Selangor Menteri Besar Amirudin Shari claimed that nearly all Covid-19 cases in the state can be attributed to workplace clusters, seemingly contradicting Health Ministry data.
“We are aware and should acknowledge that a large number of cases come from workplace clusters.
“Based on the latest data and figures, 91 percent of cases in Selangor are transmitted at work, namely 80 percent at industrial clusters, and 11 percent at construction site clusters.
“This equates to 125 clusters in the two sectors,” he said at the launch of the state’s "Vaksin Selangor" (Selvax) initiative today.
However, Health Ministry director-general Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah previously said most Covid-19 cases in Malaysia are now sporadic cases, rather than being traceable to a particular cluster.
This is in contrast to earlier waves of the pandemic where a large portion of cases was linked to clusters.
In a statement on June 21, Noor Hisham said 398,846 out of 578,105 Covid-19 cases (69 percent) recorded in Malaysia from Jan 1 to June 19 were classified as sporadic cases.
Selangor recorded the highest number of sporadic cases of all states, comprising 151,725 out of 194,062 cases (78 percent) recorded during the period. This would mean only 22 percent of cases in the state can be attributed to other sources such as clusters or imported cases.
More recently, International Trade and Industry Minister Azmin Ali quoted Health Ministry data in saying that only five to 10 percent of Covid-19 cases are from the manufacturing sector. This appears to the referring to national data, rather than infections in Selangor alone.
He also quoted Health Ministry data in claiming that only 25 percent of Covid-19 cases are from clusters, while the remaining 75 percent are not from clusters. - Mkini
The government, through collaboration with various ministries and agencies, will tackle the issue of depression that has led to suicidal behaviour among some individuals, said Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs) Zulkifli Mohamad Al-Bakri.
He said the issue of depression leading to suicides had been discussed in the past few months by various parties, including his ministry, the Health Ministry and the Women, Family and Community Development Ministry.
“We will also collaborate and do our very best. Because out there, there are many religious people who say their method is the best while counsellors say theirs is the best. So to me, it’s better we all pool our efforts together,” he said.
He was speaking to reporters at the Tepoh constituency service centre in Kuala Terengganu today.
Zulkifli said he also planned to meet individuals suffering from overwhelming depression or stress to better understand and try to solve their problems.
Health Ministry director-general Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah, in a statement yesterday, urged Malaysians to be more aware and conscious of their family members and people around them to identify early signs of depression that could trigger suicidal behaviours.
He said the Covid-19 pandemic had deeply impacted the mental health of every individual worldwide, including in Malaysia.
He said the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) found there was an increase in suicide cases reported in 2020, with 631 compared to 609 in 2019. As of March 2021, the police received 336 suicide reports.
Zulkifli also said various methods could be used to ensure the targeted group received immediate help, including raising a white flag in the front of their house.
“We will do everything. We will pray, we will carry out initiatives, we will go to the ground and, most importantly, we need to save as many as we can from being mired in issues like overwhelming stress.
“For now, I won’t say whether it’s right or wrong (to raise a white flag). What is better is how our assistance can reach the targeted people,” he said when asked to comment on the campaign to raise a white flag in front of one's house if someone required food or assistance as has gone viral on various social media platforms.
Zulkifli earlier presented 200 packs of food and basic necessities from Yayasan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia (Yadim) to Tepoh assemblyperson Hishamuddin Abdul Karim to be distributed to those in need.
The baby boy was found at about 7.30pm yesterday by the owner of the house after hearing the sound of crying and dogs barking. -Pic courtesy of PDRM
LAHAD DATU: A newborn was found under a house at Kampung Dasar Baru here.
The baby boy was found at about 7.30pm yesterday by the owner of the house after hearing the sound of crying and dogs barking.
District Police Chief Assistant Commissioner Rohan Shah Ahmad said a 27-year-old woman claimed to have found the baby who still had attached placenta on the muddy ground.
He said the woman and her family members took the baby to the Lahad Datu Hospital Emergency Department for treatment.
"The doctor who treated the baby estimated that the baby was about three or four hours old before he was found.
