon and said, ‘When I depart you (die), hold to the book of God, prohibit what it prohibits and accept as halal what it makes halal’.”
Again, in the book ‘Taq-yeed Al-Ilm’, Abu Saeed Al-Khudry said, “I asked the messenger of God a permission to write his Hadiths, but he refused to give me a permission.”

'Water MOU details the same as briefed to PKR'

Contents of the memorandum of understanding (MOU) signedbetween the Selangor and federal government over the takeover of water concessionaires matched “what was already presented to PKR”, a source who has sighted the document said.

“The principles are the same as that which have been explained to the assemblypersons and PKR, DAP and PAS leaders.

“It did not vary, there was no change of conditions. The only thing was that they were not informed of was when the MOU was to be signed,” the source said.

This follows claims by party leaders that they were not consulted over the signing of the MOU, which may be made public soon.

According to the source, the RM2 billion which the federal government will give to the state government does not raise the offer price.

This means that the state will only pay the four concessionaires RM9.65 billion, the same as what it offered last year.

At the same time, the federal government will hand over the state RM2 billion in exchange for the state's water assets or equity in the water companies.

The water concessionaires will have to accept the offer made by March 10.

“If they don't, well, there is Section 14 of the Water Services Industry Act 2006 and the federal government can do something about their licence,” the source said.

'Gov't to extend RM900mil allocation'

The Section states that the National Water Services Commision (Span) has the power to revoke concessionaires' licences.

The MOU also sees the state government agreeing to issue a development order for the Langat 2 water treatment plant, despite earlier reservations, as it is now packaged with the restructuring exercise.

The federal government also agrees to extend an “allocation” of RM900 million to the state government for approved projects to mitigate water shortage in Selangor, Putrajaya and Kuala Lumpur.

The language used in the MOU suggests that this is a federal grant and not a loan.

Selangor Menteri Besar Abdul Khalid Ibrahim is scheduled to brief the party on the MOU at 5pm today.

He was quoted by the Star this morning as saying that the state was only informed that the federal government was ready to sign the MOU on Wednesday morning - hours before it was signed.

“The MB and (Water, Energy and Green Technology Minister) Maximus Ongkili has worked on this for the past weeks and I believe even Ongkili wanted to sign this immediately after the cabinet agreed to it in order stop any more lobbying, including from concessionaires,” the source said.

The MOU signing was witnessed by Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin, after the weekly cabinet meeting.

Perkasa objects to dropping 'race' in forms

Perkasa has voiced its objection against the suggestion to eradicate the need to state a person's race in official forms.

According to the right-wing movement's president Ibrahim Ali, this is still practiced in countries like America and India.

In India, he added, a person is even required to state his or her caste in forms.

"In America there is still a need to fill up ethnicity and in India, it is to the extent (of stating) caste," he told a press conference.

According to Ibrahim, should this be abolished, it would be difficult for the Statistics Department to collate data for administrative purposes.

The Perkasa president was commenting on the suggestion by Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Joseph Kurup.

Kurup had raised the matter during his speech at a forum on unity recently, saying that the time had come for the practice to be abolished.

His suggestion had come amid numerous controversies, legal disputes and protests which have strained racial ties in Malaysia.

Among others, the suggestion received the support of MIC.

Party deputy president and Health Minister Dr S Subramaniam had said that the move would not only raise the spirit of patriotism and love for the country but also foster greater unity.

Khalid Ibrahim Has Sold Out Selangor Water Assets to UMNO?

This is from The Star today.

It says all of Selangor water assets will be handed over to UMNO/BN. Selangor govt is only allowed to "manage" the water operations.

PAAB takes over ALL WATER ASSETS in Selangor. PAAB is under the control of UMNO/BN.

In addition to that Abdul Khalid Ibrahim has also allowed the Langat DAm 2 project to go on making a lot of cronies happy.

IT's no wonder Khalid got a very cheerful settlement from UMNO controlled Bank ISlam for the loan he has refused to pay.

I smell sell-out in the air.

So much for going against the Kajang Move

DId I mention Khalid was offered a Cabinet position as reported by Malay Mail?



Dato' Menteri Besar Selangor Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim telah menghantar sepucuk surat kepada Pegawai Kewangan Negeri Selangor untuk memotong gaji kenaikkan sebagai MB Selangor yang diluluskan oleh Sidang Dewan Undangan Negeri Selangor sebanyak RM15,074.85 sen diserahkan kepada Tabung Warisan Anak Selangor (TAWAS) setiap bulan.

