
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, August 30, 2017

The Negaraku does not require rebranding

The Negaraku has served us well as our national anthem - now we must just believe in the words and not alter certain bits to suit our political needs.
negarakuWhen you see a blind person with a white cane walking perilously close to the edge of the road, and it looks like he will crash into an obstacle ahead of him, you don’t just stand there and watch him hurt himself, you steer him out of harm’s way.
Similarly, a loyal company employee would inform the board if he finds that another person is taking money from the company for his own use. Perhaps someone else is taking short cuts and not following procedures, thus endangering the safety of other employees. Being an upright citizen, this devoted employee will speak up when he notices something unethical underway.
Likewise, if you are a critic of the government and its leaders, it is not because you do not like Malaysia, or because you hold a grudge against an individual. Your motivations stem from your love for the country.
If company staff can be made to feel more productive, secure, and happier, then why should the government critic not speak out to prevent a further escalation of tension? After all, he is trying to stop an incident that may very well jeopardise the safety and well-being of the people of the nation.
Nation building is not about rebranding the Negaraku. The Negaraku in its unadulterated form has served us well since the song was chosen as our national anthem. We just need to believe in the words and not alter certain bits to suit our political needs.
Nation building is not about having different levels of citizenship. Everyone should be equal.
Leaders should not be afraid to acknowledge that they could be wrong. Discussion, discourse and dialogue are preferred to dictatorships.
If individuals, who try to earn a living are prevented from promoting their work, then this is not nation building but quite the opposite. When Zunar, the cartoonist, held an exhibition of his work in Penang, Umno Youth members took offence to his cartoons, threatened him, and wrecked his exhibition.
Persecuting someone for their beliefs is not part of nation building. Our constitution guarantees the freedom of religion. Currently, we have two sets of laws, civil and shariah and they conflict in many areas. These confusing messages do not help in nation building.
Nation building cannot be nurtured in our young if we have different schools for different classes of students. Our schools also separate students into different groups. Those who are taught moral studies and others who are not. Those who want to speak English and those who are reluctant to try. Those who want to memorise the Quran, and those who want a more rounded education.
Some teachers stop the students of different races from mixing freely with one another during break time. Shockingly, one school used separate cups for Muslim and non-Muslim students.
There are also allegations of history textbooks which omit important events and make no reference to early nation builders, like Yap Ah Loy. Integration cannot happen if some universities are only for one race.
Things will eventually fall apart if we use race-based parties to fight for our rights.
We need leaders who will push for the rights of everyone, and not fight only for the rights of the members of his race. Being united means acting as one. Not only for one race, but for everyone.
A true patriot stands by his country, and is prepared to defend it against an unjust government. A true patriot can only be loyal to the government, if it deserves his respect.
Mariam Mokhtar is an FMT columnist.

