
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Prominent Malaysians Join Hindraf In Public Interest Litigation Against Government Over Zakir Naik

Image result for Hindraf


Date   :   1st March 2017 

Place:      High Court , Jalan Duta, Kuala Lumpur.(Main lobby) 

Time :    11.00am 
The action is being initiated by several prominent human rights public figures.
Solicitors on record are Messrs Karthig Shan

Counsels who would be present:
  • Karthigesan Shanmugam
  • R.Kengadharan
  • M. Manoharan
  • Waytha Moorthy
  • Siti Kassim
Plaintiffs in this action would be present. 

Please contact 018- 2506 156 for more information. 

My comments  :   Waytha Moorthy the Hindraf  activist (who is himself a lawyer) and former Deputy Minister  together with some other Malaysians are launching litigation against the Government  over the presence of Zakir Naik  in Malaysia.
The affidavit which will be filed over the Zakir Naik matter has some explosive facts. 
Joining Waytha Moorthy as litigants will be some prominent Malaysians from a multi racial background.  This will include some big guns in the country.
More on this tomorrow.
This  is another serious bungle by the BN gomen.  This man Zakir Naik stirs up so much controversy wherever he goes around the world.  
Only one tiny, tiny, small and stupid group of donkeys  in this world seems to  like entertaining him and that is Super Moron and his troupe of smaller morons in Malaysia. Thats it.

  • Qatar where Zakir Naik lived has obviously asked him to pack up and leave.
  • Saudi Arabia has not extended the welcome carpet for Zakir Naik.
  • India his home country has launched a criminal  investigation against him and will most likely arrest him someday.

A few countries around the world have banned Zakir Naik from entering including Canada, United Kingdom and Singapore.

In the United Kingdom, the Home Minister at that time who banned Zakir Naik was Theresa May, who is now the British Prime Minister.

Only the village idiots in Malaysia are easily fooled by just about anyone.  Sampah sarap serata dunia depa pi kutip bubuh dalam mulut.  The kabilah DNA bahalol.

Even the Malays are divided over Zakir Naik's presence. The non Muslims are also largely unhappy over his presence including the Christians (there will be a surprise tomorrow), Hindus, Sikhs and others.

I have a message for Team Super Moron.  Why do you idiots like to beat yourselves up like this? What do you benefit from this Zakir Naik fellow?

The downside risk from his presence is much, much greater than any upside potential.  You are dividing your own supporters, you are dividing the nation and just inviting controversy after controversy.

Tak cukup ke kes Moron curi duit billion-billion, ekonomi hancur, Naza Motor tutup hampir semua showroom, graduates tak ada peluang kerja, orang ramai merungut harga barang naik gila pasal GST, budak sekolah masuk sekolah jadi bodoh, hospital tak ada ubat dan banyak lagi isu yang menyusahkan orang.

There are enough problems in the country.  Why do you go and create even more problems?  

Felda lantik firma asing nilai aset untuk dijual

Felda memutuskan untuk menjual aset di luar negara yang tidak menjana keuntungan bagi meningktkan aliran tunai
Shahrir-Samad_felda_6002KUALA LUMPUR: Felda melantik sebuah firma berpusat di London untuk membuat penilaian bagi penjualan asetnya di ibu kota Britain itu.
Pengerusinya Tan Sri Shahrir Abdul Samad berkata firma itu kini dalam peringkat awal menilai aset yang akan dijual seperti diumum sebelum ini.
“Apabila penilaian telah dibuat, kita akan balik semula kepada lembaga dan tawaran akan dibuat secara tender terbuka pada satu tarikh yang akan diumumkan kelak,” katanya kepada pemberita selepas menyaksikan majlis menandatangani memorandum persefahaman (MoU) antara Felda dengan Open University Malaysia (OUM) di sini hari ini.
Sebelum ini Shahrir berkata Felda memutuskan untuk menjual aset di luar negara yang tidak menjana keuntungan bagi meningkatkan aliran tunai.
Antaranya aset yang akan dijual ialah hotel di London kerana nilainya dikatakan mengalami penyusutan mendadak. -Mkini