Ertinya beliau tidak ambil satu sen pun duit gaji kenaikkan yang di luluskan oleh Dewan Undangan Negeri Selangor sebulat suara tempoh hari.


Seorang wanita yang di laporkan hilang oleh keluarga nya di Kelantan baru-baru ini telah di jumpai di Selatan Thai bersama-sama sekempulan lelaki Tabligh.

Kisah wanita yang hilang ini heboh di perkatakan di laman sosial yang menyebabkan ramai bersimpati dengan nasib keluarganya yang berusaha mencari beliau, ramai pihak-pihak di laman sosial mengonsikan artikal wanita ini bagi membantu ibu bapa mangsa.

Namun setelah di hebahkan kehilangan wanita ini, akhir nya wanita ini di jumpai di Selatan Thaliand bersama kempulan lelaki Tabligh namun hancur luluh hati ibubapa nya apabila anak kesayangan nya ini di nikahkan dengan seoranglelaki warga myanmar yang juga ahli tabligh tersebut.

Wanita itu dinikahkan secara berwali hakim sedang kan pihak wali sebenar ayah nya masih hidup dan berusaha mencari nya,pihak-pihak lelaki tabligh itu di seru berjumpa bapa wanita terbabit bagi memohom maaf.

Di atas apa yang berlaku mereka meminta orang ramai berhati-hati dengan kempulan seperti ini bagi mengelakan ramai wanita -wanita yang terjebak dengan permasalahan yang serius ini. 

E-Mail Zaid Ibrahim Minta Tanah Kepada Rafizi Didedah

Saya pada mulanya tidak mahu memberi maklum balas tetapi selepas ditanya berkali-kali terutamanya oleh FreeMalaysiaToday yang ghairah membawa berita ini, saya akhirnya membuat keputusan melontarkan kembali beberapa perkara berhubung kredibiliti yang perlu juga dijawab oleh Datuk Zaid Ibrahim.

Jika beliau lantang berkempen atas platform ketelusan dan integriti serta memberi gambaran beliau ingin menyelamatkan kerajaan Selangor daripada ahli politik yang membawa budaya rasuah dan campur tangan, maka beliau juga perlu mempunyai rekod yang baik dalam perkara itu.

Malangnya, keadaannya tidak sebegitu.

Dalam tempoh pendek lebih setahun beliau menjadi anggota Keadilan beliau jugalah yang tidak segan silu cuba menggunakan kedudukan di dalam parti untuk mempengaruhi keputusan kerajaan negeri berhubung beberapa projek yang diusahakan oleh rakan atau pihak yang bersabit dengan beliau.

Sebagai Ketua Eksekutif Pejabat Penasihat Ekonomi Selangor, saya pernah didatangi sendiri oleh Datuk Zaid Ibrahim yang meminta supaya kami campur tangan dalam dua projek yang diusahakan rakan atau pihak yang bersabit dengan beliau.

Projek pertama melibatkan tanah seluas 26 ekar di Batu/Selayang. Saya dimaklumkan bahawa rakan/rakan kongsi beliau telah membuat cadangan pembangunan bersama dengan Kumpulan Hartanah Selangor Berhad (KHSB).

Pada 25 Jun 2010, dalam satu e-mel yang saya sertakan bersama, Datuk Zaid Ibrahim secara terang-terangan memohon pejabat saya campur tangan dengan melobi Menteri Besar Selangor, Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim, untuk meluluskan cadangan yang dibuat oleh rakan atau pihak yang bersabit dengan beliau itu.

Datuk Zaid Ibrahim juga ada menyebut secara lisan kepada saya untuk membantu mendapatkan tanah PT70 dan PT71 iaitu dua lot tanah premium di Petaling Jaya juga bagi tujuan untuk dibangunkan oleh rakan atau pihak yang bersabit dengan beliau.

Saya memaklumkan perkara ini kepada Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dan kami bersetuju bahawa adalah tidak menepati prosedur untuk pejabat kami membenarkan pimpinan parti melobi atau mempengaruhi keputusan kerajaan negeri, terutamanya yang bersabit dengan harta awam.