How Nazir Razak Took The Sultan Of Perak For A Ride

In good faith the Sultan attended the function as the VVIP guest-of-honour thinking he was honouring the late father of the Prime Minister. Little did HRH realise he was being used and was being set up as a tool to attack the Prime Minister. In Palace circles what Nazir and Jahabar did tantamount to durhaka or treason. In the past, even if Nazir and Jahabar are not put to death at the very least they will be banished from the state. Fortunately HRH the Sultan of Perak is too nice a person to punish people like Nazir and Jahabar even though they have acted treasonous against HRH.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
“Tun Razak would be ‘heartbroken’ by current state of nation,” said Jahabar Sadiq’s The Malaysian Insight yesterday. The report then went on to say:
It was an event to commemorate the 41st year of Tun Abdul Razak Hussein’s passing, but instead, it became a reflection on how far Malaysia has fallen from the ideals set by the second prime minister. Tun Razak would be disappointed to see the current state of the country if he were alive, Sultan of Perak Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah said in his speech today at the launch of a book on the late statesman and father of Prime Minister Najib Razak.
Reading that news report would give the impression that His Royal Highness the Sultan of Perak was criticising Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak in an event to honour Tun Razak Hussein — who became Malaysia’s second Prime Minister on 22nd September 1970 and died on 14th January 1976. Actually, HRH was referring to the sorry state of affairs that has befallen Malaysian since Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad took over as Prime Minister but The Malaysian Insight twisted the story to make it appear like the target was Najib instead of Mahathir.
Nazir Razak took HRH the Sultan of Perak for a ride
But then if this was to commemorate the 41st Anniversary of Tun Razak’s passing the event should have been held on 14th January 2017. Why hold it on 29th August 2017 instead, as if this was just an excuse to hold it? Furthermore, why 41st Anniversary of Tun Razak’s passing? Normally you would commemorate the 40th or 50th Anniversary, not the 41st Anniversary. The reason is, this was not really an event to commemorate the 41st Anniversary of Tun Razak’s passing but merely an event for Nazir Razak to whack his brother and cause a rift between the Prime Minister and HRH the Sultan of Perak.
Nazir told HRH the Sultan that this was a family event being organised by the Tun Razak Foundation and that the Prime Minister, the head of the family, was going to be there. Nazir also told the Sultan that they would help prepare the speech for him to deliver. Nazir then gave Jahabar Sadiq a copy of this speech and they discussed the angle that The Malaysian Insight should play up.
HRH the Sultan was surprised that Najib was not present and no explanation was offered for his absence. The fact is Najib and his wife, Rosmah Mansor, were not invited to the event. But the Sultan did not know this. HRH the Sultan was then handed the speech to read out and as he was delivering the speech HRH realised that something was wrong. The speech was not so much about Tun Razak but about how ashamed Tun Razak would be of his son. But by then it was too late and HRH continued reading the speech to the end.
The Malaysian Insight then quickly published the already prepared news report that was slanted to give an impression that HRH the Sultan of Perak was attacking the Prime Minister rather than Mahathir and that HRH practically accused Najib of being corrupt.
Jahabar Sadiq thinks making a fool of the Sultan is a laughing matter
In good faith the Sultan attended the function as the VVIP guest-of-honour thinking he was honouring the late father of the Prime Minister. Little did HRH realise he was being used and was being set up as a tool to attack the Prime Minister. In Palace circles what Nazir and Jahabar did tantamount to durhaka or treason. In the past, even if Nazir and Jahabar are not put to death at the very least they will be banished from the state. Fortunately HRH the Sultan of Perak is too nice a person to punish people like Nazir and Jahabar even though they have acted treasonous against HRH.
The impression Nazir wanted to create is that had Tun Razak still been alive today he would be most ashamed of Najib. Nazir is still very sore that Najib would not appoint him the Finance Minister and he is hoping that if he attacks Najib then Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad might make him the Finance Minister if Pakatan Harapan comes to power by any chance. What Nazir has done and is continuing to do is ten times worse than what Jho Low could ever do and could ever dream of doing.
Nazir Razak will never stop attacking Najib until he is made Malaysia’s new Finance Minister
Nazir feels that he and not Najib should be the one running the country and that he is far more capable. He is constantly flirting with the opposition leaders and is flattered when they tell him he would make a better Prime Minister than his brother and that he should be made the Finance Minister. Malays call this jubur kembang. Nazir has proven to be a valuable asset to the opposition and he is consistently granting them favours by running down his brother in the most subtle manner. In fact, Nazir thought Najib would have been brought down back in 2015 and that Mahathir would reward him with the post of Finance Minister.
It is mind-boggling that Nazir can plot against his own brother at every turn and plunge a knife into his brother’s back. However, Nazir knows that as long as their mother is still alive Najib would not dare touch him. To most people there is nothing more important than family and any one who betrays his own family is morally deficient. Nazir, however, has a personality and ego disorder who never even knew his father since he was just a kid when Tun Razak died. Hence he is merely exploiting and abusing his father’s name and legacy for his own political purposes.

Minister: More graft cases exposed due to MACC's good work

More corruption cases involving high-ranking government officers are being exposed due to the good work performed by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Paul Low said.
Low then went on to deny that the increase in corruption scandals involving these officers was an indicator of a growing trend in corruption.
"The index that measures corruption does not exist in Malaysia or in any other country around the world," he said in response to Shamsul Iskandar Mohd Akin (PKR-Bukit Katil) in a parliamentary reply dated Aug 7.
"(We have) the index that measures perception on corrupt practices, which is the Corruption Perception Index (CPI)," Low said.
"The increase in investigations into hundreds of millions of ringgit in corruption cases involving high-ranking officers and political officials recently was not the indicator of the growing trend in corruption.
"On the contrary, the increase in investigation, arrest and conviction in corruption cases has been due to education, increased awareness, public cooperation and efficient enforcement."