DPP objects to judge, Adam Adli's case postponed again

Former student activist Adam Adli Abdul Halim's appeal has been postponed at the eleventh hour today, following an objection by the deputy public prosecutor who requested the judge leading the three-member bench to recuse himself.
This is the second time his appeal has been postponed.
DPP Faiza Mohd Salleh requested Justice Mohtarudin Baki to recuse himself on the ground that he led in the other panel which had decided on the Mohd Safwan Anang's case.
“As it involves the same ceramah and place, the prosecution is worried over the outcome of this appeal,” Faiza said.
Senior lawyer Gurdial Singh Nijar objected to the application because at the last session, there was no indication that the prosecution would do so.
“Furthermore, we would only use one issue regarding Safwan, as there are other issues which would be brought regarding Section 3 of the Sedition Act 1948.
“The other issues on the matter are new and there is no evidence to suggest his lordship (Justice Mohtarudin) may decide in our favour, or otherwise” he told the bench.
Faiza reiterated that the prosecution was concerned since Justice Mohtarudin was in the panel that decided on Safwan's case.
Justice Mohtarudin then decided to recuse himself from the bench and ordered that a new panel be formed to hear this appeal.
“Justice must be done and must also be seen to be done,” he said, and directed the court to fix tomorrow for case management.
The other judges were Justice Harminder Singh Dhaliwal and Justice Abdul Karim Abdul Jalil.
Adam Adli is appealing against his RM5,000 fine which was imposed by the Kuala Lumpur High Court after it upheld the conviction, while the KL Sessions Court imposed a 12-month jail sentence for sedition. The prosecution is also cross-appealing on the fine.
He was found guilty of giving a seditious speech at a rally in the Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall in Jalan Maharajalela, Dang Wangi here between 8.55pm and 11.15pm on May 13, 2013, a week after the 13th general election.

It was reported on Dec 20 that the Court of Appeal had unanimously acquitted Safwan on the grounds that his statement did not have a seditious tendency.
Justice Prasad Sandosham Abraham, (now Federal Court judge) who wrote the unanimous judgment said courts must test objectively whether Safwan’s statement indeed has seditious tendency - as laid out in the late Karpal Singh case which is a precedent - or was merely political commentary.
Safwan was accused of making a speech encouraging the people to topple the government through illegal means at the Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall, on the same day.- Mkini

FGV told to clarify if Rajawali refunded RM654m deposit

Felda Global Ventures Holdings (FGV) has been asked to clarify if the US$174.5 million it paid to Rajawali Group in 2015 has been refunded.
This was posed by PKR vice-president Rafizi Ramli following FGV's termination of an agreement to acquire a 37 percent stake in Eagle High Plantations Tbk from the group.
FGV was required to pay US$174.5 million to Rajawali as a deposit and the sum, including interest, is to be refunded if the deal was terminated.
The sum amounted to RM654 million (US$1=RM3.70) based on the exchange rate when the heads of agreement was signed in June 2015.
"FGV confirmed the termination of the proposed share acquisition in a notice to Bursa Malaysia on Dec 23, 2016.
"As the matter took place at the end of 2016 and FGV's fourth quarter financial results for 2016 has yet to be released, there is no information on the RM654 million deposit," Rafizi said in a statement today.
Rafizi, who is also Pandan MP, asked FGV to clarify if it had indeed paid the deposit as outlined in the heads of agreement and whether it was returned and when.
Rafizi said precautionary measures had to be taken to ensure that the deposit would not be misused.
FGV had in June 2015 announced it planned to purchase a 37 percent stake in Eagle High Plantations Tbk for a total of US$680 million.
FGV, a listed company, came under criticism over the deal which was seen as overpriced.
The deal was eventually terminated but Federal Land Development Authority (Felda), a government agency, stepped in instead.
Felda offered US$505.4 million to purchase the same stake in Eagle High Plantations Tbs, a 26 percent discount from FGV's initial offer.
Rafizi said FGV's deposit should be returned to the company and should not be used to partially foot Felda's acquisition cost of the 37 percent stake.