Oleh itu, pada 13 Julai 2010, saya membalas e-mel Datuk Zaid Ibrahim untuk memaklumkan kepada beliau prosedur yang akan digunapakai oleh pejabat kami dan kerajaan negeri dalam menangani permohonan pembangunan bersama harta kerajaan Selangor.

Budaya melobi dan menggunakan kedudukan politik di dalam parti untuk mempengaruhi keputusan kerajaan adalah budaya Umno/Barisan Nasional (BN) yang tidak telus. Budaya ini bertentangan sepenuhnya dengan hasrat Pakatan Rakyat (PR) untuk mengehadkan pengaruh politik di dalam perkara-perkara bersabit dasar dan maklumbalas pelaksanaan dasar.

Keputusan melibatkan harta dan tender diserahkan kepada jawatankuasa yang dipertanggungjawabkan mengikut prosedur yang termaktub.

Jelas bahawa kelantangan Datuk Seri Zaid Ibrahim mengenai ketelusan, integriti dan budaya politik bebas rasuah hanyalah lantang dengan suara, tetapi tidak dicerminkan oleh tindak tanduk beliau.

Ini soal kredibiliti sebenar. Sebelum beliau terus lantang mencabar orang lain, wajarlah Datuk Zaid menjelaskan kenapa beliau kekal dengan budaya Umno/BN setelah meninggalkan Umno/BN? – 26 Februari, 2014.

* Penulis adalah Pengarah Strategi PKR.

Kerana Najib, Kini Semua Orang Boleh Ketawa di Malaysia

Dengan menggunakan slogan ketua AirAsia Tan Sri Tony Fernandes bagi penerbangan tambang murahnya, kini semua orang boleh ketawa di Malaysia.

Reputasi kita kini benar-benar jatuh berguling di rantau Asia Tenggara. Satu ketika dahulu, Malaysia dianggap kuasa ekonomi yang kian meningkat serta negara demokrasi yang stabil. Kini kita menjadi bahan jenaka kerana pelbagai sebab yang tidak sepatutnya.

Terbaru, kita diketawakan di Indonesia apabila portal berita Merdeka.com menamakan Perdana Menteri kesayangan kita Datuk Seri Najib Razak salah seorang pemimpin dunia paling boros di dalam perbelanjaan.

Beliau disenaraikan bersama-sama tokoh 'hebat' yang lain termasuk Presiden Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe, bekas Perdana Menteri Itali Silvio Berlusconi, pemimpin Korea Utara Kim Jong Un dan Perdana Menteri Israel Benyamin Netanyahu.

Maka, inilah sebabnya negara jiran kita tersenyum lebar, sambil memandang ke arah kita.

“Kejayaan” terbaru ini menuruti beberapa kejayaan yang lain termasuk sekatan ke atas kebebasan akhbar, kenaikan kadar hutang, peningkatan kadar jenayah, rasuah yang berleluasa dan pengaliran wang haram di dalam jumlah yang besar.

Malaysia juga terkenal dengan industri cetak rompak, pengedaran dadah, penyeludupan hidupan liar serta pemerdagangan manusia, bagi melengkapkan gambaran yang sedia ada.

Apa dah jadi dengan Malaysia di bawah pentadbiran Najib?

Pelbagai gambaran negatif mewarnai pentadbirannya, hinggakan Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi nampak lebih cemerlang.

Wajar sangat bagi Najib dipersoal kerana beliau juga bertanggungjawab ke atas legasi Tun Mahathir Mohamad.

Jika laporan ini benar, kita tertanya-tanya samada PM kita terlalu sibuk berbelanja dan memikirkan imej serta perhubungan awamnya, sehingga beliau gagal mengemudi negara.

Kesemua pemimpin yang disenaraikan didakwa menggunakan dana awam bagi tujuan peribadi.

Mugabe dilaporkan berbelanja mewah bagi majlis harijadi ke -90nya. Berlusconi kerap membeli hadiah bagi artis sementara Netanyahu membeli lilin wangian bagi pejabatnya dengan nilai yang begitu tinggi. Perbelanjaan Kim pula dijelaskan di dalam laporan khas PBB.

Artikel tersebut memetik laporan akhbar mingguan The Heat serta portal Free Malaysia Today tentang perbelanjaan yang dibuat Najib, peserta rombongannya, para isteri dan tidak lupa juga, perunding yang digajinya.