Shamsul asked whether corruption cases involving high-ranking government officers, such as in Malacca and other states, showed that the corruption index remains high in Malaysia.
In another parliamentary reply, Low told Dr Ko Chung Sen (DAP-Kampar) that 1,717 cases were taken to court between 2012 and July 15, 2017.
In the same period, he said 1,073 cases led to conviction, with RM779.66 million confiscated. -Mkini

‘Forex losses due to bad decisions, 1MDB losses due to bad intentions’

YOURSAY | ‘Imagine your fund manager embezzling your money and claiming it was ‘lost’.’
Vijay47: Umno information chief Annuar Musa has outlined the difference between Bank Negara's foreign exchange (forex) losses and 1MDB. He said the RM30 billion lost by Bank Negara was real and irredeemable, whereas 1MDB’s losses were on paper and its business was still operational.
Annuar, I am boldly if unwisely making two assumptions. First, since you have been issuing statements for numerous years, you must be an adult.
Second, since these statements have been made in an extremely cavalier fashion, you believe them to be of great pride to race, religion, wife and children.
But I am sorry to say that neither of these earns you credit, even within Umno circles, not when you reduce yourself to MCA and MIC levels. Perhaps lower.
So, you hold that forex losses are real while 1MDB’s losses are on paper. I am lost here - what does that mean?
An ill-advised though legal misadventure is a capital offence, while grand larceny, as US President Donald Trump might say, is one of those “boys will be boys” lark?
Oscar Kilo: Forex losses are due to bad policy decisions. 1MDB's "losses" are due to alleged criminal action. Note the difference.
Imagine your fund manager losing your money in a bad investment compared to your fund manager embezzling your money and claiming that your money was "lost".
Cry, My Beloved Country!: Annuar, the forex losses are also on paper. No physical cash was used. The loss was due to a form of gambling. But it did not go into anyone's bank account.
As for 1MDB, the loss was due to alleged theft, plain and simple. Money was allegedly lost through shameless theft by the mega-thief and his co-conspirators, and used lavishly, as the whole world knows.
It is best that you stop making a fool of yourself - this is my sincere advice.
RM2.6 Billion Turkey Haram: Annuar, both losses are real, and involve taxpayers’ money.
But the differences are: forex trading loss is legal, while 1MDB's money was allegedly stolen, a criminal offence.
The money lost through forex trading is gained by unknown persons, while 1MDB's loss can be traced to known individuals.
AnyoneButThieves: The forex losses were due to bad decisions and 1MDB losses were due to bad intentions.
Both have something in common, which is that both are losses which could have been used to build 10 lanes of a toll-free superhighway stretching from Perlis to Johor.
Sarawakian: Losses? What losses are you talking about? How dare you say that when no one has seen the audited 1MDB accounts in years.
Malaysian Official 1 (MO1) has only to revalue the "units" held overseas or the Tun Razak Exchange (TRX) land and poof! Like magic 1MDB will earn billions in paper profits.
Just in time for the next general election too, unlike former leaders Anwar Ibrahim or Dr Mahathir Mohamad humbly acknowledging billions in forex losses to Parliament.
Oscar Kilo: 1MDB's losses are on paper? Are you kidding me? That's like saying that the superyacht Equanimity is a paper boat.
FellowMalaysian: Annuar said a royal commission of inquiry (RCI) is formed upon the request of the people, and in the case of Bank Negara’s forex losses, it was DAP parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang who had raised the matter on numerous occasions.
Therefore, the RCI was formed due to DAP's initiative and the government viewed the opposition party's demand as relevant to the people’s interest.
Lim last demanded an RCI on the forex losses some 11 years ago and Annuar is telling us that the RCI is being carried out based on Lim's initiation or instigation?
If that is the case, then this showed how apathetic and insouciant the Umno government had been in managing the economy of the country the past 60 years.
A gargantuan monetary loss which amounted to half the country's reserves took a shocking total of 23 years before they woke up from their stupor. This proves Umno is not fit at all to govern and manage this country's economy.
Gaji Buta: Eleven years to get around to addressing a critical national issue? This is totally irresponsible and not protecting the interest of the rakyat. This is exactly why BN must go.
Boeyks: Annuar, why don't you ask whether Lim still wanted the RCI on forex losses now after all these years, or why the government wanted it carried out now and not previously?
In fact, Lim wants an RCI on 1MDB now. Why is the government not doing this, when it is more relevant and still prevailing at the moment?
Legit: 'Great' argument, Annuar, that befits your level of intelligence. Well, now Lim and the people are feverishly demanding an RCI on 1MDB. We hope this caring government will comply immediately.
Anonymous 2456321485312809: Lim also spoke out many times against many wrongdoings by Umno/BN, such as the Port Klang Free Zone.
He also spoke up against the corruption and theft in 1MDB, electoral gerrymandering, complained many times about the Electoral Commission, and his party also called for RCIs on 1MDB and on Teoh Beng Hock.