"The paramedics also believed that the baby weighing one kilogram was born prematurely, which is about seven months," he said in a media statement, adding that the baby had been placed at the intensive care unit (ICU) ward.
He said investigations were being carried out in accordance with Section 317 of the Penal Code for whoever, being the father or mother of a child under the age of twelve years, or having the care of such child, exposes or leaves such child in any place with the intention of wholly abandoning such child, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to seven years or with fine or with both.
He said those with information into the case could contact the assistant investigating officer Sergeant Aspalainah Mohd Zain at 0111-9019728 or go to the nearest police station. - NST
A video footage showing a robbery within an enclosed automated teller machine (ATM) facility did not happen in the state capital.-Pic courtesy of readers.
KOTA KINABALU: A video footage showing a robbery within an enclosed automated teller machine (ATM) facility did not happen in the state capital.
District police chief Assistant Commissioner Mohd Zaidi Abdullah, when contacted, confirmed that there was no such incident.
The 1-minute video showed a person wearing a helmet entering the chamber with a knife after a woman made a cash withdrawal from the ATM.
Netizens were speculating that the incident had happened at a bank in Damai.
Mohd Zaidi, however, said, police did not receive any report regarding robbery at banks or ATM facilities this week.
"Based on police investigation, none of the premises in the city have such an enclosed ATM chamber.
"We also did not receive any reports from a victim who was robbed at a bank or at an ATM facility," he said.
Mohd Zaidi gave assurance that police would continue maintaining peace and order in the city. - NST
Police manning the main road leading to Istana Pasir Pelangi near the Johor Baru city centre June 30, 2021. — Picture by Ben Tan.
JOHOR BARU, June 30 ― There were no signs of any gathering or untoward incident today following the ‘Black Democracy’ movement’s call to protest the implementation of the nationwide movement control order (MCO) at designated areas throughout the state capital here.
The protest, scheduled to be held at 12pm in strategic areas of the city centre here today, however was overshadowed by strict security control by police.
Among the main locations initially targeted were Istana Bukit Serene, Istana Besar, Istana Pasir Pelangi and the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) building along Jalan Datuk Dalam and Jalan Ayer Molek.
Checks by Malay Mail as of 4pm showed that police presence had been tightened with roadblocks cordoning the main roads leading towards the city centre and the areas listed.
The popular Jalan Skudai route along the Danga Bay area saw police personnel manning the roads leading to Istana Bukit Serene.
The city centre roads leading towards the EPF building and Wisma Persekutuan were sealed off and only open to those who have vaccination appointments at the Persada International Convention Centre.
Earlier, Johor Baru Sourh police chief Assistant Commissioner Mohd Padzli Mohd Zain was quoted by Malay portal Kosmo saying the situation in the city centre was under control without any sign of illegal gatherings.
He said the personnel involved in security measures numbered 400 rank personnel and officers.
“The security controls that we have made in several strategic locations in the city did not detect any movement of Black Democracy protests,” he said when met at the EPF building earlier in the afternoon.
Yesterday, Johor police chief Datuk Ayob Khan Mydin Pitchay warned individuals and groups who intend to join ‘Black Democracy’ protest today to refrain from doing so or risk being compounded for flouting the standard operating procedure (SOP) under the movement control order (MCO).
He assured the public that police have mobilised security elements to ensure that no incidents involving the 'Black Democracy' protest will take place in the state.
On Monday, a two minute and 40 second video entitled Mesej Pada Rakyat Malaysia showed a man in an altered voice and wearing a Guy Fawkes mask urging Malaysians nationwide to protest against the current Perikatan Nasional (PN) government.
Calling the protest ‘Operation Black Democracy’, the unknown figure claimed that its objective was to overthrow the government in Malay.
He told Malaysians to go to the streets wearing black clothing at noon on June 30 (today) and named Istana Negara, National Mosque and state mosques as venues to gather.
The ‘Black Democracy’ protest was expected to be held at Istana Negara, around the Klang Valley, Putrajaya Mosque, Dataran Merdeka, state palaces and EPF offices in each state. malaymail
Seorang bayi lelaki dipercayai ditinggalkan di bawah sebuah rumah di Kampung Dasar Baru, di Lahad Datu, semalam. (Gambar Polis)
LAHAD DATU: Bunyi tangisan dan salakan anjing membawa kepada penemuan seorang bayi lelaki yang dipercayai ditinggalkan di bawah sebuah rumah di Kampung Dasar Baru, di sini, semalam.