Felda controls a 21.25 percent stake in FGV.
On a separate matter, Rafizi said he expected the retail price of RON95 fuel to remain unchanged at RM2.30 per litre for March.
He attributed this to the fact that Brent crude oil price has largely remained stable at US$65 per barrel while the ringgit's strength against the US dollar has generally remained the same in February.
Monthly fuel prices in Malaysia are determined by the Automatic Pricing Mechanism (APM) which is based on the Mean of Platts Singapore and the average ringgit strength in the preceding month.- Mkini

Malaysia won't share info on Jong-nam murder for now

Malaysia will not share with international bodies information on the investigation into the murder of North Korean Kim Jong-nam until the entire legal process has been completed.
Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said the sharing of information via mutual legal assistance, encompassing the four aspects of DNA, forensics, chemistry report and CCTV recording, would only be feasible if there was a request and the entire legal process had been
He said Malaysia could share information with international intelligence agencies and the information could be used by the United Nations after the Malaysian police and the judiciary had finalised the legal processes, respectively.
"Malaysia is open to sharing (information) with them but they have to respect the country's legal and judicial systems," he said.
Ahmad Zahid was asked to comment on the reported suggestion by Britain for Malaysia to share with the UN information on the lethal VX nerve agent used to kill Jong-nam for the world body to take action against North Korea.
British Ambassador to the UN Matthew Rycroft told journalists at the UN that information on the Feb 13 attack at KL International Airport 2 that killed Jong-nam should be sent to the Hague-based Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.
Speaking at a press conference after opening the Conference on Education and Social Affairs of the Islamic Consultative Council here, Ahmad Zahid said the investigation must be conclusive, not involving just the police but also the Health Ministry, Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd and the operator of the CCTV cameras which recorded the incident.
He also said that a preliminary investigation by the police found that the suspects in the murder case had begun their operation two months before the killing.
The police acted in accordance with the standard operating procedure and the investigation was found to be justified when the incident took place and was recorded by the CCTV cameras, resulting in two suspects being arrested within 48 hours after the murder, he said.
Asked whether the case had tarnished Malaysia's image, Ahmad Zahid said he was not worried about that because Malaysia neither had any hidden agenda nor had colluded with any other country or sheltered criminals.
He confirmed that the DNA report had been completed but, based on the country's laws, it had to be matched with the DNA of the victim's next-of-kin.
"We have taken several measures to contact the next-of-kin (of Jong-nam)," he said.

Jong-nam was at the KL International Airport 2 (KLIA2) at 8am on Feb 13 to board a flight to Macau an hour later when two women suddenly appeared before him and wiped his face with the palms of their hands which contained what was later identified as the VX nerve agent.
Jong-nam sought help at a customer service counter at the airport and was rushed to the Putrajaya Hospital but died on the way.
He had come to Malaysia on Feb 6 and carried a passport bearing the name Kim Chol.
- Bernama

Dr M: Perhaps we'd be better off being an European colony

Former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad has sarcastically suggested that Malaysia may be better off remaining an European colony.
He said this in a blog posting today in defence of national car maker Proton Holdings which its owner DRB-Hicom is in the midst of selling a majority stake to a foreign partner.
"Frankly, Malaysia would be a better country if we stayed as the colony of Europeans or other developed countries.
"They obviously know better than us about governance and the development of countries.
"And they will produce better cars, making us proud of our technology," said Mahathir, who as prime minister pushed for the manufacturing of local cars through the founding of Proton in 1983.
Mahathir's statement came amid French car manufacturer PSA Group confirming that it had submitted a bid to Proton.
China-based Geely was also rumoured to have made a bid for a majority stake in Proton but had yet to publicly confirm the matter.
In the 1980s, Proton controlled the lion's share of all new car owners, comprising 73 percent of cars sold in the country in 1988.
Over the years, there were various complaints about quality and its market share had plunged dramatically.
Last year, Proton's market share of new vehicles was only 14 percent, trailing local competitor Perodua which controlled 40.3 percent and Japanese car maker Honda at 17.8 percent.
However, Mahathir insisted that Proton has improved significantly.
"Those who condemn Proton cars do so because Proton cars are not of the same standard as foreign cars. I suggest they test-drive the new Saga and Persona.
"I found a lot of differences between the old Protons and the new Protons," he said.