While we are at it, since when did the government follow Lim's wishes? Saying that such logic is stupid does not go anywhere near towards describing it. It's really very embarrassing that Malaysia has such leaders. - Mkini

Perak DAP reps complain of new voters with incomplete addresses

    Three DAP elected representatives are complaining that the addresses given by the Election Commission on new voters are incomplete with no road names.
    They said this leads to suspicion in the presence of hidden hands out to frustrate the transparent process of voters registration and verification exercise.
    Ipoh Barat MP M Kulasegaran, along with Ipoh Timur MP Thomas Su and Bercham assemblyperson Cheong Chee Khing, said the EC plays an important role to ensure only citizens are registered as voters where the registration of voters is done on a quarterly basis, namely the last been done in the months of April, May and June and then it puts up the voters list for people to file objection.
    “Unfortunately such process has been made difficult because the EC has weakened the process of stakeholder empowerment to question its actions by creating obstacles that go against the common interest of voters,” they said in a statement.
    "For example, for the Ipoh Barat parliamentary constituency, new voters are put in while we welcome the new voters, we find the address of this voters misleading and confusing.
    “The EC has given the house number and the name of the Taman where the new voters are residing. Unfortunately, in almost all the residential areas, the process to locate and confirm the newly registered voters is time-consuming and tedious and most of the time impossible.
    “For example, we took a symbolic objection to a new voter registered at a place known as No 63 Kampung Kacang Puteh, Buntong. As the road name was not given in the data made available we could not locate this house No 63,” they said.
    Kulasegaran said in their search at Kampung Kacang Puteh, there were another two houses with the same address.  
    “The question is why has EC refused to provide the road names? Are there hidden agendas that make objections or verifications impossible?” he asked.
    For Ipoh Timur, Su (photo) said they faced similar problems with Kampung Sri Kinta, where the road names or details of the address are not provided in the voters' list.
    “It is almost impossible task to locate a house merely identified as No 11. We took a symbolic objection to a new voter registered at this address instead of four new voters applied to be voters at this address, the costs involved is a hindrance and our reluctance to file comprehensive objections with the EC.
    “In fact, there are many other new voters where we are unable to locate them as there are many with the same house number registered in the same locality or residential area. The EC should display a more transparent and detailed address of new voter for proper and due verification purpose,” he said.
    All three added that previously, the EC provided soft copy of the new voters registered every quarter with the address and constituency to political parties for them to analyse to detect irregularities for objection.
    However, since 2017, they said the EC had decided to no longer extend a soft copy of the supplementary electoral roll.
    “No reason was given, except that they have no obligations to do so. This is a problem because, without the soft copy, it is physically impossible to inspect the draft rolls effectively because they are voluminous and displayed in different areas.
    “Voters have perceived the act of not providing soft copies has prevented stakeholders like political parties to play a legitimate and effective role of check and balance on the EC,” they said.
    They suggested that the EC should upload the names of new voters and movement of voters on its website for the public to know and provide feedback.