Bayi yang dipercayai baru beberapa jam dilahirkan itu ditemui pemilik rumah berkenaan kira-kira jam 7.30 malam dalam keadaan masih mempunyai uri dan tertiarap di atas tanah berlumpur.
Ketua Polis Daerah Lahad Datu, Rohan Shah Ahmad berkata, selepas menemui bayi terbabit, pemilik rumah yang juga seorang wanita berusia 27 tahun bersama ahli keluarganya terus membawa bayi itu ke Jabatan Kecemasan di Hospital Lahad Datu untuk mendapatkan rawatan.
“Doktor yang merawat bayi berkenaan menganggarkan usia bayi itu sekitar tiga atau empat jam sebelum ditemui.
“Pasukan paramedik juga percaya bayi seberat satu kilogram itu dilahirkan dalam keadaan pramatang iaitu berada dalam kandungan sekitar tujuh bulan,” katanya ketika dihubungi, hari ini.
Rohan berkata, setakat ini, bayi terbabit berada dalam keadaan tidak stabil dan ditempatkan di wad unit rawatan rapi (ICU) untuk rawatan serta pemantauan.
Pemilik rumah terbabit menunjukkan tempat bayi itu ditemui. (Gambar Polis)
Katanya, siasatan lanjut sedang dijalankan mengikut Seksyen 317 Kanun Keseksaan iaitu kesalahan ibu bapa atau penjaga yang bertanggungjawab ke atas kanak-kanak berusia 12 tahun ke bawah atau membuang kanak-kanak terbabit.
“Jika sabit kesalahan, pesalah boleh dikenakan hukuman penjara sehingga tujuh tahun atau denda atau kedua-dua sekali,” katanya.
Sehubungan itu, Rohan menyeru masyarakat yang mempunyai maklumat supaya tampil menyalurkan maklumat.
Katanya, masyarakat boleh menghubungi penolong pegawai penyiasat kes, Aspalainah Mohd Zain di nombor 0111-9019728 atau hadir ke balai polis berhampiran. - FMT
Mahkamah mengarahkan hukuman penjara terhadap wanita itu berjalan serentak. (Gambar Reuters)
PETALING JAYA: Akibat mencuri barang kemas dan mengugut majikannya menggunakan pisau, seorang pembantu rumah warga Indonesia dipenjara enam bulan dan denda RM3,000 oleh Mahkamah Majistret Selayang hari ini.
Majistret Nik Fadli Nik Azlan mengarahkan Supriani, 41, dipenjara enam bulan dan denda RM3,000 selepas mengaku bersalah mencuri gelang tangan dan cincin emas bernilai RM3,000 milik Mohd Izzuddin Makhtar, 32, lapor Bernama.
Dia turut dipenjara empat bulan selepas mengaku salah menakutkan Mohd Izzuddin dengan mengacukan pisau ke arah mangsa.
Dua kesalahan itu dilakukan di sebuah rumah di Jalan Halamanda, Gombak, dekat sini, pada 10 malam, 25 Jun lepas.
Nik Fadli memerintahkan dua hukuman penjara itu berjalan serentak bermula dari tarikh tertuduh ditangkap pada 26 Jun lepas.
Beliau turut mengarahkan Supriani dipenjara tiga bulan sekiranya gagal membayar denda.
Bagi kesalahan pertama, tertuduh didakwa mengikut Seksyen 381 Kanun Keseksaan yang membawa hukuman penjara maksimum tujuh tahun dan denda.
Tuduhan kedua pula dibuat mengikut Seksyen 506 Kanun Keseksaan yang membawa hukuman penjara dua tahun atau denda atau kedua-duanya.
Terdahulu, Timbalan Pendakwa Raya Khairunnisak Hassni memohon hukuman setimpal berbentuk pengajaran dengan mengambil kira tindakan tertuduh mengacukan pisau menyebabkan mangsa berasa takut selain mangsa turut mengalami kerugian.