Mahathir said he owned the old and new Proton cars and had driven them both.
"I think the management, engineers and workers in Proton are to be congratulated for the improvements made.
"I think Proton has learnt something about making cars."
Proton launched the new Saga and Persona last year and have received respectable reviews.
However, the Perdana and Ertiga, also launched last year but based on rebadged old Honda and Suzuki models, were less popular.- Mkini

MP: Pro-developer forces trying to scuttle KL structure plan?

Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar questioned whether there were attempts to scuttle the much touted Kuala Lumpur Structure Plan 2020 by forces aligned to property developers.
Nurul said the structure plan was needed to control the population density in Kuala Lumpur and prevent arbitrary development.
"We were previously made to sign a non-disclosure agreement (to view the plan) as he (Federal Territories Minister Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor) said it would be an important guideline (for KL's development).
"But now there appears to be hidden hands to fulfill the desires and interests of developers.
"If we do not have a guideline for (the development of) Kuala Lumpur and (allow development to be guided by) greed and the interests of developers, then surely the people will be burdened with a poor quality of life," she told journalists at Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL).
Nurul, together with Seputeh MP Teresa Kok, Segambut MP Lim Lip Eng, Wangsa Maju MP Tan Kee Kwong and Bukit Bintang MP Tan Kee Kwong, were at DBKL to voice their objection against the possibility of dropping the structure plan.
Nurul Izzah said the people of Kuala Lumpur would suffer if development was done without the guidelines.
"Under the Kuala Lumpur plan, we would know the green zones that need to be protected.
"It will also outline the high and low density areas so the people would not be burdened by traffic congestion," she said.
The MPs were responding to a report by English daily Malay Mail titled "Ku Nan: I'll bulldoze KL draft plan".
Ku Nan trying to prevent amendments
They demanded Tengku Adnan, better known as Ku Nan, to resign for saying this.
However, in the report, Tengku Adnan did not specifically state that he was against the KL structure plan as a whole.
Instead, he took issue with a provision that would allow officials to amend the structure plan and demanded that this be amended if it is to be passed.

"If it is signed, the minister, mayor or ministry officials could moonlight (as middlemen) to facilitate changes (in the plan) for a fee.
"We cannot allow this. If it is signed into law, it must be fixed.
"Allowing a clause for the ministry or DBKL to make amendments through appeals creates opportunity for abuse... I will fight, I will bulldoze it," he was quoted as saying.
Plans to gazette the KL Structure Plan had twice been postponed, on July 1, 2012 and Feb 28, 2013.-Mkini

Gov't breaches fiduciary duties to Seletar tribe, rules court

The Johor Baru High Court ruled that both the Johor and federal government had breached their fiduciary duties related to the customary land rights of the Orang Seletar community.
"The court found that the state government had breached their fiduciary duty to the Orang Seletar.
"Their fiduciary duty towards the Orang Seletar is to protect their land by gazetting the land that they occupy but (the state government) failed to do so.
"The court also found that the federal government through Orang Asli Development Department (JKOA) has breached their fiduciary duties to the Orang Seletar as well, for not ensuring the state government protected their lands," lawyer S Yogeswaran told Malaysiakini today.
The Seletar tribe, a sub-group of the Orang Asli residing mostly in southern Johor, first filed the class action suit in 2012 against the Johor government and 12 others to stop encroachment of their native customary land.
Prior to filing the suit, they have also raised their grouses with the Human Rights Commission (Suhakam) and even held protests at the Johor state legislative assembly in 2011.
Will file appeal
The suit was based on claims of customary land rights to an area now known as Danga Bay, near Johor Bahru.
The court also ruled that the Orang Seletar have non-exclusive rights to use their customary waters for their traditional purposes and their livelihood, said Yogeswaran.
However, he said, the court found that the private parties who now own the land are "innocent purchasers" who bought the land some time ago, so the Orang Seletar's claim against them for the return of the land was dismissed.