Oleh: Hazlan Zakaria

[VIDEO] Air Terpancar Keluar Dari Batu Di Padang Pasir

Air terpancar keluar dari batu di Tanah Arab pada hari sabtu 22/2/2014 jam 7.17 pagi.

14 belas abad yang lalu Rasulullah saw pernah menyatakan bahawa negara Arab akan menjadi padang rumput dan sungai. 

وحَدَّثَنَا قُتَيْبَةُ بْنُ سَعِيدٍ، حَدَّثَنَا يَعْقُوبُ وَهُوَ ابْنُ عَبْدِ الرَّحْمَنِ الْقَارِيُّ، عَنْ سُهَيْلٍ، عَنْ أَبِيهِ، عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ، أَنّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ قَالَ: " لَا تَقُومُ السَّاعَةُ حَتَّى يَكْثُرَ الْمَالُ وَيَفِيضَ، حَتَّى يَخْرُجَ الرَّجُلُ بِزَكَاةِ مَالِهِ، فَلَا يَجِدُ أَحَدًا يَقْبَلُهَا مِنْهُ، وَحَتَّى تَعُودَ أَرْضُ الْعَرَبِ مُرُوجًا وَأَنْهَارًا " 

Dan Telah menceritakan kepada kami Qutaibah bin Sa'id Telah menceritakan kepada kami Ya'qub bin Abdurrahman Al Qari dari Suhail dari bapaknya dari Abu Hurairah bahwa Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam bersabda: "Tidak akan terjadi hari kiamat, sebelum harta kekayaan telah tertumpuk dan melimpah ruah, hingga seorang laki-laki pergi ke mana-mana sambil membawa harta zakatnya, tetapi dia tidak mendapatkan seorang pun yang bersedia menerima zakatnya itu. Dan sehingga tanah Arab menjadi subur Makmur kembali dengan padang-padang rumput dan sungai-sungai.

Hadis dari kitab sohih Muslim. 

Ketua Wanita UMNO Felda Semanchu ditemui mati disyaki dibunuh

KOTA TINGGI 28 Feb. - Ketua Wanita UMNO Cawangan Felda Semanchu, Zalifah Jamaluddin ditemui mati disyaki dibunuh di kediamannya dalam kejadian samun hari ini.

Kejadian itu disedari anak mangsa pukul 12.20 tengah hari setelah penggilannya tidak dijawab.

Kejadian itu disahkan oleh Ketua Polis Daerah Kota Tinggi, Supritendan Rahmat Othman dan mayat telah dibawa ke hospital Kota Tinggi untuk dibedah siasat. - UTUSAN ONLINE

Budak lelaki lemas di dalam tong simpanan air

JOHOR BAHRU - Seorang budak lelaki berusia setahun tujuh bulan ditemui lemas di dalam tong simpanan air di rumahnya di Kampung Jemari Baru, Mersing dalam kejadian petang semalam.

Ketua Polis Daerah Mersing Deputi Superintendan Zulkepli Hashim berkata dalam kejadian 4 petang itu Mohd Adam Kamaludin dipercayai terjatuh ke dalam tong air tersebut.

Ketika kejadian mangsa berada di rumah bersama kakak dan abang yang berumur 12 dan lapan tahun, manakala ibu bapa mereka keluar bekerja, katanya ketika dihubungi di sini hari ini.

Zulkepli berkata berdasarkan laporan polis oleh bapa mangsa, ketika kejadian kanak-kanak itu berada di dapur manakala kakak dan abangnya mengulang kaji pelajaran di ruang tamu.

Beliau berkata Mohd Adam ditemui oleh si abang dalam keadaan terlangkup di dalam tong yang mengandungi 3.5 liter air di dapur dan dia kemudian meminta pertolongan jiran untuk membawa adiknya ke Hospital Mersing.