Tertuduh yang tidak diwakili peguam merayu hukuman ringan atas alasan dia telah insaf dan ingin segera pulang ke Indonesia.
Mengikut fakta kes, pada hari kejadian, mangsa telah menyoal tertuduh mengenai kehilangan gelang dan cincin emas miliknya yang ditemui dalam beg pakaian wanita itu.
Supriani yang menafikan mencuri barang tersebut tiba-tiba telah mengambil pisau di dapur dan mengacukannya ke arah mangsa. - FMT
The long line of people waiting by the road to enter the Kluang TNB yard for the food and other rations donated by locals and outsiders too.
KLUANG: For the last two Fridays, there has been a long line of people snaking out of the Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) yard here.
No, there’s no blackout or litany of complaints. The people of Kluang are coming to TNB to get food and other necessities.
Even before the white flag campaign to help the needy began in the Klang Valley, the TNB workers in Kluang had started to understand the hardships faced by the people there.
The workers have turned the yard into a food bank, handing out necessities like rice, sugar, flour and even diapers – both for children and adults – every Friday morning.
It all began when the team of 10, who go out to do repairs and also to change meters, saw many people suffering from hunger, with no way of earning money.
“It was so painful for us to see so many people suffering. My team and I felt like we had to do something,” said Zulkilfly Amin Karma, a senior technician with TNB here.
The team then pooled their money, bought some foodstuff and started handing them out to the needy. The idea just took off, thanks also to a Facebook page for Kluang locals.
Many people came to know about what the TNB folk were doing.
TNB workers Muhammad Ahmad Shukti (in red) and Mohd Shahrul Nizam Mohd Roslan packing foodstuff to be given away to the needy.
In the first week, there were 74 people who turned up. In the second week, it almost doubled to 135 and this Friday, the organisers are expecting more than 200 for what they call the”gerobok rezeki” (community chest).
Zulkilfly says the idea has been embraced by the people of Kluang.
“Many people started bringing foodstuff and other items to the yard every day. We have a lot of food now stacked up in our office and we are ready to help more people,” said Zulkifly, adding that even those outside Kluang were coming in to help.
Zulkifly said he and his team would like to help the needy every day but it was not possible as they had a lot of work to do.
“But on Fridays, we make it a point to be here. We follow all SOPs and make sure people wear face masks and maintain physical distancing.
“Most of the those who come here are the hardcore poor. They are people who have lost their jobs and have suffered loss of income in these difficult times.”
He said that with the good response, they would try to keep their “community chest” going for as long as possible. - FMT
Negeri Sembilan menteri besar Aminuddin Harun said the proposal has been submitted to enforcement agencies.
SEREMBAN: The Negeri Sembilan government has proposed that factories with positive Covid-19 cases should be closed for 14 days to ensure industrial clusters in the state are brought under control.
Negeri Sembilan menteri besar Aminuddin Harun said the proposal has been submitted to enforcement agencies.
“We are requesting the relevant parties to consider the proposal and take further action so that the industrial clusters can be brought under control to break the infection chain,” he said in an online press conference after chairing the weekly state executive council meeting today.
Negeri Sembilan recorded the second-highest daily Covid-19 positive cases in the country today with 644 infections, next to Selangor’s 2,836 transmissions.
Aminuddin also said that the Paroi Youth and Sports Complex and Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Rembau have been converted into vaccination centres (PPVs) and would open next Monday.
He said the opening of the PPVs would speed up the target of administering 20,000 vaccine shots a day.
Meanwhile, he said a total of 655,865 individuals in the state had registered for Covid-19 vaccination and out of the number, 177,793 individuals had received the first dose while 90,203 recipients had completed both doses of the vaccine so far. - FMT
Rohayah Che Samah, seen here receiving some financial aid, said her children working in Kuala Lumpur have also had their income affected by the pandemic. (Bernama pic)
KOTA BHARU: Feeling helpless and depressed after three days of surviving on biscuits as she had run out of rice, a single mother flew a white flag in front of her house, signifying that she needed help.
Rohayah Che Samah, 50, said she did that as her savings were running out and in fact, she had run out of rice three days ago.