"(But) with all these breaches and so on, the court then said, 'Look, what do we give you?
"The court decided that basically they have to be compensated based on market value for all lands that have been alienated by the state to private parties," Yogeswaran said.
He said his clients plan on appealing the order for compensation in lieu of resitution of the land.-Mkini

New auditor-general 'Umno member', PKR questions neutrality

Newly-appointed auditor-general Madinah Mohamed is once again in the spotlight following a PKR leader's claim that she is an Umno member.
PKR communications director Fahmi Fadzil said Madinah must clarify this as it could affect public perception with regard to her exercising her duties in an impartial manner.
"If this is true, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's advice to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong to appoint Madinah has not helped in strengthening democracy in Malaysia.
"The auditor-general position is among the most important in a democracy as he or she plays the role of check and balance in government.
"The public perception is that an auditor-general must not only be independent, neutral and non-partisan, but must also be seen to be so," he added in a media statement.
Malaysiakini's checks with the Umno headquarters found that she is a member of the Kepong division, which is headed by her husband Rizuan Abdul Hamid.
Wanita Umno chief Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, who has defended Madinah's integrity amid criticism, is also from the same division.
Madinah's appointment was also questioned based on her husband's declaration in 2015 that he is willing to "die for Najib".

It was also reported that the Prime Minister's Office had issued a letter vouching for him in a commercial agreement.
Rizuan, however, said this was a favour for his friend and unrelated to current developments.
Madinah or Rizuan have yet to respond to Malaysiakini's requests for comment on her Umno membership.- Mkini

Explain 'bankrupt' heading foundation, Jamal tells Azmin

Sungai Besar Umno chairperson Jamal Md Yunos has questioned the reason an alleged bankrupt has been appointed to head a Selangor foundation.
At a press conference in Shah Alam this afternoon, he demanded an explanation from Selangor Menteri Besar Azmin Ali regarding the status of Yayasan Warisan Anak Selangor (Yawas) general manager Kamsani Nasir.
Azmin is the foundation's board of trustees chairperson.
"The menteri besar has to explain why someone who is bankrupt is in charge of a state foundation that handles hundreds of millions of state funds," said Jamal, who provided documents from the Insolvency Department to back his allegation.
A check by Malaysiakini verified that an individual named Kamsani Nasir was declared bankrupt by the Insolvency Department. The bankruptcy order was made in 2008.
Malaysiakini is attempting to contact Kamsani for response.
Kamsani was appointed as Yawas general manager on Sept 1, 2016. He had previously served as the chief operating officer of Skim Mesra Usia Emas (SMUE).

Jamal had previously lodged a report with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission alleging that funds had been misappropriated from SMUE, which is a programme managed by Yawas.
He questioned today whether Kamsani's appointment as Yawas general manager was related to this case.
SMUE is a scheme in which senior citizens can nominate a beneficiary who would receive RM2,500 for funeral or other expenses.- Mkini

March fuel prices: Petrol unchanged, diesel up 5 sen

The retail price for RON95 and RON97 petrol in March will remain unchanged at RM2.30 per litre and RM2.60 per litre respectively.
However, the retail price of diesel will go up by 5 sen to RM2.20 per litre effective midnight, according to China Press.
Monthly fuel prices are determined based on a managed float system called "Automatic Pricing Mechanism" (APM).
It determines the month's fuel price by factoring the average market value of a particular fuel and the ringgit's strength in the preceding month.
Fuel prices are presently at the highest level since the implementation of the managed float system in December 2014.

Crude oil prices have remained depressed due to a global glut which came about after the US flooded the market with shale oil.
The US oil boom was made possible through advancement in horizontal drilling technology.
Oil price began to stabilise this year following moves by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) and other oil-producing countries to slash output. 2016FebMarAprMayJunJulAugSeptOctNovDecJan 2017FebMarRM/litreMonth
RON 95
RON 97

Unmasking Religious Hypocrisy

The lesson from Quran 2:159:- Those who concealed the truth will be cursed by Allah and by those entitled to curse. Those entitled to curse include the pious and the righteous and the oppressed. 