    They claimed that the EC has not been honest and transparent in coming up with concrete solutions on proper voter registration that would protect the voters' interest, although it is empowered to do so under several provisions in the Elections (Registration of Electors) Regulations 2002.
    “The objection process and information is key to preventing illegal transfer of voters. The EC must be people friendly and allow all stakeholders to have a say in the registration of voters.
    “EC is a public body and it is mandated to serve the common good of stake holders. The difficult process made to find out where the new voters are residing itself shows it is acting against the interest of its main stakeholder, the voters.” - mkini

    Thai PM brushes aside deal behind Yingluck's escape

    Thai Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha brushed aside accusations by certain quarters in the country that he brokered a deal which had facilitated the escape of former Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra from the country.
    However, he did not discount the possibilities of involvement by errant government officials in assisting her escape and promised to get to the bottom of the matter.
    "No way the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) (assisting Yingluck to flee the country), except some 'bad person' (officials) that neglect their duties to gain some benefit, but we will find out," he told the media after chairing the weekly cabinet meeting in Bangkok today.
    He warned of punishment against those found to have helped Yingluck in her escape from Thailand.
    The government has been criticised, including by former leaders of the "Yellow Shirts" movement for failing to stop Yingluck from escaping the country, despite imposing tight surveillance on the younger sister of exiled former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.
    Yingluck, the country's first female Prime Minister was alleged to have escaped the country two days before she was scheduled to appear in a court proceeding last Friday in a case where she was accused of negligence in a rice subsidy scheme implemented during her administration.
    She had denied all the allegations.
    According to Prayut, the government has launched an investigation to gather details surrounding her escape, including about the possible routes she might take to flee the country undetected.

    Thailand, according to him, has contacted countries in the region, including Cambodia and Singapore, as well as the United Arab Emirates, seeking information on the younger sister of Thaksin.
    He pleaded for patience as the government was still gathering information behind the escape and advised the Thais not to blatantly accuse certain countries of complicity with Yingluck's escape as it could harm Thailand's diplomatic relations.
    The former prime minister was alleged to have slipped out of the country via the Thai border town of Koh Chang near the Cambodian border and took a flight to Singapore before continuing her journey to Dubai, where her exiled older brother maintained a house there.

    Tuesday, August 29, 2017

    PH must deal with Indian leadership issue, says Gobind

    The pact's legal bureau chairman says various quarters have voiced concern over the matter in recent times.
    Gobind-indiaKUALA LUMPUR: A DAP MP has acknowledged the need for Pakatan Harapan to deal with the question of Indian leadership and representation in its lineup.
    Puchong MP Gobind Singh Deo said various groups and individuals have voiced concern over the matter in recent times.
    “I agree that this is an important matter which needs to be dealt with and I think it must be handled fast,” he told FMT today.
    Gobind, who is also PH’s legal bureau chairman, said he raised the matter at the presidential council meet last night.
    “But as the meeting extended well beyond midnight, this matter will now be dealt with in full at the next meeting which will be held soon,” he added.
    Gobind was asked to comment on remarks by prominent lawyer and human rights advocate Ambiga Sreenevasan that there was a lack of Indian representation in the PH leadership.
    Malaysiakini reported that her observation came in response to reports that PH chairman Dr Mahathir Mohamad is wooing Hindraf chief P Waythamoorthy as well as former MIC president G Palanivel’s supporters to work on a possible collaboration.
    “When you look at the PH lineup, there’s no Indian vice-president. To me, how do you go to the ground with that?
    “If PH is serious about the Indian vote, they must show it in the lineup. For me, that is more important,” she was reported as saying by Malaysiakini.
    Ambiga had also likened putting just M Kulasegaran as treasurer as tokenism.
    Her views resonated with Penang Deputy Chief Minister II P Ramasamy, who agreed that it would be a good start for PH national leaders to begin discussions with existing Indian leaders in PH component parties first before talking to others about ensuring adequate Indian representation. -FMT