Rohayah who lives with her youngest child, Amalina Kamaraddin, 14, said since then, they had been eating biscuits and cakes donated by neighbours.
“I installed the white flag as asked to do so by my younger sister after often telling her about my problems, so that people would come to assist me.
“I actually did not know about the white flag (campaign) to seek help. I thank God that after I flew the white flag, people approached us with aid,” she said when met at her house, here, today.
Rohayah and her daughter Amalina live in a 300sq ft rented house in Kampung Pulau Kundor, Pengkalan Chepa, here. She is originally from Salor, also in Kota Bharu.
The mother of six said she was financially constrained as she was only depending on her small earnings from batik painting at RM2 per piece.
“The most I earn in a day is from painting seven pieces of batik but there is not enough material since the movement control order came into effect.
“My other children who are in Kuala Lumpur are unable to support me as they have ordinary jobs and their income is also affected by the Covid-19 pandemic,” she added. - FMT
Former foreign minister Anifah Aman and SAPP president Yong Teck Lee are against ‘one-size-fits-all’ SOPs for the whole country.
KOTA KINABALU: Former foreign minister Anifah Aman wants the federal government to respect the Sabah government’s decision to relax SOPs in the state.
The former Umno strongman said the state government was capable of addressing the situation in Sabah, especially when it comes to dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic.
“I fully support the decision made by the state government and chief minister Hajiji Noor,” he said in a statement today.
“Decisions pertaining to the wellbeing of the people of Sabah should not be made by desk bureaucrats from afar, and who do not fully comprehend the situation in the state.”
Earlier today, Gabungan Rakyat Sabah (GRS) leaders, including deputy chief ministers Bung Moktar Radin and Jeffrey Kitingan, rallied behind Hajiji over the issue.
This came after a reminder from Putrajaya that all states must heed the SOPs set by the National Security Council (MKN) to curb the spread of Covid-19, which, among others, does not allow dining-in at restaurants.
Hajiji had on Monday announced that several social and economic activities would be allowed, including dining-in at restaurants, eateries and hotels, while hair salons, and stalls selling vegetables, fish and fruits by the roadside could reopen.
However, senior minister for security Ismail Sabri Yaakob said yesterday that all states had to abide by the regulations fixed by the MKN while the country was under the current lockdown.
He said there must be standardised procedures for the entire nation and states should not make up their own rules.
Following that, Sabah local government and housing minister Masidi Manjun said the state had submitted a new set of SOPs for phase one of the movement control order (MCO) under the National Recovery Plan to the federal government.
He said the state government was still waiting for the SOPs to be gazetted.
In his statement today, Anifah said it was unfair for Sabah, which only had 242 cases today, to be treated equally with Selangor, which recorded 2,836 cases.
“As long as the necessary SOPs are in place and the authorities can ensure maximum compliance with the regulations, the relaxation of SOPs for several sectors is the rational thing to do.
“While we respect the decision and jurisdiction of the federal government in this matter, the decision to loosen the SOPs was made in consensus by all components of the Sabah ruling government,” he said.
Anifah added that the decision was also made by the state Covid-19 Disaster Management Committee, which also included representatives from federal agencies.
“While we understand the federal government, especially the MKN, feels obliged to maintain control of this pandemic, we need to also realise that the economy is also the source of livelihood for our people.
“What is the point of saving lives from the pandemic but we end up losing more through suicides, due to depression and the economic toll caused by the continuous lockdown measures?” Anifah said.
Meanwhile, Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) president Yong Teck Lee, who also backed Hajiji, said many Sabah districts with lower population densities had been recording very few or no new cases for weeks, and even for months, amid the on-going vaccination programme.
“Thus, there should not be a situation where ‘one-size-fits-all’ SOPs are rigidly applied to all states and regions in the whole of Malaysia,” he said in a statement.
He said, in fact, health director-general Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah had previously praised Sabah as being exemplary in curbing Covid-19, comparing the success of the state in combating the pandemic with other states.