The oppressed are those that must endure expensive cost of living; some people in Baling Kedah who are forced to buy some rice , measured in milk tins each time to eat lunch or dinner. Or some people in Sik Kedah, who resort to stealing packets of nasi lemak when no one is looking. Why are these things happening in Malaysia? Because many of us have listened to the lies told by leaders like Najib and the so called men of God, people of the book etc.

These people are entitled to swear and curse at those men of God who do not speak of these things but talk non stop about the rewards in the hereafter. Men of God get to enjoy heaven on earth, the poor and the voiceless endure hellish way of life on earth.

Haji hadi and his like minded friends may enjoy their moment of infamy. Sowing discord and divisiveness makes a person infamous. Religious persons are not beneath lying. Some of them said 300,000 people attended. The truer figure is around 30-50,000.

But people are cursing him and his friends. Many know most of them are hypocrites; extolling people to live humbly but they surround themselves with luxury. Urging people to live a life of sexual abstinence but they themselves are sexually voracious.

Many more people did not attend his call to convene on Padang Merbok.Because they know these men of God are doing this gathering to conceal and hide their own shortcomings and failures.

They know he and his friends, are making a political statement. This is not a question of whether we are rejecting God’s divine laws or being anti religion. Haji Hadi thinks the legalistic way is the only way of making Islam great again. We think other ways of making Islam great ought to be given priority. It is a question of adopting a more strategic way or ways of making Islam great. It’s an issue of exercising our right to differ.

People have a right to decide which way is suitable and good for them. Freedom means being able to minimise the coercion of others on ourselves.

This is a question of purposely ignoring the realities engulfing Muslims all over the year. No one wants to give more powers to the Islamic courts which do not deserve empowering and which serves to give form to some people’s lust to implement divine laws using them to submit others to the wishes of a select group of mullahs.

People are not stupid nowadays. They know the message of the Quran in 2:177. Not to be slaves to regimentation, enforced uniformity and to conventional thinking. They know they do not have to follow established practices and refuse to let others define how to conduct themselves. They understand virtue consists of meeting the obligations of faith and God, obligations to society, obligations to oneself. It is they who define themselves how lead a virtuous life.

They know the message in Quran 3:69. They know some ustazs and  religious teachers are out there to confuse people and sow dissension. They know the ustazs are making a fool of themselves and going astray themselves. People know, the ustazs are specifically instructed not to conceal the truth with falsehoods. Yet they are doing just that.

Some of them use obscure sayings of the prophet to justify their personal conduct. When questioned on the usage of luxury cars, some of these ustazs answer the Holy Prophet commanded Muslims to project themselves in style. Ordinary people use ordinary horses, leaders must use black stallions. Ordinary people use protons, they can use Q7, Porsches, Range Rovers and other luxury makes.

People know some of thee ustazs are never to be trusted. People understand the message of 3:75. Some of these ustazs when entrusted with a single silver coin will never return it to us but justify their refusal by saying they are not accountable to stupid people. Only some when entrusted with a hoard of gold, will return them to us.

These modern day preachers think people are stupid and therefore, they don’t have to account themselves to stupid people. It is time for people to reject these charlatans and hypocrites.  

We have to look deeper and closer. What was the hidden agenda behind the H355 Rally? Is it to unite the Malays using religion and race supremacy? I think there are valid grounds to think it is.

Some people seem to think that Malays will unite if it can be shown to them that their religion and their existence as a Malay nation are endangered. By Malay nation, we mean Malays who think in terms of the race, religion and king. Any imagined threats to these must be responded with the threat of force and aggression.  UMNO has gone around the length and breadth of the country, telling Malays, their nation is in danger.

PAS has acted the same by telling Malays, their religion is under siege. Unfortunately, this claim has not been corroborated with facts. The religion of Islam is under the absolute control of Malay rulers and the state governments. These entities must have been compromised to make the claim stands.

If Muslims continue to commit all the crimes that require harsher punishments, then that could mean, the Malays are superficially Muslims. 
If Islam is threatened and endangered, it means, there is  no group that stands in opposition to urge people to do good and reject the bad. It can only mean, the absence of a section of the community that refuses to stand up to the evil carried out by another section of the community. It can only mean that PAS has made promises but produced dismal results.

Posted by Ariff Sabri (with permission)