    Couple held for fraudulent GST refund claims of RM25 mil

    Customs director-general T Subromaniam says the suspects will be charged in the Ipoh Sessions Court tomorrow.
    T-SubromaniamPUTRAJAYA: The Royal Customs Department has detained a married couple for fraudulent GST refund claims through the GST-03 statement, involving nearly RM25.58 million.
    Customs director-general T Subromaniam said the male suspect, who is a businessman, was arrested on Aug 25 in Ipoh while the wife, was arrested on Aug 27 in Bandar Baru Sri Petaling, Kuala Lumpur.
    “The bank accounts of both the suspects have also been frozen for investigation under the Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorism Financing and Proceeds of Unlawful Activities Act 2001,” he told a media conference here today.
    He said both suspects would be charged in the Ipoh Sessions Court tomorrow.
    He said the suspects were detained after several months of investigation by the National Revenue Recovery Enforcement Team (NRRET).
    “The department is now identifying several others believed to be involved, and also those who have been deceived by the couple to make the fraudulent claims,” he added.
    On the GST collection, Subromaniam said RM41.2 billion was collected last year, exceeding the target of RM39 billion. - FMT

    Pangolin scales seized in Sabah to be sent for tests in KL

    The forensic tests will determine if the pangolins came from Sabah or elsewhere.
    Augustine-pangolinKOTA KINABALU: The Sabah Wildlife Department is in the process of sending samples of pangolin scales worth RM100 million seized here recently, to Kuala Lumpur to determine their species and origin.
    The Sabah Customs Department seized 8,000 tonnes of pangolin scales on July 29, believed to be on their way to China.
    The authorities also picked up a 43-year-old local man who owned the company that allegedly tried to ship the scales to China.
    Customs said they believed the scales had been sourced from 16,000 pangolins.
    “We are in the process of sending samples of the pangolin scales seized recently by Customs to a forensic laboratory of the federal Department of Wildlife and National Parks (Perhilitan) in Kuala Lumpur,” Sabah Wildlife Department director Augustine Tuuga told FMT today.
    “The forensic tests will determine the species of the pangolins.
    “From there, hopefully, we’ll know where the pangolins came from, whether from Sabah or other places.
    “There’s only one type of pangolin in Sabah — the Sunda pangolins.
    “There are eight species of pangolins in the whole world and they can be found in China, Asean countries, India and Africa.”
    Sabah Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Masidi Manjun today said the government was considering making pangolins a fully protected species.
    Currently, the mammals are semi-protected and only people with a licence can hunt them.
    If pangolins become fully protected, there will be a total ban on their hunting.
    “We have submitted the proposal to change the protection status of pangolins to the state tourism, culture and environment ministry,” said Augustine.
    “The ministry will then bring the proposal to the state cabinet for deliberation and approval to revise the pangolin classification to ‘fully protected’.”
    There are growing concerns that overhunting of the animals for both their scales and meat would make them extinct.
    Pangolin meat is also in demand and it is hard to detect when smuggling as the meat is often packed commercially, disguised as other meat.
    Pangolins are said to be the world’s most poached animal as their meat and scales are thought to have medicinal benefits. -FMT

    Couple held for fraudulent GST refund claims of RM25 mil

    Customs director-general T Subromaniam says the suspects will be charged in the Ipoh Sessions Court tomorrow.
    T-SubromaniamPUTRAJAYA: The Royal Customs Department has detained a married couple for fraudulent GST refund claims through the GST-03 statement, involving nearly RM25.58 million.
    Customs director-general T Subromaniam said the male suspect, who is a businessman, was arrested on Aug 25 in Ipoh while the wife, was arrested on Aug 27 in Bandar Baru Sri Petaling, Kuala Lumpur.
    “The bank accounts of both the suspects have also been frozen for investigation under the Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorism Financing and Proceeds of Unlawful Activities Act 2001,” he told a media conference here today.
    He said both suspects would be charged in the Ipoh Sessions Court tomorrow.
    He said the suspects were detained after several months of investigation by the National Revenue Recovery Enforcement Team (NRRET).
    “The department is now identifying several others believed to be involved, and also those who have been deceived by the couple to make the fraudulent claims,” he added.
    On the GST collection, Subromaniam said RM41.2 billion was collected last year, exceeding the target of RM39 billion. -FMT