“Moreover, we must not forget that in accordance with the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63), and based on the prime minister’s announcement in Sarawak a few months ago, Sabah and Sarawak are wilayah (regions) and not simply a state like those in Peninsular Malaysia,” Yong said. - FMT
(MMO) – The Federal Constitution is the “supreme law of the Federation”, the highest law of the land, the law of laws, the grundnorm. According to Emeritus Professor Shad Faruqi, the Constitution creates the various organs of the state; describes and delimits their powers and functions; and prescribes rules about their relationship with each other and with the citizens.
So the Constitution creates a “Supreme Head of the Federation” called the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong and a “Deputy Supreme Head of the Federation” called the Timbalan Yang di-Pertuan Agong. It then creates a “Majlis Raja-Raja” (Conference of Rulers) which may deliberate on questions of national policy and “any other matter that it thinks fit.”
Having created all of the above [Articles 32(1), 33(1) and 38(1)], the Constitution declares that “the executive authority of the Federation shall be vested in the Yang di-Pertuan Agong” exercisable by His Majesty by the Cabinet [Article 39].
However, in the exercise of his functions under the Constitution or federal law His Majesty “shall act in accordance with the advice of the Cabinet” [Article 40(1)], with the Cabinet appointed by His Majesty [Article 43(1)].
Arguably the most important function of the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong (the King) as the Supreme Head of the Federation is to appoint a prime minister who advises His Majesty on the appointment of Cabinet ministers.
But neither one is supreme over the other, and neither is allowed to violate the Constitution. Both are organs of the state, constituting the executive, whose powers and functions are described and limited by the Constitution — the supreme law of the Federation.
It is said that the King reigns, he does not rule or govern. The Cabinet that rules, though, must rule in accordance with the law, in peace time or Emergency time. During the latter, the Constitution allows laws called ordinances to be promulgated [Article 150(2B)].
But — and this is a big BUT — the Constitution mandates that a proclamation of Emergency and any ordinance promulgated under it “shall be laid before both Houses of Parliament” [Article 150(3)]. The tabling is mandatory.
Which explains why the King has said it again that Parliament should meet again as soon as possible to allow for His Majesty’s proclamation of Emergency and the ordinances to be presented in Parliament.
So, while it is true that the King reigns and does not rule, His Majesty may remind.
Yesterday, it was the King’s third gentle reminder.
Anyway, while they figure out whether to reconvene Parliament over the next 30 days before 1st August 2021, or after the Emergency ends on 1st August 2021, let’s focus on the game this Saturday and see whether England is going to win and will go up to the next level.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
The Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) spin doctors must still be in shell-shock because England beat Germany two-zero last night. That probably explains why the boys and girls in PMO revealed that Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin is in hospital because he berak cair.
I mean, we certainly want transparency from Putrajaya, but revealing that the PM is “running” from his backside is maybe too much transparency. Next, they will be revealing the viscosity and colour of the taik cair (viscosity: the state of being thick, sticky, or semifluid due to internal friction).
Probably that is a good move after all. If not, a certain Minah Saleh blogger from London might say, “There you are! I told you so many times. Muhyiddin is dying from cancer and does not have long to live.” Yes, that is what they have been spinning for so long.
Even then they might say this story about the PM in hospital because he berak cair due to viscosity problems is bullshit and that it is merely a cover story. The real reason the PM is in hospital is because of cancer, they will say. So, the PMO is hiding the truth from us.
I suppose one way to counter this “PM is dying spin” would be to summon Anwar Ibrahim and Ahmad Zahid Hamidi to hospital to witness the PM having a poo so that they can inspect the poo and confirm whether is it really berak cair of berak semelit.
But they must practice social distancing of at least six feet to avoid not only the smell but the Covid-19 virus as well. And a double-lawyer mask would be advisable, for both those reasons.
After that Anwar can do his favourite thing — which is hold a press conference — and announce that Muhyiddin does not have convincing, strong and solid numbers…sorry, I mean convincingly does not have solid shit or a strong stomach.
The anti-government people say Muhyiddin’s cirik-berek is due to a panic attack because Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong has “Titah Pandangan” (in English means “Royal Decree of His Majesty’s Views”).
Another theory is Muhyiddin checked himself into hospital because he has not been able to figure out what “Royal Decree of His Majesty’s Views” means. Hence he chose to exit the scene and leave the problem with the Speaker of the Parliament, the Speaker of the Senate, and the Attorney-General to figure out.