Pegawai perubatan yang bertugas di hospital itu mengesahkan Mohd Adam meninggal dunia akibat lemas, katanya. - Bernama

A very powerful housewife indeed

She is not a politician, as she admitted, but she is married to one.
Rosmah“You can write all the lies you want. God bless you,” said Najib Tun Razak’s spouse the self-styled ‘First Lady’ of Malaysia, (FLOM) Rosmah Mansor on Feb 21, 2014.
When told that reporters from other media organisations were present, she said, “What do you want me to say? I’m not a politician, I’m just a housewife.”
A few people felt that she was justified to have made those comments but others have found her remarks contemptible.
Parts of Kuala Lumpur and Selangor have had no water supply for over a week and the water company Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor (Syabas) blames the shortage on the dry weather. Rafizi Ramli of PKR claims that the water shortage in Balakong, Cheras and Pandan occurred when Syabas closed two water treatment plants in Batu 11 and Bukit Tampoi.
Syabas said that high levels of ammonia in the raw water caused water treatment problems. Rafizi criticised the inaction and the lack of a contingency plan.
He said that Syabas could have purchased the special equipment to treat this sort of water at RM500k. He compared this with the RM600k monthly emolument of the Syabas CEO.
Rafizi alleged that “the water stand-off” had been frequently used as a political ploy in Selangor since 2008.
Meanwhile Najib’s publicity relations advisers identified a photo opportunity and political gambit. To capitalise on the suffering of the people, Rosmah would distribute free drinking water to the 2,600 families living in the low-cost flats of Taman Desa Baiduri, in Cheras and Taman Alam Damai.
Under the sponsorship of Syabas, Malaysian Resources Corporation Berhad (MRCB) and Syarikat Giant Retail Malaysia, each household received two 5.5 litre bottles of drinking water.
Rosmah’s actions have heavy political overtones. If this was not politically motivated then the companies could have solicited the help of the local assemblymen rather than the FLOM.
The FLOM has had a negative press lately and news reports of her doing this “worthy cause” will improve her profile. On the other hand, it could backfire and remind people of her faults.
Critics wonder why she allowed herself to be manipulated. They ask why 30 girl-guides were made to wait under the hot sun, by the road, for one and a half hours, to await her arrival, despite her role as the president of the Girl Guides Association of Malaysia.
Having met the residents, would Rosmah convey their wishes to her husband to help resolve the water shortage quickly? She is not a politician, as she admitted, but she is married to one.
As a housewife who has heard other housewives talk she could tell Najib to put pressure on Syabas and he, in turn, could put pressure on both Syabas and the Selangor state government to resolve their differences quickly to stop further victimisation of the public and to work on a long-term solution.
A charade
Days after Rosmah’s appearance in Cheras, a deal was struck with Putrajaya and the Selangor state government with an MOU being signed for solving the water concession issue.
So was Rosmah’s appearance coincidental?
The MOU and agreement could not have been cobbled together overnight. Rosmah must have performed her stage-managed “good deed” after it was known that the MOU was to be signed.
Her act of “goodwill” was nothing more than a charade.
Her remarks, “…I’m not a politician, I’m just a housewife…” has caused much ridicule and her critics question the veracity of her remarks.
If the FLOM was just a housewife, none of the following could have happened.
Not many housewives have access to private jets to crisscross the globe with an entourage of aides and ministerial wives to visit nations and speak on behalf of the government.
Many have questioned her excessive spending of the taxpayers’ money. This culminated in the suspension of the printing permit of a publication, The Heat.
How many housewives have that sort of power? An ordinary housewife would not have the audacity to accuse a reporter of writing lies.
Rosmah’s silence on the divisive editorials of Utusan Malaysia is revealing.
Not many housewives are given RM64 million to renovate their official residence Seri Perdana.
Nor would a normal housewife be given RM150 million within a few days of her husband being made PM for the setting up of 300 Permata centres throughout Malaysia.
Allocations of money from the government are normally slow but Rosmah’s ability is praiseworthy. If only most welfare government departments could work that sort of magic to help the poor.
Only a special housewife would have the opportunity to do a karaoke sing-a-long on stage with Prince Albert of Monaco and then watch a spectacular display of fireworks light up the night sky above the French Riviera.
Few housewives would be able to visit America and then have an allegedly RM5 million centrefold spread in the New York Times praising her.
Which housewife can say she is on speaking terms with the royal families of the middle-east and make special arrangements for Malaysian jets to pick up students stranded in Egypt during the Arab Spring?
Few housewives have the opportunity to invite the Hollywood actor Robert de Niro to “see the other side of Malaysia” and allegedly tell him, “Please come because otherwise you would listen to all the wrong things about Malaysia. It is important to put things in the right perspective.”
Perhaps, it is Rosmah who lacks perspective. She is not like an ordinary housewife but she can get results and perform more effectively than most politicians including the prime minister.
Mariam Mokhtar is a FMT columnist