    Kadir Jasin Knows Mahathir Is About To Die

    The truth is they are panicking. They know that the so-called ‘action’ on 1MDB by the United States Department of Justice (DoJ) is a dead duck. The Americans know that the allegation Mahathir made about RM42 billion of 1MDB’s money disappearing into thin air is a lie. The RM42 billion has not disappeared into thin air. It is still there in RM51 billion worth of assets. And the Americans are not stupid to swallow Mahathir’s lies hook, line and sinker.
    Raja Petra Kamarudin
    “RCI a New Tool of Intimidation,” said A. Kadir Jasin today. In his piece, Kadir said the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) that is currently sitting to investigate the RM31.5 billion Bank Negara losses suffered gambling on the forex market “looks and smells like a political witch-hunt to discredit the growing opposition to the Umno-BN government”, meaning to discredit Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
    There are some very interesting comments in Kadir’s blog posting today, which some of the younger generation or political novices may not comprehend.
    For example, Kadir said:
    “For the protagonist of the Forex commission, the former Bank Negara Assistant Governor, (Datuk) Murad Khalid, his is self preservation cloaked in the name of truth and justice. A close friend of his, who is a good friend of mine, told me that he was seeking to “clear his name”. Murad hit the spotlight when, on 6 Nov 2000, he was fined RM500,000 or in default six months jail by the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court. According to an Utusan Malaysia report, he was found guilty of failing to declare shares and properties belonging to his company.”
    Now that is what we call a witch-hunt if Kadir wants to know what a witch-hunt is. Most people at that time knew that Mahathir had launched a witch-hunt in 1998 against all of those who were allied to Anwar Ibrahim to punish them for supporting Anwar, Murad Khalid of Bank Negara included. In fact, Ahmad Mohd Don, the then Governor of Bank Negara, was another victim of that witch-hunt as well.
    Most people allied to Anwar were set up on what Human Rights Watch (HRW) said were fabricated charges. In short, HRW accused Mahathir of launching a witch-hunt against many people, all who were allied to Anwar. Even the current Deputy Prime Minister, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, was a victim of that witch-hunt.
    Kadir further said, “During the 1997/98 Asian Financial Crises, its then governor (Tan Sri) Ahmad Mohd Don and deputy governor, (Datuk) Fong Weng Phak, opposed the exchange control proposal by then Prime Minister, (Datuk Seri) Dr Mahathir Mohamad. They resigned in protest.”
    That is a lie and Kadir is not telling us the truth. These people were sacked and they were sacked because of Mahathir’s witch-hunt to flush out all those allied to or suspected of being allied to Anwar. Everyone at that time knew this.
    Kadir further blundered when he said, “And since currency trading, being one of the most specialised of Bank Negara’s activities, it could not have been the day-to-day concern of any Prime Minister or Finance Minister.”
    What has Kadir got to say about 1MDB then? 1MDB is a company that has its own Board of Directors and its own management that does not report to the Finance Minister like Bank Negara does. Yet Kadir says the Prime Minister cum Finance Minister is responsible for what happens in 1MDB, which DOES NOT report to him. But the Prime Minister cum Finance Minister is NOT responsible for what happens in Bank Negara, which reports to him.
    Is Kadir a moron or what? Everything that happens under Mahathir’s watch is someone else’s fault. Everything that happens under Najib’s watch is his fault. When Mahathir persecutes his enemies he is just bringing crooks to justice. When Najib brings crooks to justice he is on a witch-hunt.
    The truth is they are panicking. They know that the so-called ‘action’ on 1MDB by the United States Department of Justice (DoJ) is a dead duck. The Americans know that the allegation Mahathir made about RM42 billion of 1MDB’s money disappearing into thin air is a lie. The RM42 billion has not disappeared into thin air. It is still there in RM51 billion worth of assets. And the Americans are not stupid to swallow Mahathir’s lies hook, line and sinker.
    The government invested only RM1 million in 1MDB. The RM42 billion that Mahathir said has ‘disappeared into thin air’ is actually borrowings backed by RM51 billion in assets. So it has NOT disappeared into thin air. Instead, it has ‘disappeared’ into assets, if Mahathir still insists that RM42 billion has ‘disappeared’. And Najib has made public 1MDB’s accounts for all to see. So this is no secret.
    On the other hand, Malaysians are soon going to find out that RM31.5 billion of Bank Negara’s money has, without a doubt, disappeared into thin air. And at today’s value that is roughly RM100 billion. Malaysians are also going to find out that Mahathir practically bankrupted Bank Negara and exposed the country by gambling at the rate of RM700 billion a month and exposed Bank Negara to a total forward position of US$150 billion.
    This is crazy by any standards and it was Mahathir who was behind this. And this is what Kadir is trying to distract Malaysians from with his blog posting today. Mahathir is panicking and knows this is going to cost them the next general election. So Mahathir told Kadir to come out with his moronic blog posting today. Why not Kadir advise Mahathir to account for Bank Negara’s RM31.5 billion? What happened to all that money? Najib has shown what happened to 1MDB’s money. It is Mahathir’s turn to show what happened to Bank Negara’s money.
    And only a moron would say that anything that happened over 22 years when Mahathir was Prime Minister is someone else’s fault while everything that happens when Najib is Prime Minister is his fault even when done by other people. Just because he is a moron Kadir must not assume the rest of us are as well.