It seems Dewan Bahasa has been requested to shed some light on what “Titah Pandangan” or “Royal Decree of His Majesty’s Views” means. Dewan Bahasa advised the two Speakers of Parliament-Senate and the AG that “Titah Pandangan” or “Royal Decree of His Majesty’s Views” is similar to “hurry up slowly” — which means it is like a transexual situation (neither man nor woman but a bit of both).
Anyway, while they figure out whether to reconvene Parliament over the next 30 days before 1st August 2021, or after the Emergency ends on 1st August 2021, let’s focus on the game this Saturday and see whether England is going to win and will go up to the next level.
While public assemblies have been normalised by the many Bersih assemblies throughout the past decade, Malaysians are not the sort that will easily go to the streets to protest.
Sixty-odd years of BN winning the elections have shown that when it comes to governments, we are willing to tolerate a lot of negative traits of the powers that be. It took the GST, 1MDB and united opposition to topple BN in 2018 from Putrajaya.
Malaysians have not resorted to the streets, yet. But as someone who has been observing Malaysian social media for more than a decade, I have not seen this much public display of anger and resentment from people.
Last year, the hashtag #MuhyiddinOut trended on social media platform Twitter. Earlier this year, #KerajaanGagal (‘Failed Government’) trended, a moniker that has stuck with this government since. #KerajaanGagal trended regularly, every time the Government incurs the wrath of netizens since it first gained prominence.
A day before the rulers’ special meeting on June 16, #KerajaanGagal and #KerajaanBodoh (‘Stupid Government’) trended. This was after the prime minister unveiled the government’s National Recovery Plan, which was greeted with a resounding thumbs down from many netizens.
The anger at that time was palpable. But the people were not done. Last Saturday, #KerajaanBangsat (‘Evil Government’) trended and reached more than 26,000 tweets. A day after that, #KerajaanPembunuh (‘Murderer Government’) trended as well, reaching about 10,000 tweets.
In the space of less than a year, the government has been assaulted with various slurs and insults, a reflection of the rising public anger mostly with its handling of the Covid-19 pandemic in the country.
In my years of being a social media observer, I have never quite seen this sort of anger being expressed to the government. Labels such as ‘bodoh’, ‘bangsat’ and ‘pembunuh’ do not get banded about lightly as they carry a very negative stigma, especially in Bahasa Melayu.
Of course, many may want to argue that Twitter is not reflective of the realities on the ground. While this may be true most of the time, the reality is much worse. Twitter is the outlet of these frustrations, expressions of those who have also been hit by the pandemic but with enough means to make their voices heard.
A check with other social media platforms such as Facebook, which are generally more sympathetic to the government also showed that the anger and frustration are consistent with that on Twitter. Proof of this can be found in Facebook pages of news portals as well as government ministries and agencies, where Malaysians vented their feelings in the comments section.
TikTok and Clubhouse, the newest social media platforms which are slowly gaining prominence are also hotbeds of anti-government sentiments.
Based on social media, the well-known patience of Malaysians appears to be wearing thin.
It was all very different for the prime minister and the cabinet at the start of their tenure. The prime minister enjoyed wide general support, and the Government was credited with dealing with the pandemic.
The Prihatin economic package announced during the first movement control order (MCO) brought about a feel-good factor that the government rode on for a number of months.
Much of that goodwill has dissipated. Even the National People's Well-Being and Economic Recovery Package (Pemulih) was met with a lukewarm reception. To a lot of people, it was too little, too late and too slow.
Of course, trending hashtags do not change the government. Trending hashtags may move the government to do certain things, but only if they have the political will to do so.
But trending hashtags are a reflection of the rakyat’s sentiments. Maybe not for the whole country, maybe just for a certain segment of the nation’s demographic.
But we have seen how governments can fall because of social media. If this government continues to ignore the people’s expressions, they may find that the people may not give them another chance when it is time to seek a mandate. - Mkini
SYAHREDZAN JOHAN is a civil liberties lawyer and political secretary to Iskandar Puteri MP Lim Kit Siang.
The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of MMKtT.