    Retiring inspector-general of police Khalid Abu Bakar today paid a courtesy call on Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak at his office in Putrajaya.
    He had begun his career with the Royal Malaysia Police in 1976 and had served in various capacities, including as chief police officer of Negeri Sembilan and Selangor, and as the deputy director of the Criminal Investigation Department at Bukit Aman.
    He was made the director of internal security and public order at Bukit Aman in 2010 and deputy inspector-general of police in April 2011.
    Khalid, who hails from Seremban, was appointed the inspector-general of police on May 17, 2013, succeeding Ismail Omar.
    – Bernama


    A supplier of electrical products filed a suit against Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Shahidan Kassim, Padang Besar MP Zahidi Zainul Abidin and Perlis Umno treasurer Rozabil Abdul Rahman for breach of contract over purchases of rice cookers.
    Perlis Umno had allegedly ordered as many as 60,000 1.8-litre rice cookers emblazoned with Umno and Barisan Nasional logos along with Shahidan Kassim’s initials ‘DSSK’ from the plaintiff Florence Lee Jye Wen on June 3, 2015.
    According to the statement of claim filed on April 6 at the High Court in Kuala Lumpur, Lee claimed that she was approached by a sales representative saying Perlis Umno was interested in buying the rice cookers.
    Lee produced the said logo, measuring 2.5 inches by one inch, and reportedly showed it to Shahidan’s secretary in May 2015.
    Several days later, she was informed that Shahidan had approved the logo as well as the purchase of the 60,000 rice cookers for Perlis Umno.
    On June 3, she reportedly received an official letter from Perlis Umno signed by its organising secretary, Kamarudin Abdul, stating that Shahidan approved the purchase at a price of RM74 per unit, with 20,000 units each to be distributed to the constituencies of Arau and Kangar.
    Lee considered the document to be a confirmation letter of the purchase, which totalled RM4.4 million. The per unit price was also reportedly below the market price of RM107.
    She proceeded to place an initial order for 10,000 rice cookers, with all units ready to be delivered on the instructions of Perlis Umno by June 2015.
    However, only 2,000 units were ordered by Perlis Umno to be delivered between Oct 23, 2015 and April 6, 2016. It is alleged that the remaining 8,000 units were neither collected nor paid for.
    As a result, Lee is claiming a total of RM592,000 for the 8,000 rice cookers, special damages of RM36,511.40 for the cost of storing the units, and continuing costs of RM2,750.35 to keep the units, which cannot be sold off elsewhere due to the customised labels on the units.
    She is also seeking general damages to the order of the remaining 50,000 units, which is to be assessed by the court.
    Denying any agreement
    Meanwhile, the three defendants deny there entering into a contract to purchase the 60,000 rice cookers, nor issuing any official letter on June 3.
    The defendants in their statement of defence added that Lee failed to acknowledge the order, and hence no agreement exists between her and Perlis Umno on said receipt.
    The statement also claimed that Lee failed to deliver the rice cookers in the time stipulated, and hence should be prevented from taking legal action due to the “violation” inflicted on Perlis Umno.
    The defendants further denied that the rice cookers were delivered, nor making any payment to Lee for the electrical appliances. As such, they want the statement of claim filed by Lee be dismissed with costs.
    The matter came up for case management today, with judicial commissioner Wan Ahmad Farid Wan Salleh urging both parties to consider settling, and fixed Sept 13 for case management to update the court on the status of a settlement.
    If both parties fail to reach a settlement, trial dates have been fixed for June 25th to 27th next year.
    Lawyer Lavinia Kumaraendran appeared for the plaintiff.